Course Information for GEOMETRY A 2015-2016 Ms. Karla Seier Cherry, W213
email: 847-842-3243 ext. 5017
“We admit, in geometry, not only infinite magnitudes, that is to say, magnitudes greater than any assignable magnitude, but infinite magnitudes infinitely greater, the one than the other. This astonishes our dimensions of brains, which is only about six inches long, five broad, and six in depth, in the largest heads.” Francois Voltaire
Binder or folder to hold papers, handouts, notes copy paper for homework (no looseleaf or spiral)
Pencil and eraser Calculator TI-84 or higher Textbook GEOMETRY FOR ENJOYMENT AND CHALLENGE
My web page contains access to a perpetual calendar which should be viewed to check on homework, due dates, test and quiz dates, and special events, homework assignment sheets, handouts and some answer keys. To connect to the calendar: > staff directory kcherry > course name.
Expectations and Procedures
This course is taught as a highly deductive and therefore structured study of geometry. Proof is introduced early so that it is not a means to an end, but rather a vehicle by which students come to understand geometric relationships and more generally, mathematical relationships. New concepts will be introduced and learned by building on previously studied concepts. The first semester is heavily influenced by formal proof and the second semester is driven predominantly by application of geometric relationships, including informal proof.
The pace at which this course is taught is approximately one section per day. It is very important that practice time (homework) be scheduled daily.Homework will be discussed and collected weekly. Each collected assignment is valued at one point. Quizzes will be approximately 15 to 30 points and tests will be approximately 50-70 points in value. Homework is worth 5 % of the grade and tests/quizzes are worth 95 % of the grade. Student achievement and confidence is important. A Progress Exam will be given mid-semester.
At the beginning of each chapter, an assignment sheet will be given for the chapter. The assignment sheet will list the section number, page, and assigned homework problems. Students should refer to the assignment sheet to determine the homework problems required for completion. Homework should be done on copy paper. Homework is to be neat, organized and complete with appropriate figures and work shown. Assignments with just answers will not earn points.
There will be at least one test per chapter (a few of the chapters have many sections and thus, there will be two chapter tests) and one to two quizzes per chapter. Some quizzes may be unannounced. There may also be a few take-home assessments (i.e., a test or quiz) or partner assessments. There will be some special projects assigned on which students can demonstrate knowledge and/or mathematical creativity.
The semester exam will be comprehensive for the semester. The semester average will be computed as 80 % sem. grade + 20 % semester exam. In preparation for each semester exam, students will be givenreview packets. Time will be given in class, prior to the exam, for questions and answers.
Make-up Policy
If a student is absent on a test/quiz day, the test/quiz must be taken within the allotted time according to the rule: number of days absent plus one, with one exception: If the student is absent only on the day of the test/quiz and returns to class the following day, the student must take the test/quiz on the return day. The student is responsible for taking the test during his/her own free time (before school, during an open or lunch period, after school by appointment only). A pre-arranged absence on a test/quiz day may open the possibility of taking the test/quiz early. Make-up testing/quizzing will be done in my classroom W213(unless arranged differently). If the test/quiz is taken during the school day(7:20-2:35), there may be a class in session, so noise may be a distraction. It will be preferable to take the test before school at approximately 6:30 AM. Assignments missed during the absence must be submitted on the normal due date unless the absence is extended
Field trips do not count as absences with respect to the make-up policy. If a student is on a field trip prior to or on the day of a test/quiz, the expectation is that the student will take the assessment upon return to school and submit the required work.
Re-Take Policy
In an effort to provide struggling learners an opportunity to improve upon their misunderstanding of the curriculum, students will be allowed to re-take one test per semester.
To be eligible to re-take a test, the student must
- state his/her intentions of retaking the test via emailwithin two weeks of the grade posted on-line.
- download the Re-Take form from my website and complete.
- visit the Math Resource Center or meet with me to complete test corrections on a separate sheet of paper with complete work and an explanation of the misunderstanding of each incorrect problem. This must be completed at least two days prior to the retake date so that the corrections can be corrected.
- do all of the practice chapter review problems and submit prior to the retake date, attached to the Re-Take form.
- arrange a time with me to re-take the test (within the 2 week window).
- have all homework for the unit submitted prior to the original test. If homework was not done in preparation for the original test, then the student is not eligible for a re-take test.
If student is absent for the original test and takes a make-up test, the student is not eligible for a re-take test. No retakes will be allowed during the last week of the semester. The re-take will cover the same material, but will be a different test. The second score will be recorded.
Field Trips
I am in full support of educational opportunities, and in particular, the importance of teaching the whole person. Given that field trips speak to the above, students will be absent from my class. Since these forms of absences are pre-arranged, I do expect the student to make up missed tests/quizzes on the day of return, or take the assessment prior to the field trip date. It is the student’s responsibility to get the notes and assignments from classmates and submit the required papers on time.
Procedure for extra help
I am available before school 6:40-7:15
Period 1MRC
Period 2Planning Period
Period 6Lunch
After school by appointment
The Math Resource Center is an excellent place to visit when the student needs extra help. The MRC is openperiods one through eight. It is staffed by at least one mathematics teacher and student tutors. No appointment is needed to request extra help in the MRC.
Tardiness and Unexcused Absences
Tardiness to class is unacceptable as it interrupts the class activities. Multiple tardy occurrences will result in discipline as outlined in the student handbook.
Cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off before entering the classroom and may not be turned on until the student leaves the classroom. Failure to comply will result in consequences outlined in the student handbook. The electronic devices, including earphones should be placed out of sight and not used during the class period. I support ZERO TOLERANCE for cell phone use or any other technical means of communication during the class period.
Laptop Usage Policy
Students are expected to bring their Macbook with them to class every day, fully charged, and in the provided case. Laptops will be used to work on math activities as directed by the teacher and should only be used for appropriate academic purposes. Distracting activities including, but not limited to, web browsing, checking email, or instant messaging are disruptive to the learning environment and are not acceptable uses of the laptop during class time. Students are expected to abide by the district’s Technology Appropriate Use Policy. Any inappropriate use of the computers will result in loss of the computer privileges and additional consequences.
Dress Code
Appropriate attire as described in the BHS student handbook should be worn. No hats are to be worn during class time.
Next Course
Students who successfully complete this course will be recommended for Algebra 2/ Trigonometry (A).
Academic Honesty and Integrity
The academic policy on honesty will be followed according to the BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Student Handbook 2012-2013
The consequences for academic dishonesty are outlined in the BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Student Handbook.
On Line Grades
On-line grades are available through the website of BHS. They are kept up to date.