BlockbusterMan Site Map

  1. Title Page-Based On
  2. Based On-DC, Marvel, & Something Original
  3. DC-Standalone Or Cinematic Universe & Combine Together
  4. Standalone Or Cinematic Universe-Are You Sure? & CU Storylines
  5. Are You Sure?-CU Storylines & SA Storylines
  6. CU Storylines-CU Villains
  7. CU Villains-The Joker & Talk To Zack
  8. The Joker-But Wait There's More!
  9. But Wait There's More!-Batman V. Superman
  10. Batman V. Superman-Didn't Go Well
  11. Didn't Go Well-DCEU Ending
  12. DCEU Ending-Title Page
  13. Talk To Zack-But Wait There's More!
  14. SA Storylines-Just 1
  15. Just 1-Villains?
  16. Ugh-SA Ending
  17. SA Ending-Title
  18. Combine Together-CU Storylines
  19. Marvel-Avengers & Odd
  20. Avengers-Record Breaking Ending & I See
  21. Record Breaking Ending-Title
  22. I See-Leave
  23. Leave-Based On
  24. Odd-End Credits
  25. End Credits-0 & 1+
  26. 0-1+
  27. 1+-Odd Ending
  28. Odd Ending-Title
  29. Something Original-Based On

“-text on page/ CAPS-link to next page/ -attached files

  1. Title Page: “BlockbusterMan! Can you make the next best superhero movie? By Nick Falisi” ENTER(Based On) title.html
  2. Based On: “So, what established property would you want your movie to be based on?” DC(DC) MARVEL(Marvel) SOMETHING ORIGINAL(Something Original) basedon.html
  3. DC: “Alright, that can work. Any particular character you had in mind?” BATMAN(Standalone Or Cinematic Universe) SUPERMAN(Combine Together) WONDER WOMAN(Combine Together) dc.html
  4. Standalone Or Cinematic Universe?: “Great choice! Important question though, is this a standalone film or part of a larger cinematic universe?” STANDALONE(Are You Sure?) CINEMATIC UNIVERSE(CU Storylines) sacu.html
  5. Are You Sure?: “Are you sure? I feel like we could definitely do a Batman/Superman thing. Maybe even Wonder Woman too!” OKAY(CU Storylines) NO(SA Storylines) sure.html
  6. CU Storylines: “Great! So how many cherished comic book storylines do you want to take on in a single movie?” 5+(CU Villains) custory.html
  7. CU Villains: “Excellent! The more the merrier! Now let's pick a villain!” THE JOKER(The Joker) LEX LUTHOR(The Joker) ALL OF THEM!(Talk To Zack) cuvillains.html
  8. The Joker: “The Joker, of course! Everybody loves him! And we should do Doomsday too! And Zod! And maybe hint to Darkseid! And...!” WAIT...(But Wait There's More!) joker.html
  9. But Wait There's More!: “And then we'll do Lois Lane! And Wonder Woman! Cyborg! The Flash! Batman shooting people!” PLEASE(Batman V. Superman) more.html
  10. Batman V. Superman: “Alright! Here's our movie! Won't everyone love it?” I HOPE(Didn't Go Well) bvs.html
  11. Didn't Go Well: “So..uh...the critics didn't like it. And a lot of the audience didn't either. But the true fans-they got it! You know what we should do now?” TRY SOMETHING ELSE(DCEU Ending) well.html
  12. DCEU Ending: “What? But we're doing so well! Let's do the Justice League now! We've earned it! Yikes. The End.” BACK(Title) dceu.html
  13. Talk To Zack: “Finally! Someone gets it! I'm gonna have to talk to Zack Snyder about you!” GREAT!(But Wait There's More!) zack.html
  14. SA Storylines: “Oh boy. You're one of those 'I want to focus on making one good movie instead of setting up ten others' kind of guys aren't you. Fine. How many storylines are you doing, at least?” JUST ONE(Just 1) sastory.html
  16. Ugh: “UGH...” TO YOUR MOVIE(SA Ending) ugh.html
  17. SA Ending: “You're movie was praised by both critics and audiences alike! They asked you to do a sequel but you're convinced everything wrapped up nicely. Good on you. The End.” BACK(Title) saend.html
  18. Combine Together: “Ah. Okay. But what if we combine them with some other characters?” SURE(CU Storylines) NO(CU Storylines) combine.html
  19. Marvel: “Cool cool cool. So do you want to do something with the core Avengers or something a little off the beaten path?” AVENGERS(Avengers) ODD(Odd) marvel.html
  20. Avengers: “Solid. I just want to let you know that you've got to work in a few standard things if you want to work together. Such as: Bantery comedy, Key Terms: infinity stone, Thanos, anything that references a past movie, One or more end credits sequences, Howard the Duck That sound okay to you?” DEFINITELY(Record Breaking Ending) UH, NO(I See) avengers.html
  21. Record Breaking Ending: “Great! The numbers are in and we've broken all box office records! Again! The critics said it was a little muddled and confused but we made millions of dollars! Let's work together again sometime! The End” BACK(Title) recordend.html
  22. I See: “I see.” SO?(Leave) isee.html
  23. Leave: “You can leave.” OH OKAY(Based On) leave.html
  24. Odd: “Cool. Feel free to pick whatever character you like and any hip director you want!” LET'S GET TO WORK!(End Credits) odd.html
  25. End Credits: “So you've got your finished product altogether? Neat. How many end credit sequences did you work in?” 0(0) 1+(1+) credits.html
  26. 0: “Eh hmm. Let me rephrase that. Where is your end credits scene? HERE(1+) zero.html
  27. 1+: “Alright everything looks good. We'll fit this in somewhere in phase seven. Right between Iron Man 10 and Avengers 5 ½.” OKAY(Odd Ending) oneplus.html
  28. Odd Ending: “So the numbers are back on your film. They're pretty average but people seem to like the individuality of it. Can't wait to see you for the sequel! The End.” oddend.html
  29. Something Original: “Oh...yikes. I admire your choice, I really do, but regardless of how good your film is, no one's going to see it. Or at least, we're not going to fund it. Sorry pal.” TRY AGAIN(Based On) original.html