Bedrock Prospectors 2013

Big Season Raffle

This year’s raffle is just what it says BIG! We have even more prizes than last year and they’re even bigger. So many, we have decided to break them up in several drawings, thru-out the season. Just way too many to hold all season long. The list is Unbelievable. Again, we will be having contributors such as Minelab, White’s Electronic’s, Fisher,Bounty Hunter, Teknetic’s, Gold Rush Trading Post, Apex Picks, Keene Ind.s, Parker’ Prospecting Co. The Gold Cube Folks as well as Red from Gold-N-Sand,The New 49er’s,Lost Treasure magazine, Keene Industries,Belda’sMetal Detector Supply from Oregon.Rosewind Mining Supply, Broll Supply and So many others… The list is just too long and we are receiving more donations every day. So through the year you will see the advertising banners from many of these great companies. Please feel free to check out their web sites and or their stores and maybe you can take advantage of some of the many great deals they are offering this season.

Now, just like last year, our goal is to help PLP & Resource Coalition with their enormous expenses fighting for our rights and seeing that our Public Lands are kept open to enjoy without restrictions.

This is a huge task and takes a lot of funding if they are to continue. They can’t do it alone. Only with the help of all of us can this giant struggle be won. Raffles such as this one are so important and remain one of the main resources of their funding.

So come on and take a chance on winning a great prize and join in to help keep our lands and rights free of regulations. It’s only a dollar a ticket and oh, the prizes are even bigger and better than last year. And!, we have a lot more to give away. We start giving to the prizes away at the Monroe Gold Show , then the Puyallup GPAA Gold Show, then The April Spring Fling, and at the Bedrock Rendezvous ,then on to the Liberty Miners Rally where the 2013 Bedrock Prospectors raffle comes to an end. Yes, it’s going to be a much longer, but bigger raffle season

Tickets are now for sale, so please be a part of something very special this season and let’s help beat what we did last year

Isn’t it great to see all these outstanding supporters. Many from last year, and a few new faces on the pages . We sincerely appreciate all those companies, big and small who have generously donated to our raffle. Please if you happen to get the chance to speak to any of our contributors, let them know who you are and give them a word of thanks for their support.