Curriculum Vitae

Linda E. Schweitzer, Ph.D.

1. Biographical Data

(a) Name: Linda Esther Schweitzer

(b) Department: Chemistry

(c) Rank: Assistant Professor

2. Education

Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles. 1998.

Subject: Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

Minor: Civil and Environmental Engineering

M.S. University of California, Los Angeles. 1993.

Subject: Environmental Toxicology

B.S. University of California, Santa Barbara. 1985.

Subject: Environmental Biology

3. Professional Experience

(a) Teaching Experience

Institution: Oakland University

Rank: Assistant Professor

Dates: (full time) September 2000 – present

(b) Graduate Student Teaching Experience

UCLA – Teaching Assistant

Dates: Spring 1993, Fall 1995, Fall 1997

(c) Other relevant professional experience

Institution: Biophysica, Inc. (La Jolla, CA)

Title: Director of Drug Development

Dates: Jan. 2000 – July 2000

Institution: Tetra Tech EMI Inc., (San Francisco, CA)

Title: Senior Toxicologist

Dates: Oct. 1998 – Dec. 1999

Institution: UCLA

Title: Graduate Researcher

Dates: 1992-1998

Institution: Biophysica Foundation (La Jolla, CA)

Title: Research Associate

Dates: 1985-1991

(d) Oakland University Appointment Record

i. Rank and date of initial appointment: Assistant Professor, August 15, 2000

ii. Date of reappointment: (none)

iii. Rank and date of promotion: (none)

iv. Dates of Spring/Summer teaching: (none)

v. Dates and types of leave: (none)

(e) Oakland instructional record: (evaluations available for all courses listed below)


ENV 484 Environmental Toxicology – 3 credits, Fall 00, 02, 04. Enrollment: 11, 14, 25, respectively

ENV 373 Water Resources – 3 credits, Winter 00, 03. Enrollment: 18&13

ENV 485* Fate and Transport – 3 credits, Fall 01, 03, 05. Enrollment: 16, 14, 19

CHM 413* Aquatic Chemistry – 3 credits, Winter 01. Enrollment: 13

* Newly developed course

4. Research, Scholarship, Publications, and Related Activities

(a) Doctoral dissertation: “Bioavailability and Toxicity of PCBs to Sea Urchins”

(b) Master’s Thesis: “Liquid-Liquid Extraction of Urban Runoff Waters”

(c) Books published or in press: (book chapter, only):

1. Suffet, I.H., Pederson, J., Schweitzer, L., and Hunchak-Kariouk. 1997. Influence of pH on the association of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl with sediment pore water dissolved organic matter, in S. Drozd, S. Gonet, N. Senesi, J. Weber (eds.); The Role of Humic Substances in the Ecosystem and in Environmental Protection, Wroclaw, Poland, IHSS 641-644.

Professional reports:

1. Schweitzer, L. and Baskaran, M. PCB contaminant profile in a sediment core from the Lange and Revere canals in St. Clair Shores. May 20, 2003. Prepared for the City of St. Clair Shores, MI.

2. American Water Works Association Research Foundation and KIWA. Prepared by: Atasi, K., Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Chen, T. 2003. Taste and odor materials evaluation workshop. Project #2715.

3. Schweitzer, L. and Bay, S. “Toxicity of PCBs in Two Species of Sea Urchins”, in Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, annual report 1997-1998. SCCWRP, Westminster, CA.

(d) Articles published or in press (peer reviewed, journals only)

1. Oestman, E., Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Corado, A. and Suffet, I.H. 2004. Effects of chlorine and chloramines on earthy and musty odors in drinking water. Water Science and Technology; Vol 49(9); 153-159.

2. Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Atasi, K., Chen, T., and Khiari, D. 2004. Utility Quick Test for Analyzing Materials for Drinking Water Distribution Systems for Effect on Taste and Odor. Water Science and Technology; Vol 49(9); 75-80.

3. Tomboulian, P., Wilson, J., Mullin, K., and Schweitzer, L. 2004. Materials used in drinking water distribution systems: contribution to taste-and-odor. Water Science and Technology; Vol 49(9); 219-226.

4. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Khiari, D. 2004. Olfactory and chemical analysis of taste and odor episodes in drinking water supplies. Environ Sci andBio/technology V00; 1-11.

5. Forrester, G.E., Fredericks, B.I., Gerdeman, D., Evans, B., Steele, M.A., Zayed, K., Schweitzer, L.E., Suffet, I.H., Vance, R.R., and Ambrose, R.F. 2003. Growth of estuarine fish is associated with the combined concentration of sediment contaminants and shows no adaptation or acclimation to past conditions. Marine Environmental Research 56:423-442.

6. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H. and Suffet, I.H. 2002. Effect of Oxic State on Nonpolar Organic Contaminant Distribution, Mobility and Bioavailability in Sediments. Israel Journal of Chemistry 42 (1): 109-118.

7. Schweitzer, L., Suffet, I.H. and Bay, S. 2000. Dietary assimilation of a polychlorinated biphenyl in adult sea urchins (Lytechinus pictus) and maternal transfer to their offspring. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Vol.19 (7); 1919-1924.

8. Schweitzer, L. and Suffet, I.H. 1999. Exposure assessment of taste and odor standards used in the method of flavor profile analysis. Water Science and Technology V40 (6); 209-216.

9. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ye, Q., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. 1999. The environmental fate and mechanism of formation of 2-ethyl-5,5’-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane (2EDD) - a malodorous contaminant in drinking water. Water Science and Technology V40 (6); 217-224.

10. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. 1999. The formation, stability, and odor characterization of 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane (2EMD). Water Science and Technology V40 (6); 293-298.

11. Noblet, J., Schweitzer, L., Ibrahim, E., Stolzenbach, K., and Suffet, I.H. 1999. Evaluation of a taste and odor incident on the Ohio River. Water Science and Technology V40 (6); 185-194.

12. Schweitzer, L., Hose, J., Suffet, I.H., and Bay, S. 1997. Differential toxicity of three PCB congeners in developing sea urchin embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry V.16 (7); 1510-1514.

13. Hunchak-Kariouk, K., Schweitzer, L., and Suffet, I.H. 1997. Partitioning of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl by the dissolved organic matter in oxic and anoxic porewaters. Environmental Science and Technology 31, 639-645.

14. Sovak, M., Terry, R., Douglass, J., and Schweitzer, L. 1991. Primary carboxamides, nonionic isotonic monomers. Investigative Radiology, Vol. 26., Supp. No.1.

(e) Oral presentations (presenter in bold):

1. Makowski, B. and Schweitzer, L. Off-Flavors in Bottled Water from Carbonyl Compounds. Presented at the International Water Association Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October 2-7, 2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.

2. Carter, A., Ahmed, S. and Schweitzer, L. Sources of Taste-and-Odor in the Detroit Drinking Water and Effect of Conventional Water Treatment Versus Ozonation on Off-Flavors. Presented at the International Water Association Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October 2-7, 2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.

3. Jasim, S.Y., Irabelli, A. Schweitzer, L. Pharmaceutically Active Compounds and Pesticides Presence in Detroit River Water and Effect of Ozone Treatment on Removal - A Review. Presented at the International Ozone Association, Sept. 13, 2004, Windsor ON, Canada.

4. Jasim, S.Y., Hua, W., Letcher, R., Schweitzer, L., Lemieux, F., Maxloum, S., Krantzberg, G., Burrows, M. Endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs): Presence in water supplies and effect of treatment process on removal – a Great Lakes region concern. Presented at the 2003 American Water Works Association Water Quality Technology Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 1-6, 2003.

5. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., Suffet, I.H. Effect of aeration of anoxic sediments on the distribution, mobility and bioavailability of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl. Presented at the 2003 American Chemical Society, Environmental Division, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003.

6. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Khiari, D. 2003. Olfactory and chemical analysis of taste and odor episodes in drinking water supplies. Presented at the International Conference on Taste and Odor in Drinking Water, June 5-6, 2003, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK.

7. Baskaran, A., Jose, R., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid extraction of contaminated sediments for broad-spectrum analysis. Presented at the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.

8. Ekstrom, A., Greig, E., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid extraction of fish tissues for the analysis of organic chemicals. Presented at the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.

9. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., and Suffet, I.H. Nonpolar organic contaminant association with humic substances in anoxic aquatic sediments: effects of aeration on PCB distribution, mobility, and bioavailability. Presented at the 20th International Humic Substances Society, Boston, MA, July 21-26, 2002.

10. Suffet, I.H., Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., and Lin, M. Role of sediment dissolved organic matter in nonpolar organic contaminant distribution, mobility, and bioavailability. Soil Science Society of America, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 21-25, 2001.

11. Oestman, E., Schweiter, L, Tomboulian, P., Corado, A., and Suffet, I.H. Effects of chlorine and chloramines on earthy/musty odors in drinking water. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

12. Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Atasi, K., Chen, T., and Khiari, D. Utility Quick Test for Analyzing Materials for Drinking Water Distribution Systems for Effect on Taste and Odor. In press Water Sci Technol. Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

13. Tomboulian, P., Wilson, J., Mullin, K., and Schweitzer, L. Materials used in drinking water distribution systems: contribution to taste-and-odor. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

14. Kong, J. and Schweitzer, L. The Effect of UV Disinfection Process on Natural Organic Matter and Taste and Odor Characteristics of Drinking Water. In preparation for Water Science and Technology. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

15. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan, M. Supercritical fluid extraction for the isolation of hydrophobic organic compounds from aquatic suspended sediments. Pacific conference of the 34th ACS Western Regional Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 28-31, 1998.

16. Schweitzer, L., Lin, M., Bay, S.M., and Suffet, I.H.. 1998. The effect of aeration and disturbance of anoxic sediments on the bioavailability of hydrophobic organic chemicals on a sediment-ingesting organism. Presented at 216th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Boston, MA. August 23-27, 1998.

17. Schweitzer, L. and Suffet, I.H. An exposure assessment of taste and odor standards used in the method of flavor profile analysis. Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.

18. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ye, Q., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. The environmental fate and mechanism of formation of 2-ethyl-5,5’-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane. Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.

19. Schweitzer, L., Noblet, J., Ruth, E. and Suffet, I.H. The formation, stability, and odor characterization of 2-ethyl-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane (2EMD). Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.

20. Noblet, J., Schweitzer, L., Ibrahim, E., Stolzenbach, K., and Suffet, I.H. Evaluation of a taste and odor incident on the Ohio River, PA. Presented at the International Agency on Water Quality (IAWQ) Fifth International Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment, Paris France, Oct. 13-16, 1997.

21. Schweitzer, L., Capangpangan, M., Ruth, E., Froines, J., Stenstrom, M., and Suffet, I.H. Trace hydrophobic organic pollution runoff from nonpoint sources into Santa Monica bay during dry weather flow. Presented at the 1994 American Chemical Society Symposium in San Diego, CA March 13-18, 1994.

(f) Book reviews (none)

(g) Abstracts published or in press:

1. Makowski, B. and Schweitzer, L. 2005. Off-Flavors in Bottled Water from Carbonyl Compounds. Presented at the International Water Association Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October 2-7, 2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.

2. Carter, A., Ahmed, S. and Schweitzer, L. 2005. Sources of Taste-and-Odor in the Detroit Drinking Water and Effect of Conventional Water Treatment Versus Ozonation on Off-Flavors. Presented at the International Water Association Seventh Symposium on Off-Flavors in the Aquatic Environment. October 2-7, 2005, Cornwall Ontario, Canada.

3. Jasim, S.Y., Hua, W., Letcher, R., Schweitzer, L., Lemieux, F., Maxloum, S., Krantzberg, G., Burrows, M. Endocrine disruptor chemicals (EDCs): Presence in water supplies and effect of treatment process on removal – a Great Lakes region concern. Presented at the 2003 American Water Works Association Water Quality Technology Conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 1-6, 2003.

4. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., Suffet, I.H. Effect of aeration of anoxic sediments on the distribution, mobility and bioavailability of 2,2’,4,4’-tetrachlorobiphenyl. Presented at the 2003 American Chemical Society, Environmental Division, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003.

5. Suffet, I.H., Schweitzer, L., Khiari, D. 2003. Olfactory and chemical analysis of taste and odor episodes in drinking water supplies. Presented at the International Conference on Taste and Odor in Drinking Water, June 5-6, 2003, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK.

6. Baskaran, A., Jose, R., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid extraction of contaminated sediments for broad-spectrum analysis. Presented at the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.

7. Ekstrom, A., Greig, E., Grudzien, T., and Schweitzer, L. Supercritical fluid extraction of fish tissues for the analysis of organic chemicals. Presented at the 2002 Meeting of the Minds, Oakland University.

8. Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., Lin, C.H.M., and Suffet, I.H. Nonpolar organic contaminant association with humic substances in anoxic aquatic sediments: effects of aeration on PCB distribution, mobility, and bioavailability. Presented at the 20th International Humic Substances Society, Boston, MA, July 21-26, 2002.

9. Suffet, I.H., Pedersen, J., Schweitzer, L., and Lin, M. Role of sediment dissolved organic matter in nonpolar organic contaminant distribution, mobility, and bioavailability. Soil Science Society of America, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 21-25, 2001.

10. Oestman, E., Schweiter, L, Tomboulian, P., Corado, A., and Suffet, I.H. Effects of chlorine and chloramines on earthy/musty odors in drinking water. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

11. Schweitzer, L., Tomboulian, P., Atasi, K., Chen, T., and Khiari, D. Utility Quick Test for Analyzing Materials for Drinking Water Distribution Systems for Effect on Taste and Odor. In press Water Sci Technol. Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

12. Tomboulian, P., Wilson, J., Mullin, K., and Schweitzer, L. Materials used in drinking water distribution systems: contribution to taste-and-odor. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.

13. Kong, J. and Schweitzer, L. The Effect of UV Disinfection Process on Natural Organic Matter and Taste and Odor Characteristics of Drinking Water. In preparation for Water Science and Technology. Presented at the Sixth International Water Association Symposium on Off-flavours in the Aquatic Environment, October 7-10, 2002 in Barcelona, Spain.