Pozarevac, Voje Dulica 19

Branicevo Chess Union


The Chess Festival

"Pozarevac Open Championship"

Hotel „Dunav“

from 23-25th December, 2016

Open "A"

OPEN tournament for players rated over 2000 FIDE. The organizer can include a limited number of players with lower elo.The Open "A" will be played according to FIDE rules over 5 rounds of Swiss system.The tournament will be rated with FIDE.

The time control is 75 minutes for 40 moves + 15 minutes until the end of the game + 30 seconds increment starting from move 1.

Prize fund 90.000 RSD (1 EUR=120 RSD)

Regular prizes: 25.000, 20.000, 15.000, 12.000, 9.000, 6.000 RSD

The winner recieves a trophy

- Best placed woman - 5.000 RSD

- Best placed player from Branicevo county - 5.000 RSD

The prizes will be divided according to Hort system. The special prizes are not divided and cannot be cumulated.

Entry fees:

- Players rated U1999 are paying the entry fee 30 EUR, except women and U18 juniors who are paying 25 EUR.

- Players rated 2000-2299 are paying the entry fee 20 EUR, except women and U18 juniors who are paying 17 EUR.

- Players rated 2300-2399 are paying the entry fee 17 EUR, except women and U18 juniors who are paying 15 EUR.

- Players rated over 2400, Grandmasters and Woman Grandmasters do not pay entry fee

Open "B"

OPEN tournament for players rated under 2200 FIDE.The Open "B" will be played according to FIDE rules over 5 rounds of Swiss system.The tournament will be rated with FIDE.

The time control is 75 minutes for 40 moves + 15 minutes until the end of the game + 30 seconds increment starting from move 1.

Prize fund 101.000 RSD (1 EUR=120 RSD, 1 USD=111 RSD, 1 CHF=113,5 RSD)

Regular prizes: 15.000, 10.000, 8.000, 6.000, 5.000 RSD

The winner recieves a trophy

- Best placed woman - 3.000 RSD

- Best placed player from Branicevo county - 3.000 RSD

The prizes will be divided according to Hort system. The special prizes are not divided and cannot be cumulated.

Entry fees:

- Players rated U2200 elo are paying the entry fee 20 EUR, except women and U18 juniors who are paying 17 EUR.

Open "C"

OPEN tournament for players rated under 1700 FIDE.The Open "C" will be played according to FIDE rules over 9 rounds of Swiss system.The tournament will not be rated with FIDE. The tournament is valid for national categories.The time control is 45 minutes per player + 15 seconds increment starting from move 1.

Prize fund 11.000 RSD (1 EUR=120 RSD, 1 USD=111 RSD, 1 CHF=113,5 RSD)

Regular prizes: 3.000, 2.500, 2.000 and 1.500 RSD

- Best placed woman - 1.000 RSD

The prizes will be divided according to Hort system.The special prizes are not divided and cannot be cumulated.

The winner recieves a trophy, while the top three players receive medals.

In youth categories U8, U10, U12, U14 the top three players receive medals.

Entry fee for all players is 10 EUR

Blitz rated tournament

The blitz tournament will start 24.12.2016 at 22,30 h. The tournament format is 9-round Swiss, computer pairings. The tournament is FIDE rated. The time control is 3 minutes per player + 2 seconds increment starting from move 1.

Prize fund 16.000 RSD (1 EUR=120 RSD, 1 USD=111 RSD, 1 CHF=113,5 RSD)

Regular prizes: 5.000, 4.000, 3.000, 2.000, 1,000 RSD

Best placed woman - 1.000 RSD

The special prizes are not divided and cannot be cumulated.

Entry fee for all players is 3 EUR

Players rated over 2400, Grandmasters and Woman Grandmasters do not pay entry fee

Technical details

The playing venue:

The games will be played in the hall of Hotel "Dunav".

„Ai B“ turnament schedule

  1. round 23.12.2016. from 16 h

  1. round 24.12.2016. from 09 h
  1. round 24.12.2016. from 16 h

  1. round 25.12.2016. from 09 h
  1. round 25.12.2016. from 15 h

The organizers are providing chess sets and clocks for the Festival.

Accomodation in Hotel "Dunav"

Hotel "Dunav“ / 1/1 / 1/2 / 1/3
Full board / 22 EUR / 20 EUR / 20 EUR

Meals begin with dinner 23.12. and end with lunch 25.12.2016.

The organizers will provide transfers from and to Belgrade Nikola Tesla airport at affordable prices (groups 1-4 people).

Registration, hotel reservations, entry fees and additional information with the tournament director Vojkan Petrović, email:, phone +381 (63) 251 769.


Results on:

Tournament director

Vojkan Petrovic