University Curriculum Committee

Meeting Minutes

Fall 2015 Course Additions and Deletions

September 5, 2014, 2 p.m.

Alkek 105-106

Members attending: Micky Autrey, Betsy Blunk, Selene Hinojosa, Mary Hogan, Lou Jimenez, Gloria Johannessen, William Peeler, Rebecca Raphael, Vivek Shah, Amy Simmons, Michael Supancic, Ricardo Torrejon, Gary Winek, Jo An Zimmermann

Guests attending: Farhad Ameri, Audwin Anderson, Mary Brennan, Tom Clark, Susan Day, Erina Duganne, Rich Earl, Matthew Eichler, Beth Erhart, Dave Falleur, Debra Feakes, Wim Geerts, Ken Grasso, Todd Hudnall, Bill Kelemen, Russell Lang, Dan Lochman, Kim May, Kristin McDaniel, Sherri Mora, Ed Piner, Roger Priebe, Paula Rechner, Liz Rodda, Jovita Ross-Gordon, Richard Sodders, Harold Stern, Gary White, Barbara Wilson,



DVST 3320 Introduction to Global Diversity Issues – APPROVED with revision to the Abbreviate Title and Goals and Objectives.

Department of Anthropology


ANTH 5325 Medical Anthropology - APPROVED


ANTH 3323 Cultures of the Middle East - APPROVED

ANTH 3376B Archaeological Myths and Mysteries - APPROVED

ANTH 3376K Japan and American Cultures - APPROVED

ANTH 5323 Cultures of the Middle East - APPROVED

ANTH 5373A Medical Anthropology - APPROVED

ANTH 5373D Disease and Society - APPROVED

Department of English


ENG 4385 Advanced Studies in Children’s or Adolescent Literature – APPROVED with revision/expansion to Justification section and revision to Goals/Objectives.

Department of Geography


GEO 4323 Conservation Leadership – APPROVED with revision to Goals and Objectives

Department of History


HIST 3374 Topics in Religious History - APPROVED

HIST 3374A History of Christianity 1300-1700 – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

HIST 3374B American Religious History - APPROVED

HIST 3374C History of Religion in India – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

HIST 5315 Topics in the History of Gender and Sexuality - APPROVED

HIST 5315A American Sexualities – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

HIST 5315B Queer History: GLBT Histories in the United States - APPROVED

HIST 5316 Topics in Women’s History - APPROVED

HIST 5316A Women’s Rights in Comparative Perspective- APPROVED

HIST 5316B Women and Empire - APPROVED


HIST 3368W American Religious History - APPROVED

Department of Political Science


POSI 5337 Social Contract Theory - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5338 The Problem of Power and The Crisis of Modernity - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5339 Contemporary Perspectives in Modern Liberalism - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5344 American Political Culture and Discourse - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5352 Theological Perspectives in Modern Democracy - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5353 The Crisis of Liberalism and The Future of Democracy - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5354 Justice and Liberty in American Thought - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5358 Contract Law - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5359 Approaches to the Study of Political Science - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5372 Introduction to the Paralegal Profession and Legal Technology - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

POSI 5388 Applied Research Project - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.


POSI 3395 Ethnicity and Nation Building – APPROVED with revision to justification.

POSI 4337B The Politics of the American Working Class - APPROVED

POSI 4339 Canadian Government and Politics - APPROVED

POSI 5302A Contemporary Perspective in Modern Liberalism - APPROVED

POSI 5302B The Problem of Power and The Crisis of Modernity - APPROVED

POSI 5302C The Contractarians - APPROVED

POSI 5326A Theological Perspectives in Modern Democracy - APPROVED

POSI 5326B The Crisis of Liberalism and The Future of Democracy - APPROVED

POSI 5326C Justice and Liberty in American Thought - APPROVED

POSI 5327B American Culture and Media - APPROVED

POSI 5396 Law Office Management - APPROVED

Department of Psychology


PSY 4390F Psychology of Persuasion - APPROVED

PSY 5371 Behavioral and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies - APPROVED

Department of Sociology


SOCI 5110 Proseminar in Sociology - APPROVED


SOCI 5388C Sexual and Reproductive Health - APPROVED



MSEC 7395 Topics in MSEC – APPROVED with revision to long title.

MSEC 7395A Microwave & Power Device Physics and Materials – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

MSEC 7395B Thin Film Photovoltaic Devices – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry


CHEM 1335 Engineering Chemistry – APPROVED with addition of restrictions to include ENGR/ENGT majors and revision to Goals/Objectives.

CHEM 4312 Organometallic Chemistry – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives and revision to textbooks.

CHEM 5312 Organometallic Chemistry – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives and revision to textbooks.

Department of Computer Science


CS 3369 Embedded Computer Systems - APPROVED

CS 4380 Parallel Programming – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives


CS 3468 Embedded Computer Systems - APPROVED

CS 4378T Parallel Programming - APPROVED

Ingram School of Engineering


ENGR 3375 Mechanics for Engineers – APPROVED with revision Goals/Objectives and Bibliography

Department of Engineering Technology


CSM 5302 Fundamentals of Construction Contracts and Liability Issues - APPROVED

CSM 5304 Fundamentals of Construction Estimating – APPROVED with removal of 13-18 sections

TECH 1311 Engineering Design Graphics – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives.

TECH 4389 Topics in Technology - APPROVED

TECH 4389A Advanced Residential Construction – APPROVED with revision to Restrictions and needs newer/updated bibliography

TECH 4389B Construction Industry Best Practices – APPROVED with revision to Bibliography


CIM 4210 Senior Concrete Lab – APPROVED (Curriculum Office will check equivalency on CIM 4310)

TECH 4391 Manufacturing Processes II – APPROVED (Curriculum Office will check equivalency on TECH 4395)

TECH 5302 Fundamentals of Construction Contracts and Liability Issues - APPROVED

TECH 5304 Fundamentals of Construction Estimating - APPROVED

Department of Mathematics


MATH 3383 Numerical Analysis I – APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives

MATH 4383 Numerical Analysis II - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives

MATH 5374 Numerical Linear Algebra - APPROVED with revision to Goals/Objectives

MATH 5393 Numerical Optimization – APPROVED with revision to section #14 to remove “Test” statement

Department of Physics


PHYS 3311 Mechanics I – Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 4121 Undergraduate Research – Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 4221 Undergraduate Research – Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 4350 Topics in Physics - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 4350A Thin Film Photovoltaic Devices - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 4350B Relativity - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5100 Professional Development - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5195 Fundamentals of Research - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5295 Fundamentals of Research - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5301 Classical Mechanics - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5350 Topics in Physics - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5350A Thin Film Photovoltaic Devices – Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.

PHYS 5350B Relativity -Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding Goals/Objectives and Assessment sections.


PHYS 3414: Mechanics I - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26.

PHYS 5401 Classical Mechanics - Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26.


Department of Agriculture


AG 2421 Range Forage and Pasture Crops - APPROVED

AG 3311 Agricultural Practices and Pollution Control - APPROVED

AG 4306 Advanced Landscape Design and Construction - APPROVED

AG 4371S GPS-Agricultural and Environmental Application - APPROVED

School of Criminal Justice


CJ 7351A Technology for Management and Decision Making - APPROVED

CJ 7351B Justice and Global Information Technology - APPROVED

CJ 7351C Transnational Public Policy and Security - APPROVED

School of Family and Consumer Sciences


CA 3391 Communication Skills and Techniques - APPROVED

CA 4100 Professional Preparation in Consumer Affairs - APPROVED

CA 4301 Internship in Consumer Affairs - APPROVED

CA 4391 Independent Study in Consumer Affairs - APPROVED

FCS 5310 Research Methods in FCS - APPROVED

FCS 5311 Statistics and Data Analysis for Family and Consumer Sciences – APPROVED with revision to restriction


FCS 3391 Communication Skills and Techniques - APPROVED

FCS 4100 Professional Preparation in Family and Consumer Science - APPROVED

FCS 4301 Internship in Family and Consumer Science - APPROVED

FCS 4391 Independent Study in Family and Consumer Science - APPROVED

Department of Occupational, Workforce, and Leadership Studies


OCED 4111 Independent Study in Occupational Education - APPROVED

OCED 5304 Professional Practicum - APPROVED


Department of Accounting

DELETIONS: Withdrawn by the Department of Accounting – 8/29/14

ACC 5383 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

ACC 5384 IT Systems Project Management

ACC 5385 Database Management Systems

Department of Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods


CIS 3350 Information Security Assurance: Principles & Practices - APPROVED

Department of Management


MGT 4393 Entrepreneurial Internship – APPROVED with revision to prerequisite and restrictions.


Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education and School Psychology


ED 7316 Advanced Studies in Adult Development - APPROVED

ED 7318 Advanced Studies in Adult Learning - APPROVED

ED 7320 Literature Review for Research Writing - APPROVED

SPSY 6601 Professional Internship in School Psychology – Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding requested credit hours, repeatability and prerequisites.

SPSY 6602 Professional Internship in School Psychology – Tabled for review at next UCC Mtg 9/26 due to questions regarding requested credit hours, repeatability and prerequisites.


ED 7389F Advanced Studies in Adult Development - APPROVED

Department of Curriculum and Instruction


SPED 5376 Advanced Intervention Practices for Challenging Behavior - APPROVED

Department of Health and Human Performance


PE 2365 Rhythm and Movement Activities - APPROVED


School of Art and Design


ARTS 2301 Expanded Media I - APPROVED with revision to the textbooks.

ARTS 3302 Expanded Media II - APPROVED with revision to the prereqs and the textbooks.

ARTS 3303 Expanded Media III - APPROVED with revision to the prereqs and the textbooks.

ARTS 3304 Expanded Media IV - APPROVED with revision to the prereqs and the textbooks.

ARTS 4305 Expanded Media V - APPROVED with revision to the prereqs and the textbooks.

ARTS 4306 Expanded Media VI - APPROVED with revision to the prereqs and the textbooks.

ARTS 4307 Expanded Media VII - APPROVED with revision to the prereqs and the textbooks.

School of Music


MU 5345 Piano Literature I - APPROVED

MU 5346 Piano Literature II - APPROVED

MU 5351 Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis - APPROVED

MUSE 5129 Afro-Caribbean Lab - APPROVED


MU 4356 Mariachi Arranging - APPROVED

MU 5356 Mariachi Arranging - APPROVED

MU 5375A Schenkerian Analysis - APPROVED

MU 5375F Piano Literature - APPROVED

Department of Theatre and Dance


TH 5331 Television Writing – APPROVED with revision to textbooks/bibliography and Goals/Objectives

TH 5341 Drama Adaptation – APPROVED with revision to textbooks/bibliography and Goals/Objectives

TH 5350 Second Year Project – APPROVED with revision to textbooks/bibliography and Goals/Objectives


Clinical Laboratory Science Program


CLS 3326 Medical Parasitology - APPROVED


CLS 4326 Medical Parasitology - APPROVED

School of Health Administration


LTCA 5302 Elder Abuse and Mistreatment – APPROVED with revision to Textbooks and Goals/Objectives

LTCA 5305 Environmental Design for Dementia – APPROVED

St. David’s School of Nursing


NURS 5141 Reproductive, Sexual and Obstetrical Health Practicum - APPROVED

NURS 5208 Current Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing - APPROVED

NURS 5311 Behavioral Health Primary Care - APPROVED


NURS 4272 Leadership and Management of Nursing Care II - APPROVED

NURS 4370 Leadership and Management of Nursing Care I - APPROVED

NURS 4471 Leadership and Management of Nursing Care II Practicum - APPROVED

NURS 5252 The Art and Science of Self-Healing - APPROVED

NURS 5411 The Philosophy and Structures of Change in Family Systems - APPROVED

Department of Respiratory Care


RC 4214 Polysomnography Instrumentation II - APPROVED

RC 4310 Fundamentals of Polysomnography - APPROVED

RC 4313 Polysomnographic Therapeutic Intervention - APPROVED

RC 4412 Clinical Polysomnography-Sleep Staging I - APPROVED

RC 4415 Clinical Polysomnography-Sleep Staging II - APPROVED