Make slime:

The slime, gorilla mucus or dolphin mucus as you want to call it, is an elastic mass that serves for children to have fun manipulating, it can also be used as a product of stress for children and adults is important to mention that This product is not harmful and can be done in many ways, textures and colors, in this experiment I will teach you three practical ways to prepare it.

Slime with liquid detergent.


 2 plastic containers.

 150 ml of water.

 Three tablespoons of liquid detergent.

 Synthetic or carpenter's glue.

 Food coloring.

 Teaspoon to remove.


Step 1.- The first thing to do is to put in one of the containers approximately two tablespoons of white synthetic glue, then to this add three drops of food coloring of the color that you prefer, then you have to stir well to mix everything and see Uniform, and if we want the color to appear more intense it is time to add a few more drops of food coloring.

Step 2.- In the other container add two tablespoons of detergent and a spoonful of water and stir until the two components are mixed.

Step 3.- Then add the two mixtures and stir non-stop until a dough is formed, then proceed to knead in the hands, at first it will become a bit sticky and as you knead it will take better consistency and you already have your slime.

How to prepare a delicious yogurt natural

Yogurt is produced from the fermentation of milk, have more than one hundred million live bacteria, these bacteria help fight all kinds of infections in our digestive system, yogurt also helps stabilize the intestinal flora and microorganisms of the digestive system, Its bacteria convert the sugar from the common milk into lactic acid, in addition it contains Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium, essential minerals to have our bones healthy.

For the preparation of our natural yogurt we will need the following.


 3 liter of whole milk the brand that you prefer.

 4 tablespoons of milk powder

 500 ml of natural yogurt.

 Plastic bags to let the yogurt stand.

 1 cooler or cooler.


Step 01.- Put the whole milk in a pot and be able to the fire until it is hot and start to smoke or steam, eye should not boil otherwise the natural yogurt will not come out, after that add the four tablespoons of milk In powder and dissolve well so that no lumps remain.

Step 02.- Place the half-liter of natural yogurt in warm milk and stir well using a wooden spoon of preference.

Step 03.- Then this mixture is placed in plastic bags and we take it to the cooler or ice maker and we leave it for about eight hours, then we pour it in a container and we take it to the refrigerator for two hours, after that the natural yogurt That we prepare will be ready to be consumed if you want to give a touch of different flavor we can sweeten or add strawberry jam or the flavor that you prefer.

listo !!!

Experiment preparing toothpaste

We will learn in a simple way, to make a toothpaste to keep our teeth always white; For which we will need the following ingredients:


 07 tablespoons of corn syrup.

 06 tablespoons of pure glycerin.

 03 soup spoons of baking soda.

 1 1/2 tablespoon mint essence.

 1 1/2 tablespoon of tragataranto rubber.

 1 tablespoon of sodium lauryl sulfate.

 1 blink of blue vegetable coloring or desired shade.


 2 plastic or glass containers.

 1 plastic or glass container to store toothpaste.

 Spatula, spoon.

 Whisk.

Eye All these ingredients can be found at any pharmacy or drugstore grade.


1.- Place the corn syrup and the glycerin in one of the glass or plastic containers, stir well with a spatula or spoon as you like, until a homogeneous and a little thick, syrup-like mixture is obtained.

2. In another bowl add lauryl, sodium sulfate, sodium bicarbonate and tragacanth gum, mix the same with a spoon until all ingredients are evenly distributed.

3 .- Pour the paste of the second step, to the mixture of corn syrup, and stir with the aid of a whisk or fork until it takes on a doughy consistency.

4.- Once the pasta is obtained, add the mint flavor essence, while still beating so that it can be completely integrated into the mixture.

5.- Then the vegetable coloring is added slowly to the paste beating well to be evenly incorporated until the desired color is obtained and we already have our homemade toothpaste, now to enjoy it.

Eye this paste can be kept up to two months.

Checking the weight of fresh water and salt water

Most of the water that covers the surface of the earth is salty, in this activity we will learn how water can take different forms, the more abundant because we know that it is salt water that we have in our seas and the oceans, Fresh water we find it in the rivers and lakes, the water freezes in the North pole and the South pole ..

Water in spite of its abundance, is a very scarce good, reason why we should not waste it, much less contaminate it, we can all collaborate in its conservation, the proposals are and here in this blog we show some, however important Is to be perseverant and to fulfill them, being constant is the key to success.


 Do not leave the keys, pipes open because a lot of water is wasted.

 Do not mess the beaches.

 If we are going on a trip, do not leave the waste in the forest or in the rivers.

Material to be used in this activity:

 1 pitcher of water

 1 spoon and 1 glass.



 A container for ice cubes.



Step 1.- Fill the jug of water and add the liquid dye, you must stir well until the water is colored then pour the mixture into the cubes and place in the freezer.

Step 2.- While waiting for the ice cubes to freeze, the glass is filled with water. Then add two to three teaspoons of salt stirring well so that everything is dissolved.

Step 3 and 4.- When the cubes test facts, one is removed from the container and placed in the glass of water with salt, once the cubit is discarded it will be noticed that the colored fresh water rises to the surface

Learning: Fresh water from the cubit rises to the surface because it weighs less than salt water or sea water, sea water is about 30gr. Of salt per liter and the Dead Sea which is a salt water lake can be found up to270gr. Salt per liter of water.

Drop an Egg and prevent it from breaking

Following the classic experiments, today we will perform this simple experiment to demonstrate some properties of physics, with their respective explanation. The necessary materials are as follows:

Huevos de Gallina Disposable soda container

Hen's eggs

Package of disposable soda

a scissors

Insulating tape



Cut open bottle to more than half

Put an egg in the bottle and glue the ribbon around the cut.

Drop the egg with the bottle from a height of about one meter.

Now try to fill the bottle with salt water. Add salt until the egg begins to float.

Try dropping the egg with the bottle from a height of one meter. Does it give you the same result?

What can happen

The egg alone in the bottle will break, but with salt water it will resist impact.

Raisins Dancing with Fizzy

Today we will learn how to make dancers raisins using fizzy fizz Sprite or Seven Up, then we will give you step by step to perform this chemical experiment.


A clear glass vial

A transparent soda can be Sprite

A serving of raisins


Pour the soda into the bottle gently

Then add the raisins

Watch what happens

Light the candle in an unusual way.

This is a very easy experiment and it has no danger, yet it is advisable to use it with the supervision of an older person.

The first time they see it, they are going to say that it is impossible for this to be possible, I also think so, so I did the experiment and the results surprised me.

Candles are something we use to illuminate an environment, lighting candles and lamps has been considered from ancient times as an outward test of joy and also through them manifested respect for certain distinguished people.


1 candle

1 lighter or matches

The first thing you must do is to start to light the candle and leave it for a few seconds until the wax that is just below the flame starts to become liquid. When we see that this happens, we turn off the flame of the candle are a quick and abrupt blow, but not continued, because if you will not get cool the flame and wax and is what should not happen.

You will see that a column of smoke is coming off as it goes out and goes up in a straight line if the air is calm. Take the lighter or spark, and place your flame on the column of smoke. You will see that a small flame descends by it and finishes igniting the wick.

We repeat that although it is not dangerous, it is necessary to do the experiment accompanied by an older one since to have to use fire, it is necessary.

How to change color to white roses in three simple steps.

Magic Flowers

magic flowers

magic flowers

This experiment will help us understand, as plants absorb water and distribute through the stem all around, is a very easy and fun experiment.


4 white roses

some water

4 glasses of glass

Artificial or natural coloring.


Step 01.- Fill four glasses less than half, it is recommended to use clear glass glasses.



Step 02.- A few drops of artificial coloring are placed in each of the vessels; Use different color in each glass.


Step 03.- Cut the stems of the roses diagonally, keeping in mind that each stem should measure approximately 15 cm. So that it can rest on the bottom of the glass and the flower protrudes, then place them in the glass and leave them standing all night.


The next day we will appreciate the flowers of the colors that we have tinted the water, this means that the stem absorbed the colors and distributed it throughout the petals of the rose.

Empty an egg without opening it using only water

Experiments with eggs are very common for several reasons. First, it is usually very economical to experiment with them, in addition it is usually completely safe and, last but not least, it is very fun and educational to do so.

Empty egg

In this case, we will take advantage of several phenomena at once, all related to what is known as "osmosis" and "osmotic pressure". Do not let the term scare you, we will explain it as soon as we can and, helping us with the experiment, will soon be able to understand and talk about fairly advanced physical phenomena in a very simple, uncomplicated and error-free way.

What are we going to need?

A raw egg, that is, with the clear and full intact

A pin

A glass vase


Much patience, or get to do something else in what is ready


This part is the most complicated, so pay attention. If you look at an egg well, it has one part flatter than another, which is more pointed. We will hold the egg in such a way that the flattest part is visible. With the pin and very carefully (we can ruin many eggs, so better to do it calmly so as not to waste food) we will break a small part of the shell, but only the shell. Have you seen that membrane, like cloth that has the egg under the shell? Well that membrane is very important for this experiment, so it should not be broken.

Egg with hollow

Once the first hole is made, we will pass to the other end of the egg, the pointed part. There we will use the pin once again to make a hole, this time we will also load the membrane.

Experiment eggs

Once this is done, we will put the egg in the glass and start filling it with water. The egg should not be completely covered with water, the tip should be uncovered.

Little by little and after a few hours, we will observe that the egg apparently abandoned the shell magically, but there is no magic trick involved, only physical.


In nature there is a very interesting phenomenon with respect to the substances that compose it. Nature does not tolerate or like abuses, nor excesses, always seeks balance. Thus, when we put the egg on the water, the water will begin to fill the egg so that the composition inside the egg is equal to that of the vessel, that is, full of water. The egg would try to do the same, but it has a problem and is that the membrane we leave does not allow the egg to pass, only the water so the only way left for the egg is to leave the shell and fill with water.

The egg membrane is semipermeable, which means that it allows the passage of one fluid but not the other. In this case, the membrane holds the egg but lets the water through. The water begins to push the egg from the inside to expel it thanks to a phenomenon known as osmosis, which is the passage of a liquid through a semipermeable membrane. The force acting on the egg and ending by displacing it is called osmotic pressure, a force that exerts a liquid on another liquid so that its compositions.

A homemade rocket with no fire

Many people love fireworks, rockets and things that come out of the air. Unfortunately, many times these huge reactions are very dangerous and can not be experienced without equipment and special spaces for it. Fortunately, there are some experiments that allow us to throw objects in the air in a practically accident-proof way.

Preparing a homemade rocket is very simple and fun, and it can be used to explain many phenomena of gases. This is convenient for several reasons: first, because gases are the "relatively" simplest substances to study, so they are always used to introduce those interested in the world of chemistry. Second, it serves to remove the restlessness of many people about throwing things to the roof without danger.


A bottle

A cork that fits in the bottle (if smaller the cork does not matter, we will increase its diameter with adhesive tape)

Scotch tape

Multi-colored paper strips (optional)



Baking soda

Absorbent paper or napkin

How to proceed

This experiment requires less than 10 minutes of preparation. The first and most important thing is to get away from windows and objects of our parents that we can knock down and make them very angry. Once the place is selected, for example in the garden, all we have to do is put the water in the bottle along with the vinegar. Then we wrap all the bicarbonate in the napkin or in the absorbent paper (the latter is better, gives us a little more time). Adhesive tape and strips of paper are to decorate the cork, which in this case will be the rocket we will launch through the air, but it is merely optional).

We are ready to begin. We take the napkin with the well compacted bicarbonate and we put it in the bottle of water with vinegar. We quickly cover the bottle with the cork as hard as we can and we just have to wait. Soon, the cork will be fired together with all the strips of paper we put, giving us a home rocket show.


Vinegar reacts very quickly with bicarbonate, releasing large amounts of a gas called carbon dioxide. This gas begins to exert enormous pressure on the walls of the bottle. Once the pressure is sufficient, the gas will escape through the place with the lowest resistance present, which in this case is the cork.

Water-raising candle

The experiment that we present today has to do directly with the physics and explains the process of combustion and how it behaves when there is air or there is not.

What exactly is combustion?

For there to be combustion there must be oxygen as the oxygen is what is burning. If a room was burning and suddenly the oxygen was out of it, the fire would burn out. The atoms in the fuel mix with the oxygen.

Dark Candle Once the combustion has begun, it will keep on its own until it finishes with all the oxygen in the room. Let's take an example, when we eat, the body stores the energy it eats and releases it little by little as we need it, however, when we talk about a combustion, the energy is released suddenly.

What is needed for the experiment?

1 candle

3 coins

1 transparent cup

1 bowl with water

How to do Candle and water experience

The first step is to light a candle and wax it to a plate. Put water in this dish - the dish should be at least 3 centimeters high, so it is better to use a flat dish - and put the coins on which you are going to put the glass.