Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

2009-2011 Capital Budget Request and 2009-2019 Capital Plan


This biennial budget requests “maintenance”and “enhancement” level funding for the School Construction Assistance Grant Program, a continuation of several specialized grant programs and provides new ideas and direction for the future of K-12 school facilities construction in Washington.


Maintenance LevelFunding$863.3M

This request proposes the continuation of existing allocations and a modest 6.2% increase for inflation to the Area Cost Allowance (ACA).

Enhancement LevelFunding$121.0M

Includes additional funding for theStudent Space Allocation (SSA) to reflect changing curriculum requirements, technology and policy changes such as full day kindergarten, for the ACA to close the gap with actual construction costs, and for theHigh Performance School Facility requirements of RCW 39.35D.

Changing the Annual Release$305.0M

The Joint Legislative Task Force on School Construction and previous Legislative task forces have recommended OSPI change the annual release cycle of the School Construction Assistance Grant Program. OSPI proposes an additional release of grantsstarting in February 2011 to coincide with the best time of year to bid construction projects. This request will allow for two release dates per year, February and July.


Minor Works$3.6M

A list of critical minor works projects at the Skills Centers were jointly developed with the Skill Centers directors and reviewed by an independent consultant. The consultant evaluated the projects by assigning values to priority choices and deferability options to determine a severity score. This request funds projects which earned a severity score of 60, the highest possible score.

Major Capital$109.6M

OSPI 2009-11 Capital Budget Request1September 17, 2008

Major Capital and Pre-Design

Clark County - $100,000

North Central/Moses Lake - $22.9M

NEVAC/Bellevue - $400,000

NEVAC/Lake Wa Tech College - $9M

Pierce County - $30M (Placeholder)

Puget Sound - $1.1M

Spokane Health Science Academy - $18.6M

Yakima Valley Tech/Phase 2 - $23.2M

Yakima Valley Tech/Sunnyside - $225,000

West Sound - $100,000

Land Acquisition

North Central/Wenatchee - $4M

OSPI 2009-11 Capital Budget Request1September 17, 2008


Health & Safety Grant Program $30.1M

This grant program would provide funds to schools that can demonstrate a direct impact from the State Board of Health Primary and Secondary Schools Health and Safety Rule changes scheduled for September 2010 implementation. The proposal will provide schools a grant to bring their facilities into compliance with the rule.

Small Repair Grant Program $5.0M

This popular grant program funds small, urgent repairs for physical security and safety improvements in school facilities.

Regional Construction Assistance Program $1.8M

The Joint Task Force on School Construction directed OSPI to develop and implement a regional technical assistance program for school districts primarily delivered through the Educational Service Districts. The Legislature appropriated $1.1 million dollars in the 2008 Supplemental Capital Budget. OSPI is completing a gap analysis to identify the needs school districts have for school facility services and to propose a program delivery method. This is a placeholder pending the findings of the gap analysis and full deployment of the program in Fall 2008.

School Mapping $819,000

Allows for $.125/sq ft to update and create school maps for new or recently modernized schools participating in the School Construction Assistance Grant Program. The school mapping database is administered through the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

Asset Preservation Program Condition Assessment Grants $264,000

This program will fund facility condition assessments of schools previously affected by the “2% Rule.” The condition information will be used to help determine that school facilities funded with state assistance are adequately maintained.

Transportation Cooperative Feasibility Study $100,000

Requests funding to examine transportation cooperatives and their cost effectiveness.

Educational Service District Facility Feasibility Study $150,000

Requests funding to address development of a long range ESD facility plan and funding mechanism.

Program Administration $3.3M

This request funds School Facilities & Organization at its current level. Administrative costs are less than 1% of total grant appropriations.

The complete Superintendent of Public Instruction 2009-2011 Capital Budget Request and 2009-2019 Capital Plan can be found on OSPI’s website at

OSPI 2009-11 Capital Budget Request1September 17, 2008