B 6027

Perspectives in Change Leadership

Spring I 2008


Jeff Bailey




Title / Leadership in Organizations
Author(s) / Yukl, Gary A.
Copyright / (2006)
Publisher / Prentice Hall
ISBN / 0131494848 or 9780131494848
Edition / 6th

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Title / Leadership and the Art of Change: A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation
Author(s) / Beach, Lee R.
Copyright / (2005).
Publisher / Sage Publications, Inc.
ISBN / 1412913829

This Course Requires the Purchase of a Course Packet: YES NO

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Argosy University



Perspectives in Change Leadership

Faculty Information

Faculty Name:


Contact Information:

Office Hours:

Short Faculty Bio:

Course description: This course focuses on the essence of leadership and management, including the behaviors, attitudes, and perspectives that distinguish leaders. Effective strategies for developing managers and leaders in the context of modern organizations are emphasized. Leadership dilemmas and issues are analyzed. A multidisciplinary approach will be used to explore new demands and relevant strategies for effective leadership. Individuals will be helped to identify their leadership style.

Course Pre-requisites: None

Required Textbook:

Beach, Lee R. (2005). Leadership and the Art of ChangeA Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation. Sage Publications, Inc. ISBN: 1412913829

Yukl, Gary A. (2006) Leadership in Organizations, 6/e. Prentice Hall. ISBN: 10-0131494848 or ISBN-13: 9780131494848.

Recommended Articles:

  1. Bennis, Warren. The Secrets of Great Groups, Leader to Leader, No.3, Winter 1997

http://leadertoleader.org/leaderbooks/L2L/winter97/bennis.html (extracted 11/6/06)

  1. Wheatley, Margaret. Goodbye Command & Control, Leader to Leader, No.5, Summer 1997

http://leadertoleader.org/leaderbooks/L2L/summer97/wheatley.html (extracted 11/6/06)

  1. Winning at Change: John Kotter: Leader to Leader, No.10, Fall 1998 http://leadertoleader.org/leaderbooks/l2l/fall98/kotter.html

(extracted 10/15/06)

4.  Collins, Jim. The 10 Greatest CEOs of All Time: (cover story) Fortune, 7/21/2003, Vol. 148 Issue 2, 54


(extracted 10/15/06)

  1. Bono, J. E., Boles, T. L., Judge, T. A., & Lauver, K. J. (2002). The role of personality in task and relationship conflict. Journal of Personality, 70(3), 311 – 344
  1. Gibson, C. B. (1995). An investigation of gender differences in leadership across four countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 26(2), 255 – 279

Technology: Pentium III CPU/ Windows 98; 128MB RAM printer; Microsoft Office; Acrobat (full version); Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (PC), 5.0 (MAC), or Netscape Navigator 4.08; Norton Antivirus.

Course length: 7.5 Weeks

Contact Hours: 45 Hours

Credit Value: 3.0

Program Outcomes:

1.  Communication

1.1.  Oral/Written – Present business information orally and in writing using appropriate technology that is concise, clear, organized, supported, and persuasive in a professional manner appropriate to the business context

2.  Critical Thinking/Problem Solving

2.1.  Critical Thinking – Incorporate and synthesize information, theory, and practice in order to implement appropriate business actions

2.2.  Problem Solving/Decision Making – Given a business situation, diagnose the underlying causes of the situation, evaluate possible solutions, and determine and defend appropriate course of action

2.3.  Information Literacy – Access information from a variety of sources, evaluate the credibility of the sources, and apply that information to solve business problems

3.  Team

3.1.  Leadership – Describe the requirements of team members and leaders to work effectively and creatively in achieving team goals

3.2.  Collaboration – Collect, categorize, and consider the views of all stakeholders

4.  Ethics

4.1.  Ethics – Identify the ethical principles related to personal and corporate behavior in specific business situations and explains the potential consequences

5.  Diversity

5.1.  Diversity – Identify the impact of both cultural and economic factors on the modern enterprise and explain the potential consequences

6.  Analysis/Application

6.1.  Applied Technology – Select and defend business technology solutions to typical business problems

6.2.  Integration – Describe the interrelationship of the functional business areas of statistics, accounting, finance, marketing, operations, and strategy within the context of specific organizational goals

Course Objectives:

  1. Analyze, compare and contrast leadership theories and concepts (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 5.1)
  2. Assess dilemmas facing organizational leaders with an emphasis on ethics, power, and achieving organizational goals. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 5.1
  3. Analyze and apply effective management and leadership strategies that deal with current organizational demands. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 5.1)
  4. Explore the current behaviors, attitudes and perspectives of leaders. (Program Outcomes: 1.1; 3.1; 3.2; 4.1; 5.1)
  5. Reflect and support one’s personal leadership style. (Program Outcomes: 3.1; 3.2)

Assignment Table

Topics / Readings / Assignments
1 / ·  Introduce SFL Guidelines & Process – Scenario and Storyboards
·  Leadership Characteristics
·  Leadership Traits
·  Ethical issues / Leadership in Organizations:
Chapter One: The Nature of Leadership
Chapter Two: The Nature of Managerial Work
From Argosy University online library read the articles below to get an overview of the differences between leadership and management and what leaders do.
Rowe, W. G. (2001). Creating Wealth In Organizations: The Role of Strategic Leadership. Academy of Management Executive, 15(1), 81 – 94.
Zaleznik, A. (2004). Managers and leaders: are they different?. Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 74 – 81.
Kotter, J. P. (2001). What leaders really do. Harvard Business Review, 79(11), 85 – 96. / Assignment 1: Leader or Manager?
The individual assignments give you an opportunity to extend your understanding of the concepts learned from reading and online research. They will also allow you to learn more about your leadership style. The individual assignments in each module will culminate in a Personal Leadership Inventory and Development Plan at the end of the course.
To be an effective leader, you have to know your leadership style and differentiate it from your management approach. As the first step of this process, you are expected to reflect on your present ideas on leadership. This assignment will help you and your Instructor gauge your current level of familiarity with the concept of leadership and the consequent requirements.
Think of a person you have reported to in the past. Based on your idea of leadership, analyze whether that person was a manager or a leader. Give examples to support your answer and also demonstrate why either the concept of leadership or management is more applicable to that person. Conduct a STAR analysis of the person’s actions to arrive at your conclusion by creating their STAR matrix. Present the points as bulleted lists in the cells in the STAR matrix.
Assignment 2: Team Formation
The Instructor will assign you to a team. Each team consists of at least three members. Choose a leader/coordinator for your team and rotate that role every two weeks. Rotating the team leader’s role ensures that every team member is given an opportunity to handle leadership responsibilities.
Meet with your team and determine how you will address the Marcom scenario. By Week 8, you are expected to create and submit an Organizational Change Proposal for Leadership in Marcom. It should incorporate the concepts covered in the course, demonstrate an understanding of the decision-making tools chosen by the team to evaluate the problem, and provide a narrative that demonstrates critical thinking skills. Create a plan to define the problem in the given scenario, assess and evaluate relevant data, provide solutions strategy, identify execution methods for the strategy, and review the solution provided by your team.
Start the following tasks.
TASK 1: Virtual Team Agreement and Learning Team Charter
Each team member will review and sign the Virtual Team Agreement document and use the Learning Team Charter documents to track and record teamwork throughout the project. Remember, as in the workplace, you will be evaluated on your individual and teamwork abilities and participation. A thorough project plan will identify if any team member strays off track and jeopardizes the grade of the team on this project.
TASK 2: Group Assignment Responsibility
The Group Assignment Responsibility document is a team assessment instrument, which will be used throughout the duration of the course to determine how well your team works together and how each team member performs. The team leader should complete PART 1 each week, after discussing communication methods and team-task allocation with the team members. The leader should complete PART 2 at the end of each week, after assignment submission. Submit a completed group assignment responsibility document at the end of every week.
2 / Leadership Theories
·  Trait Theory
·  Behavior Theory
·  Attitude Theory
·  Motivation Theory
·  Leadership Theory
·  Influence Theory
Leadership Theories and how they
·  Power
·  Politics
·  Networking
·  Negotiation / Leadership in Organizations:
Chapter 6: Power and Influence
Chapter 8: Early Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership
Chapter 9: Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
Leadership and the Art of Change: A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation:
Chapter 1: Assessment: Specifying Change / Assignment 1: Concept Map
Create a concept map that would include the following leadership theories:
1.  Trait Theory
2.  Behavior Theory
3.  Attitude Theory
4.  Motivation Theory
5.  Leadership Theory
6.  Influence Theory
Open the sample concept map for visual reference. But remember that you have to create your own structure that needs to include all six of the theories listed here.
Assignment 2: Marcom Preliminary Analysis
As a team, create an abstract, double spaced and one page in length, which would present a preliminary analysis of Marcom’s problems. Apply various leadership theories to identify the probable problem zones in Marcom leadership and also use the theories to identify the possible solution path. Solutions should be indicative, and you are not expected to offer micro-level directions.
To create the abstract, complete the following tasks. Using the Group Assignment Responsibility document (see below), the team leader should distribute the tasks among the team members.
TASK 1: Identify the fundamental theoretical leadership issues in Marcom.
TASK 2: Identify the possible theories that could provide a foundation for the solutions strategy.
TASK 3: Identify the broad level issues with team leadership, leadership styles, and leadership dilemmas in Marcom.
The team leader should collate the responses from the team and create the abstract. The abstract should have five paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraphs 2 – 4: Tasks 1 to 3
Paragraph 5: Conclusion
The team leader will add the Introduction and the Conclusion.
3 / Contingency Leadership Theory
Team Leadership
·  Communication
·  Coaching
·  Conflict Skills / Leadership in Organizations:
Chapter 5: Dyadic Role Making, Attributions and Followership
Chapter 11: Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups
Chapter 14: Ethical Leadership and Diversity
Leadership and the Art of Change: A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation:
Chapter 2: Culture: Constraining Change / Assignment 1: Virtual Teams
Access Argosy University online library and conduct a literature review of the following articles:
1.  Dani, S. S., Burns, N. D., Backhouse, C. J., & Kochhar, A. K. (2006).The implications of organizational culture and trust in the working of virtual teams. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part B -- Engineering Manufacture, 220(6), 951 – 960
2.  Ross, J. A. (2006).Trust makes the team go 'round. Harvard Management Update, 11(6), 3 – 6
Based on the literature review, create a response (approximately 300 words) completing the following tasks:
1.  Identify the points of conflict in a team in which members communicate virtually, i.e. through web-meetings, e-mails, and teleconferencing.
2.  Identify how technology can be both a Instructor and an inhibitor in building rapport in virtual teams.
3.  Provide solutions strategies for more effectiveness in Virtual Teams.
Use bulleted lists to present your points for each of the listed tasks. Use current established APA style and format.
Assignment 2: Managing Team Marcom
As a team, analyze the given scenario and create a one to two page double-spaced report compiling your findings and solutions for problems in team leadership in Marcom. Complete the listed tasks to create the report.
Scenario: The Human Resources department conducted a social climate survey in Marcom. The survey shows a high level of dissatisfaction among the mid-level executives. Whereas the mid-level executives have pointed out that there is a communication gap between them and the seniors, the senior management is of the opinion that there is too little respect for authority.
Unit Materials: Download these materials and analyze them to uncover the issues of team leadership and the nature of the problem in Marcom.
·  E-mails from Marcom employees
·  Social-climate survey presenting the employee-satisfaction index
Using the Group Assignment Responsibility document, the team leader should distribute the following tasks among the team members.
Task 1: Identify the conflict areas in the given scenario.
Task 2: Identify the solutions.
Task 3: Validate the findings with proof.
The team leader should collate the responses from the team and create the report. Use current established APA style and format.
4 / ·  Leadership Styles
·  Dyadic Relationships
·  Fellowship
·  Delegation
·  Managing Change / Leadership in Organizations:
Chapter 3: Perspectives on Effective Leadership
Chapter 4: Participative Leadership, Delegation and Empowerment
Leadership and the Art of Change: A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation:
Chapter 3: Vision: Motivating Change
Chapter 4: Plans: Mapping Change / Assignment 1: Identifying Leadership Style
Consider the person you analyzed in the first assignment "Leader or Manager?" in Module 1. In that exercise, you identified whether the person was a manager or a leader. In this assignment, you have to identify the leadership style of that person.
Apply what you learned on leadership styles from the textbook to analyze the modus operandi of the person you have chosen. Be neutral and try to identify the style of that person by analyzing examples of their behavior. Present the points as bulleted lists in the cells in the STAR Matrix.
Assignment 2: Changing Leadership Style
As a team, analyze the given scenario and create a one-page letter proposing a coaching strategy for Sarah.
Scenario: Sarah Lockhart has been a very successful head of the Dallas branch of Marcom. Employees in her branch had a performance graph better than the average across all Marcom branches. She personally knows most of the dealers in the telecommunication hardware industry in Texas. After the multinational mergers, she was made the EVP & GM for Asia. She could not repeat her success story there. Although she was high on productivity, complaints started pouring in about her leadership.