User Education Fall 2013: Instruction Experience Opportunities/Ideas

Helping Youth by Providing Enrichment (HYPE)
Contact through the Campus Y:
Brandon Malley

/ AlesiaSanyika, Program Manager
Orange County Family Resource Centers

Ms. Sanyika oversees programs and development dealing with families, adults, and older students, in addition to the community at large. She is sharing this information with her Director and is waiting to hear back from her, which should be after the Labor Day holiday.
Technology Without Borders
Contact through the Campus Y:
/ We offer TECH classes (technology empowerment for Chapel Hill) on Sundays in the Campus Y at 2pmand Wednesdays at JobLink Career Center at 503 W. Franklin Street at 5pm. At these classes, we teach low-income individuals basic computer skills as you have described. If you would like to come out this week and see what we do, we'd be more than happy to meet you and discuss afterwards your role in helping out our committee.
Project Literacy
Contact through the Campus Y:
/ Haven’t heard back yet…
Youth for Elderly Service Inquiry
Contact through the Campus Y:
/ “This sounds like something we could match with youth for elderly service. We could have a session for the exec members of youth for elderly service so they can improve their computer skills. This year we will be using technology more to publicize events and to come up with a scrap book for our organization. We will not have the exec positions full until September 17th.
Face-to-face workshop for SILS students /
  • “It’s the Law!” (scary) – common information needs and how to address them
  • Introduction to Photoshop
  • Introduction to Genealogy for Reference Librarians
  • Behind the Scenes in Interlibrary Loan

Online tutorial /
  • Breaking down your assignment targeting students who are struggling to understand an assignment
  • College Hacks. This tutorial targets UNC students who need tools/resources to help them complete assignments at the last minute

Assignment-driven instruction session for INLS 200 undergraduate class / Ericka Patillo and Kathy Brennan are each teaching a section of INLS 200, Retrieving and Analyzing Information. Both are willing to incorporate an instruction session into their class schedule – probably a 30 minute session in which you present/demonstrate a library database and give students in-class time to work with your assistance.
Other ideas…

Note: The Community Workshop Series is a great opportunity for you to stretch your instruction skills. But for the Instruction Experience project, you will need to craft/design material for your target audience and information need.