The “art” of persuasion…Writing a PERSUASIVE ESSAY

YOUR TASK: To write a 5-paragraph persuasive essay with the purpose of convincing your audience to agree with or believe in your position.

Upon completion, you will submit the following:

  • Copies of TWO sources used for research
  • Completed pre-writing outline
  • Hand-written rough draft with visible revision and editing
  • Typed final copycontaining in-text citations (Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced)
  • Typed Works Cited page in correct MLA format

***All parts must be submitted on the due date for full credit.

Your essay will be completed in the following order:

  1. Select a topic from the options provided.
  1. Bring in TWO sources which will be used for research as support

Please note: You may not use any websites for this assignment. However, you may use an Internet based encyclopedia, magazine, or newspaper as a source. (For example: is The Record newspaper and Ebsco Host on the BCCLS website will provide other reliable newspaper and magazine articles.)

  1. Create a Works Cited page of the sources in correct MLA format. Remember to use Parenthetical citations in the body of your essay as evidence of your use of the sources listed on your Works Cited page.
  1. As your pre-writing, create an outline of your essay using the attached template
  1. Hand write your ROUGH DRAFT- 5 paragraphs
  1. Proofread your rough draft and have your draft edited by your peers, then make any necessary revisions.
  1. Type your final draft in correct manuscript format.Attach the following to your final copy in the following order:
  • Final copy (on top). Include the Works Cited page with the final copy.
  • Hand written rough draft with revisions
  • Peer editing sheet
  • Outline


It is safe to say that most people have the desire to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer, healthier lives. Exercise is a tool that can bring people closer to all of these desires. There are many people who question the importance of regular exercise in daily life, however I believe that exercise is crucial to a person’s well being for many reasons. For one thing, exercise helps people manage weight and keeps them physically fit. Also, exercise improves mood and reduces stress. And what I believe to be most important of all is the fact that exercise is proven to combat disease and strengthens the heart and lungs. All of these factors combined make it obvious that exercise should be a part of everyone’s weekly routine.

Outline Template


Essay topic______

Your position______

Hook ______

Thesis statement ______

Point 1 to be discussed in body paragraph 1


Point 2 to be discussed in body paragraph 2


Point 3 to be discussed in body paragraph 3


Concluding statement- This sentence should lead into the first body paragraph
