Just in Case 4 Core Drugs (JiC4CDs) for Anticipatory Prescribing

Prescribing Advice

If any drugs other than the following are used for anticipatory prescribing, the JiC4CD Policy will not apply.
This table describes recommended starting doses and frequencies for the JIC4CDs. Different doses may be necessary if clinically indicated.
Diamorphine (for pain)
Stat if naïve: 2.5-5mg PRN 1hourly subcutaneously
If the patient is already taking an opioid, appropriate PRN doses of diamorphine should be prescribed.* / Supply
10 x 10mg amps
5 days’ supply
Levomepromazine (for nausea vomiting)
Stat dose: 6.25mg PRN 8hourly subcutaneously / Supply
5 x 25mg/mL amps
Midazolam (for restlessness terminal agitation)
Stat dose: 2.5-5mg PRN 4hourly subcutaneously / Supply
10 x 10mg/2mL amps
Glycopyrronium (for respiratory tract secretions)
Stat dose: 0.2mg PRN 4 hourly subcutaneously / Supply
10 x 200mcg/1mL amps
Water for Injections
Diluent / Supply
10 x 10mL amps
* If the patient was taking oral oxycodone, subcutaneous oxycodone should be used. In such cases, the JiC4CD policy will not apply.