Schedule1– Statement of Requirement

Important Notice: The information in this document is indicative only and the Department of Finance (Finance) reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to change any aspect of this strategy at any time.

Finance makes no representation and does not warrant that:

-any information contained in this document is accurate, current or complete;

-any feedback given or comments made by prospective tenderers in response to this document will be used or otherwise acted upon or taken into account; or

-a future tender process will be undertaken at a particular time, in a particular manner, or at all.

Nothing in this document or arising from this document gives rise to or is intended to give rise to:

-a contract; or

-any obligation on the part of the Australian Government, or expectation on the part of any recipient of this document, in connection with any subsequent tender process.

Where appropriate, Finance may incorporate feedback into any subsequent tender documentation, or otherwise use it to inform the proposed approach to market. Finance does not guarantee that any or all feedback will be incorporated in any subsequent approach to market. Finance also reserves the right to respond, or not respond, to specific questions or submissions at its own discretion.

Information contained in any future request for tender material will supersede information contained in this document.


This draft Statement of Requirement (SOR) is anticipated to form part of an overarching contractual arrangement (deed).

In order to give this draft SOR some context, Finance note that there is likely to be several other schedules which will also form part of the deed. These other schedules primarily include:

  • Fees, Charges and Payments;
  • Service Level Agreement; and
  • Key Performance Indicators.

About this SOR:

Comments are sought on this draft Statement of Requirement only and not the overarching deed or any other schedule which may form part of any upcoming tender process.

This draft SOR is supplemented by a number of Appendices which include:

  • Online booking tool; and
  • Reporting and Data specifications.




2Whole of Government Objectives

3Travel Arrangements Objectives

4Seamless service

5Continuous Improvement

6Data entry and format

7Customer service assistance

Management Services to Finance


8Transition-in Services - Finance

9Implementing with Other Travel Service Providers

Contract and Account Management

10Liaison and meetings

11Annual Review

12Escalation of Issues to Finance

13Participant Service and Satisfaction Survey

Information Management

14Information Systems & Records

15Reporting and Data Specification Data

Management Services to Participants


16Transition-in Services - Participants

Account Management

17Account Manager for Participants

18Liaison and meetings

19Operational issues Resolution – Participants

20Provision of Information to Participants

21Online Portal

22Security of Information

23Business Continuity

Travel Services to Participants


25Travel Policy Compliance

26Traveller Profiles

27Travel Planning

28Travel Approval

29Travel Booking Services

30Special Travel Requirements


32Travel Service Provider Data

Appendix One – Online Booking Tool



1.1This Schedule sets out the Services to be provided by the Contractor to Finance (as the contract manager of the Travel Arrangements) and the Participants (as recipients of the Services).

1.2The Services are broken into two broad categories:

(a)Management Services to Finance and Participants; and

(b)Travel Services.

1.3Management Services describe the Services that relate to the administrative aspects of the Deed.

1.4Travel Services describe the Services that relate to the operational aspects of the Deed.

2Whole of Government Objectives

2.1The five overarching objectives for the Australian Government’s coordinated procurement apply to these Services, whereby the Services should provide a solution that:

(a)reduces the cost of supply to government agencies;

(b)continues to meet the business needs of government agencies;

(c)contributes to a competitive and viable industry;

(d)results in fair, equitable and transparent processes; and

(e)optimises government savings through cost reductions, improved efficiencies and promotion of behavioural change.

3Travel Arrangements Objectives

3.1The Contractor must contribute to these objectives throughout the Term by:

(a)developing a strategic partnership with Finance to provide exceptional levels of service to the Participants, where issues are quickly identified and resolved;

(b)representing the Australian Government’s interests when dealing with relevant parties in delivering the Services;

(c)acting reasonably at all times to ensure the success of the Travel Arrangements, including minimising risk for the Participants;

(d)maintaining open and effective communication with Finance as the contract manager of the Travel Arrangements and with the Participants as the recipients of the Services;

(e)providing clear accountability and transparency for Finance and Participants, through transparent fee arrangements, including reflecting any discount or other reduction linked to the Services;

(f)recognising the need for delivering consistent and high quality products and services across the Participants;

(g)actively contributing and supporting innovation in service delivery, especially through the use of technology;

(h)actively managing an integrated supply chain (including other appointed Australian Government suppliers) to deliver seamless services, data and reporting;

(i)driving efficiencies in service delivery to support value for money to the Australian Government; and

(j)providing services consistent with the Australian Government’s travel policies, including any individual guidelines of the Participants in respect of travel (which may include policies that restrict the use of certain fares and rates).

3.2The Contractor must support Finance and Participant initiatives in respect of:

(a)improving and streamlining processes and supporting the increased use of online tools by Participants;

(b)identifying, communicating and implementing cost savings initiatives;

(c)communication, training and education plans to inform Participants on an ongoing basis of the Travel Arrangements, its policies and objectives; and

(d)providing timely, accurate, consistent, complete and reliable reporting and data on the Australian Government’s Travel expenditure and other requirements as set out in Schedule X.

3.3The Contractor must act free from influence and without preferring the interests of any other party over the best interests of a Participant or the Australian Government in performing the Services.

3.4The Contractor must disclose to Finance the benefit of all commissions, discounts, rebates or other financial benefits received by the Contractor in connection with any Services provided to Participants as described in clause XX of the Deed.

4Seamless service

4.1The Contractor must work with Finance, Participants and the Other Travel Services Providers under the Services to provide a seamless service for travel management and administration.

4.2The Contractor must provide, for Participants:

(a)high level and high quality service and responsiveness to service needs, concerns or complaints raised with the Contractor;

(b)services that are easily accessible and easy to use;

(c)implementation of efficient Travel Management Services, where disruption and costs to the Participant are minimised including any integration with the Contractor;

(d)smooth implementation of the Services, with minimal disruption to Participants during the implementation;

(e)timely, accurate, consistent, complete and reliable reporting and data feeds on the Travel Arrangements;

(f)cooperate with and work within the Participants existing processes and systems; and

(g)fees and service arrangements that are transparent and maximise value for money.

4.3The Contractor must provide for Finance as the contract manager of the Travel Arrangements:

(a)clear accountability from the Contractor for the provision of the Services;

(b)timely, accurate, consistent, complete and reliable reporting and data feeds on the Travel Arrangements that meet Finance’s needs; and

(c)a high quality of service from the Contractor, including whenever issues of concern or complaints are raised with the Contractor;

4.4The Contractor must provide toOther Travel Service Providers:

(a)assistance with any transition requirements;

(b)efficient and effective access to Other Travel Service Providers inventory. Providing a seamless booking system that fully integrates an Other Travel Service Providers inventory into the Contractor’s system that allows the total booking fulfilment and reporting of these bookings;

(c)access to the Contractor Travel Consulting staff and relevant Contractor Managementto receive updates and the most up to date product information; and

(d)communication systems to provide toParticipants the most up to date information on the Other Travel Service Providers products and services.

5Continuous Improvement

5.1The Contractor must contribute to and support quality and innovation for the Travel Services, byidentifying, recommending and implementing processes to improve effectiveness and efficiency.

5.2The Contractor must consider any suggestions or recommendations it receives from Finance or any Participant in relation to how any of the Services may be improved and must effect any changes if it is reasonable and agreed by both parties to do so.

6Data entry and format

6.1The Contractor must (and must maintain the capacity to) capture and supply data underlying all transactions in compliance with the format and specifications in Appendix 2 to this Schedule 1 and as agreed with Finance.

[Please Note: the reporting requirements are under development]

7Customer service assistance

7.1The Contractor must provide a dedicated toll-free telephone customer assistance service which is available:

(a)on Australian Business Hours for general customer assistance;and

(b)after Business Hours as a support service;

7.2The Contractor must establish, provide and maintain the facility to manage urgent Travel Services for Matters of National Importance and Emergency Responses.

7.3The Contractor must in limited circumstances on a Participant pays basis, and where service needs and volumes justify, provide dedicated travel consultants on-site (implants) at the Participant’s premises.

7.4The Contractor must have systems and procedures in place to capture and store any feedback or complaints provided by Participants in respect to the Services. This process must involve a telephone service using a national toll-free number and must also be able to be accessed by facsimile and e-mail. The process must include a method of tracking and reporting all calls or complaints and these records made available upon request to Finance or a Participant to the extent that the records relate to that Participant. This feedback must be aggregated and reported to Finance in accordance withclause XXX of this Schedule X.

Management Services to Finance

The Contractor must work with Finance to provide a seamless service for travel management and administration. The Contractor must provide these services at no cost to Finance as the contract manager.


8Transition-in Services - Finance

8.1The Contractor must ensure that there is a smooth transition from the Commonwealth’s current arrangements to the new arrangements. This transition is to be completed to ensure the new arrangements for all Participants are in place and have been adequately tested prior to the Services Commencement Date.

8.2The Contractor must implement the Services using a detailed Implementation Plan that includes:

(a)details of the proposed roll out schedule of the Services to small, medium and large Participants that will mitigate key risks and issues associated with the implementation of the Services;

(b)proposed time frames and key milestones critical to the successful implementation of the Services; and

(c)a copy of the intended Participant Implementation Guide as described in clause XX of this Schedule X.

8.3Where required by Finance, the Contractormust conduct information sessions for Participants. The sessions must:

(a)include an overview of the Services and any changes from the Commonwealth’s current arrangements in respect to travel management services;

(b)be conducted at times and places reasonably agreed with Finance;

(c)be designed to maximise accessibility to Participants; and

(d)cover all aspects relevant to Participants commencing to use the Services.

8.4The Contractor must provide online access tothe material provided at the information sessions, in accordance paragraph XX,with appropriate support.

8.5The Contractor must consult with Finance prior to finalising the Implementation Plan, complying with Finance’s instructions to amend the Implementation Plan to meet Finance’s requirements.

8.6The Contractor must provide a final Implementation Plan within one month of the Execution Date (unless otherwise agreed with Finance), for approval by Finance, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

9Implementing with Other Travel Service Providers

9.1The Contractor must, at no additional cost to the Commonwealth:

(a)work cooperatively with Other Travel Service Providers to supply a seamless service in relation to the Travel Services, and

(b)take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure the timely, accurate and reliable receipt and provision of data and information from Other Travel Service Providers under the travel arrangements.

Contract and Account Management

10Liaison and meetings

10.1The Contractor must liaise with, and provide information to Finance, as reasonably required by Finance during the Term.

10.2During the implementation of the Services, the Contractor and Finance must meet at least fortnightly, unless otherwise advised by Finance, to report on the progress of the implementation of the Services to Participants.

10.3During the Term, the Contractor and Finance will meet monthly, unless otherwise advised by Finance, to discuss the delivery of Services and operational issues including:

(a)open issues with respect to the Services delivered;

(b)any issues that may require modification of the service approach under this Deed;

(c)unresolved complaints by Finance or Participants, any other incidents, feedback or solutions, and other issues arising with the Services, and the efforts of the Contractor to resolve those unresolved complaints or issues;

(d)Subcontractor and Other Supplier arrangements and performance; and

(e)action items from previous meetings.

10.4During the Term, the Contractor must meet with Finance (as part of one of the meetings under clause XXX above), to review and discuss the monthly reporting required under the Deed.

10.5During the Term, the Contractor’s senior management team must meet with Finance at least every three months, unless otherwise advised by Finance, to undertake a review of the delivery of services under the Deed and achievement of Service Levels. During the first six months of the contract, unless otherwise agreed, Finance will undertake these reviews monthly.

10.6At the meetings referred to in clause XXX above, the Contractor must assist Finance to jointly undertake a formal review of the performance and operation of the Services in particular the performance of the Services by the Contractor under the Deed, including:

(a)the level to which the Contractor is meeting its obligations under the Service Levels and measurement against key performance indicators in Schedule X;

(b)any issues relating to the Deed;

(c)the extent to which the Contractor, in delivering the Services, is contributing to the objectives, and meeting the requirements of this Deed;

(d)the extent and effectiveness of the Contractor in satisfying its obligations to work and cooperate with other providers under the Travel Arrangements;

(e)the validity of Fees and Charges charged, measured against the relevant terms in this Deed;

(f)unresolved complaints by Finance or Participants, any other incidents, feedback or solutions, and other issues arising with the Services, and the efforts of the Contractor to resolve those unresolved complaints or issues; and

(g)the identification of opportunities to achieve cost and process efficiencies in the delivery of the Services.

10.7To support the reviews to be undertaken under clause XXX and XXX above the Contractor must, at least 15 Business Days prior to the date of the review, provide to Finance information including data and analysis in respect of each of the requirements listed under clause XXX above.

10.8Each party bears its own costs and expenses associated with these meetings.

10.9The meetings will take place at a time and location (or locations, via the use of technology such as teleconferencing or videoconferencing) to be agreed between Finance and the Contractor.

11Annual Review

11.1Within 30Business Days after each Anniversary Date (or as otherwise agreed with Finance), the Contractor must meet with Finance to undertake an Annual Review. An Annual Review should include:

(a)a review of the Contractor's performance of the Services for the previous year;

(b)a review of the efficiency and effectiveness of the Contractor’s systems, including its IT systems, to ensure that its reports are accurate and complete;

(c)a review of the Fees and Charges and Fares/Rates paid by the Commonwealth for the previous year, including any related costs incurred by the Commonwealth;

(d)the Finance Representative presenting to the Contractor Representative any details of actual or alleged incidents of non-compliance with the Contractor’s obligations under this Deed and any Related Agreement;

(e)a discussion of possible strategies and methods to alleviate recurring issues and problems arising in the administration and operation of this Deed and any Related Agreement, with the intention of achieving better outcomes for both the Commonwealth and the Contractor;

(f)the Contractor Representative reporting on any technological developments relevant to the delivery of Services under this Deed;

(g)a review of the Service Levels including agreement (both Parties acting reasonably), on appropriate additions, deletions or adjustments, if any, and Service Levels requiring periodic adjustment or which are no longer appropriate due to changes to the Services;

(h)a review of the Contractor’s Business Continuity Plan to ensure the plan is adequate in the event of a systems failure;

(i)benchmarking of the Services provided to Participants as requested by Finance;

(j)updating the Transition-out Plan;

(k)financial viability of the Contractor (including the provision of the Contractor’s audited Financial Statements);

(l)any other matters reasonably requested by Finance.

12Escalation of Issues to Finance

12.1Where the Contractor is unable to resolve a complaint or operational matter with a Participant in accordance with clause XXof this Schedule X, the Contractor Representative, or the Participant, may request that Finance intervenes to assist in resolving the issue. Finance will liaise with the Contractor and the Participant to assist in the resolution of the issue/s raisedand may request supporting evidence and documentation. In doing so, Finance will have appropriate regard to any issues or concerns raised by the Contractor and the Participant.

12.2Where Finance raises concerns about the quality or application of the Services under this Deed, the Contractor must take the appropriate actions to resolve these concerns to the satisfaction of Finance.