Certification andProof of VCU Retirement

This form is presented by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) to certify that it fulfils the requirements for a qualified greenhouse gas (GHG) program under the National Carbon Tax of Colombia and to provide proof that the units issued by the VCS,Verified Carbon Units (VCUs), have been retired pursuant to the terms specified in Decree 926 which amends the National Carbon Tax law.


WHEREAS, Decree 926 of 1 June 2017 establishes procedures so taxpayers can certify to be carbon neutral and, therefore, not subject to the National Carbon Tax in accordance with Article 221 of Law 1819 of 2016; and

WHEREAS,Title 5, Article of Decree 926 describes that in order to claim carbon neutrality, a taxpayer must submit documentation in the form of a declaration of verification (verification statement) and support of voluntary retirement of emission reduction or removal units that have been retired in its favour; and

WHEREAS,Title 11, Chapter 1 of Decree 926 identifies the requirements of verification bodies that will be qualified to issue verification statements; and

WHEREAS,Title 11, Chapter 2 of Decree 926 identifies the requirements for documenting greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals in support of voluntary retirement and the requirements of qualifying carbon standards and methodologies.

NOW THEREFORE, the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) certifies that it fulfils the requirements of Decree 926 as follows:

  • Per Title 5, Article, Item 4, all units issued by the VCS Program (called Verified Carbon Units, or VCUs) are assigned a unique identifying serial number and the VCS registry maintains a chain of custody record of every VCU from time of issuance to time of retirement or cancellation;
  • Per Title 11, Chapter 1, Article
  • Auditors eligible to provide validation and verification services under the VCS Program must be accredited either under ISO 14065:2007 by an accreditation body that is a member of the International Accreditation Forum or by the Executive Board of the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism as a Designated Operational Entity (DOE);
  • Projects certified under the VCS Program follow the gudelines established under ISO 14064-2:2006;
  • The results obtained through verification of all VCS projects must be done in accordance with the requirements set out under ISO 14064-3;
  • The VCS Program only issues VCUs to projects that have been verified by accredited auditors;
  • Per Title 11 Chapter 2, Article, Item 2, VCS administers a public registry platform that listscertified GHG offset projects, records the emission reductions and removals achieved by those projects, provides details about the projects and the methodologies employed to quantify the emission reductions or removals, issues Verified Carbon Units (VCUs), and maintainsrecords of those issuances and their subsequent retirement or cancellation; and
  • Per Title 11, Chapter 2, Article, Item 3, All methodologies developed under the VCS Program since June 2009have been subject to a 30-day public consultation and independent assessment by at least one VVB prior to VCS approval, or have been approved under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism;
  • Per Title 11, Chapter 2, Article, Item 4, VCS approved methodologies (and CDM methodologies) must include procedures for the demonstration and assessment of additionality, including a determination of regulatory surplus;
  • Per Title 11, Chapter 2, Article, Paragraph 2, VCUs are issued only for ex post emissions reductions or removals;

Proof of Retirement
Project Information
Project name, ID / Name and VCS project database ID of the project which issued the retired VCUs
Project proponent / Name or company name and identification document number of the owner of the VCS project specified above
Project country / Country in which the project is located
Project activity / Project activity (e.g., REDD+, wind, solar, energy efficiency)
Methodology name, ID / Name and ID of methodology applied by the project, originating program, and date of public consultation (for VCS methodologies)
Retired VCU Information
VCU retirement beneficiary / Name or business name and identification document number of the person or business in favor of which the VCUs were retired
Number of VCUs retired / Total number of VCUs retired
VCU serial numbers(see also attached spreadsheet) / Serial numbers of the retired VCUs
See also the VCU details report for these VCUs, which confirms the status of the VCUs as retired, at [URL]
Vintage of retired VCUs / Vintage start and end dates for the VCUs retired
Verification report(see attached) / Verification report title:
Issuance date:
Verification period:
Verifier Information
Validation and Verification Body (VVB) / Name of the VVB
Accreditation / Identify whether the VVB has been accredited by an IAF member (provide IAF member name, e.g., American National Standards Institute (ANSI)) or by the UNFCCC
Date of Accreditation / Provide the date that the VVB received its accreditation

In signing this form, I certify that the information contained herein is true, accurate and complete. I further certify that I am duly authorized to represent and legally bind the VerifiedCarbon Standard (VCS) on all matters related to this form.

Name and title of signatory: ______

