8ABMK-K-447APRIL 2015
- This approved technical specificationshall be put into effect on its date of issue.
- Date of expiry1 of this approved specification is 31thDecember 2020.
- No changes can be made on this approved specification.
- This approved specification consists of 8 (eight) sheets including its cover page.
1“Date of expiry”provision shall not be applied to files went out to tender before this date or files concludedwith an agreement.
This specificationcovers technical features, examination and methods of inspection and other related subjects of Aramid Based Armor Fabricwhich will be purchased for the need of Turkish Armed Forces.
2.1.1.Areal Density: Ratio of test plate heaviness to plate’s surface area which is shot at.
2.1.2.Dent: Permanent deformation on the padding that is in contact with the inner surface of the test plate after a shoot that does not lead to a puncture.
2.1.3.Puncture:Permanent deformation on the test plate resulting from the whole of or parts of the bullet that enters the outer surface of the plate perforating through the inner surface of the plate.
2.1.4. Angle of incidence: The angle between the bullet’s line of sight and the normal point of impact on the plate.
2.2.1.Fabric: Aramid Based Armor Fabric
2.3.Conditions of Use
2.3.1.It will be used in production of ballistic protective vest.
3.1.General Requests
3.1.1.Particulars related to quality assurance and product quality documents shall be governed by the articles of current TAF Product Purchase Quality Assurance Services Directive and shall be as specified in the tender document.
3.1.2.Codification process shall be carried out as per the articles of current Ministry of National Defense, National Codification Services Directive.
3.2.Technical Requests
3.2.1.Type of material shall be aramid.
3.2.2.Type of weave of the fabric shall be 1/1 in plain weave.
3.2.3.Mass per unit area of the fabric shall be 210 (two hundred and ten) g/m2 at most when it is kept at 105±5 (one hundred and one plus minus five) ˚C for 120±1 (one hundred and twenty plus minus one) minutes.
3.2.4.The tolerance as well as the width of the fabric shall be as specified in the tender document.
3.2.5.Yarn number of the fabric shall be at least 75 (seventy-five) / 10 (ten) cm in weft.
3.2.6.Yarn number of the fabric shall be at least 75 (seventy-five) / 10 (ten) cm in warp.
3.2.7.Water repellent degree of the fabric shall be at least 4 (four).
3.2.8.Particulars related to date of production and shelf life of the fabric shall be specified in the tender document.
3.2.9.Test plates produced from the fabric as specified ballistic features determination method shall meet the standards below. punctures shall take place when it’s put to resistance test. depth of dent measured on the padding shall be 44 (forty four) mm at most when it is put to puncture resistance test. V50 speed measured when it is put to shrapnel test shall be at least 620 (six hundred and twenty) m/s.
3.2.10.The number of the defects for the fabric that have been classified as critical, major and minor defects in Table-1, shall not exceed the number of “Acceptable Defects” as per defect criteria in Tablo-2.
3.3.Packaging and Labeling Requests
3.3.1.Particulars related to packaging and labeling shall be as specified in the tender document.
4.1.Sampling for examination and inspectionshall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Turkish Armed Forces Product Purchase, Inspection,Examination and Goods Acceptance Directive.
4.2.Fabrics examined at a time shall be considered as a batch.
4.3.The amount of sample to be taken from the fabric for physical examination shall be as specified in Table-2 in accordance with the size of batch.
4.4.The amount of sample to be taken for the laboratory examination of the fabric shall be as specified in Table-3.
4.5.46 ±1 (forty six plus minus one) m of fabric shall be taken as sample and the whole width of the fabric shall be used for each batch to be put to the ballistic properties test (puncture and shrapnel test).
5.1.General Considerations
5.1.1.Inspection and examination shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Armed Forces Product Purchase, Inspection, Examination and Goods Acceptance Directive.
5.1.2.All documents and certificates which prove that all device and measuring instruments to be used during examinations and provided by the contractor are calibrated which are valid at the time of examinations and issued by accredited firms/agencies or institutes that will conduct calibrations shall be presented to Examination and Good AcceptanceCommissions.
5.1.3.Tests which cannot be conducted in Turkish Armed Forces’ Laboratories shall be conducted as specified in the tender document.
5.2.Methods for Inspection and Examination
5.2.1.Determination of Mass per Unit Area: It shall be made preconditioned according to TS 251Particular-6, dated February 1991.
5.2.2.Determination of type of weave: It shall be conducted with the help of magnifying glass and/or by unweaving by hand.
5.2.3.Determination of Water Repellency: It shall be conducted according to TS EN ISO 4920, dated June 2013.
5.2.4.Determination of the type of the material: It shall be conducted in accordance with TS 4739 dated March 1986 or appropriate method in use in current literature.
5.2.5.Determination of the yarn number: It shall be conducted in accordance with TS 250 EN 1049-2 Method-A, dated February 1996.
5.2.6.Determination of the ballistic properties. number of test plates to be prepared for each batch shall be as follows: (four) plates for puncture test. (four) plates for shrapnel test. plates shall be prepared as follows: plates shall be produced with the sample fabric. plates shall be produced to have equal number of layers. layers of sizes 40 ± 1 x 40 ± 1 (forty plus minus one multipliedby forty plus minus one) cm shall be cut for test plates. plate which has an areal density of 0.525 (zero point five hundred twenty five) g/cm2 at most, shall be constructed by superimposing the fabric layers. plate shall be sewed at intervals of 100±10 (one hundred plus minus ten) mm. plates for puncture test shall be conditioned as follows: test plates shall be kept at 23±2 (twenty three plus minus two) ˚C in an environment with a rate of relative humidity of 50±5 % (fifty plus minus five per cent) for 24 (twenty four) hours.
8ABMK-K-447 two test plates shall be immersed to a water pool at 23±2 (twenty three plus minus two) ˚C for ten minutes till they get wet. After this process test plates shall be put to puncture test in 10-30 minutes. about speed measuring equipment and the padding to be used in ballistic tests shall be as follows: measuring equipment with 2 (two) sensors shall be used to determine the speed of bullets. measuring equipment shall be placed so that the midpoint between the two sensors will be 250±2.5 cm (two hundred and fifty plus minus two point five) away from the target. based modelling clay or glazier’s putty shall be used as padding in order to measure the dent to be produced after the shot. sufficiency of the padding shall be checked before every 6 (six) sets of shots with a drop test with the help of a steel sphere that will be dropped on it. of the drop test shall be as follows: steel sphere to be used in drop test shall have a diameter of 63,5±0,05 (sixty three point five plus minus zero point zero five) mm. steel sphere to be used in drop test shall have a weight of 1043±5 (one thousand and forty three plus minus five) g. steel sphere shall be dropped on the padding from a height of 200±2 (two hundred plus minus two) cm in a way that the sphere will go into a free fall. steel sphere that will fall free shall drop on the paddingin a way that has a depth of 140±2 (one hundred and forty plus minus two) mm and an area of 610±2x610±2 (six hundred and ten plus minus two multiplied by six hundred and ten plus minus two) mm2. test shall be repeated 5 (five) times in this way. distance between the centers of dents shall be at least 152 (one hundred and fifty two) mm and the distance from the dents from the margin of the material shall be at least 76 (seventy six) mm in each drop test. depths of the dents formed on the surface of the padding by the steel sphere shall be measured with the help of a caliper. arithmetic mean of the depths of the dents measured during the drop test shall be 19±2 (nineteen plus minus two) mm. the dents measured during drop tests shall be 16-22 (sixteen to twenty two) mm. shall be placed so that it will be in contact the back surface of the test plates in order for the depth of the dent to be measured. of the process of the puncture test shall be as follows: tests shall be conducted at 21±3 (twenty one plus minus three) ˚C. (nine) mm FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) MP5 bullets with a mass of 8 (eight) g shall be used in the tests. shall be made at a distance of 5±0,1 (five plus minus zero point one) m from the muzzle. speed of the bullets to be used in the tests shall be 436±10 (four hundred and thirty six plus minus ten) m/s. the test plates prepared shall be put to puncture test. about the number of shots to be made to each plate and points of impacts shall be as follows: shots shall be made to 4 (four) points of impact with anincidence angle of 0˚±1˚, (zero degree plus minus one degree) and two shots shall be made to 2 (two) points of impact with anincidence angle of 30˚±1˚ (thirty degree plus minus one degree) for every plate.
8ABMK-K-447 the first three shots, the distance of shot points to the margins of test plate shall be between 76-95 (seventy six hyphen ninety five) mm. the second three shots, the distance of shot points to the margins of test plate shall be at least 76 (seventy six) mm and point of impacts shall be within a circle which has a diameter of 100 (one hundred) mm. distance between the centers of the points of impacts shall be at least 51 (fifty one) mm plates shall be checked for any possible puncture after each shot. depth of dents shall be checked as follows: depth of dents formed on the padding shall be measured with the help of a caliper after every shot made with an incidence angle of 0˚±1˚ (zero degree plus minus one degree). dents formed on the padding shall be levelled after each 6 (six) shots. about the shrapnel test process shall be as follows: the test plates prepared shall be put to shrapnel test. test (V50 test) shall be conducted in accordance with STANAG 2920 and with the A3/6723/1 type shrapnel.
6.1.The document referred in the technical specifications.
6.2.Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.04, dated June, 2001.
6.3.Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard-0101.06, dated July, 2008.
6.4.Technical Specifications titled as “Ballistic Protective Composite Fabric” numbered 8AMK-K-81 F and dated November, 2007.
Table -1 Fabric Defects
The fabric is moldy or dirty, it gives off a disturbing smell / The defect is as defined in the name of defect part / x
Ladders in the weft or warp / Three or more ladders (missing yarns) in a row up to 5 (five) cm or up to two adjacent ladders shorter than 45 (forty five) cm / x
Two adjacent ladders shorter than 5 (five) cm / x
More than two adjacent ladders longer than 45 (forty five) cm / x
Dirty-oil weft or warp yarns / Longer than 10 (ten) cm / x
Shorter than 10 (ten) cm / x
Edges partly or permanently folded or twisted / The defect is as defined in the name of defect part / x
There are punctures, holes and tears in the fabric / The defect is as defined in the name of defect part / x
Thin or thick weft or warp yarns / The defect is as defined in the name of defect part / x
Too tight or loose weft or warp yarns / The defect is as defined in the name of defect part / x
Undulating surface / Undulating surface due to the tightness or looseness of some weft and warp yarns (non-conformity to an even surface) / x
Foreign materials or fibers in the weave / Easily visible / x
Table -2 The number of samples to be taken in accordance with the size of the batches and Defect Evaluation Criteria
Size of batch submitted for examination (meter) / The amount taken as sample for physical examination (meter) / (Maximum) Number of acceptable defectsCritical / Major / (Major +Minor)
1200 and less / 64 / 0 / 2 / 10
1201-3200 / 100 / 0 / 4 / 14
3201-10000 / 160 / 0 / 6 / 20
10001-35000 / 250 / 1 / 10 / 28
35001-110000 / 400 / 1 / 14 / 42
110001-500000 / 630 / 2 / 20 / 60
500001 and more / 1000 / 3 / 28 / 84
Table-3 The amount of sample to be taken for the examination of the fabric in the laboratory.
The amount to be taken as sample for physical examination (meter) / The amount to be taken for the laboratory examination (Pieces) [2 (two) meters of sample]100 and less / 4
101-400 / 6
401 and more / 8
09APRIL 2015