Reference number: R10/0156

Site address:122 Tennyson Avenue, Rugby

Description: Erection of single storey extension to front

Description of site

This application relates to a detached chalet style house. The property has a large dormer window/roof at first floor and this has a mono-pitched roof. It appears that the existing dining room is a converted garage; this has a bay window and projects slightly forward from the front of the house.

The adjacent property 124 is the same house type although this property has been altered in the past. There is a projecting garage which has a pitched roof with a gable to the front.

There is a footpath to the other side of 122 and a relatively new house, 118A beyond this.

The house opposite, 53 Rupert Brook Road is at a lower level than the site and has the side elevation facing the site, this contains side facing landing and bathroom windows.

There are a range of house types in the area, including properties with pitched roofs with gables to the front.

Description of proposals

This application is for a single storey extension to the front of the property. This will provide a study, enlarged hall and a covered canopy area; internal alterations are also proposed to create a shower room. The extension is proposed with a pitched roof with a gable to the front.

A new side facing window is also proposed in the original house.

Third party comments

None received

Technical consultation responses

WCC EcologyNo objectionSubject to informative

Relevant policies and guidance

GP1CompliesAppearance and design of development

GP3CompliesProtection of amenity

H8CompliesResidential extensions

Residential Design Guide 2005

Assessment of proposals

The issues to assess in relation to this application are whether the proposed extension will be acceptable in relation to visual amenity and the residential amenity of surrounding properties.

The existing property has a pitched roof, with gable to the side and a mono-pitched roof over the existing dormer. The proposed extension will have a pitched roof with a gable to the front. It is considered that this design reflects the existing house and other properties in the area, including the adjacent house, number 124.

The extension will project around 2m from the front of the existing property. There are other properties within the area with front projections and existing properties are set differing distances from the pavement.

The materials to be used in the extension are to match the existing house and this can be controlled by a condition.

Subject to this condition it is considered that the proposed extension will be in keeping with the existing house and the character of the area and is in accordance with policies GP and H8.

In relation to the impact on neighbouring properties it is not considered that the proposed extension will have an impact on 53 Rupert Brooke Road opposite the site as the garden for this property is around 18m from the proposed extension and the house itself is around 35m away.

There is a footpath to the side and the property to the other side of this 118A will be around 20m from the extension it is not considered that this property will be adversely affected by the extension or the new side facing window.

Number 124 will be the closest neighbour to the proposed extension and the 45 degree guideline, contained within the Residential Design Guide, will be complied with from this property. It is therefore considered that there will be no adverse impact on this property in terms of loss of light or sense of enclosure.

Policies GP3 and H8 are therefore complied with.


Approval, subject to conditions.

Report prepared by: Karen McCulloch

Report Sheet