Clerk: Nicky Hill
Orchard Cottage
Hill Farm Lane
Tel: 01452 781028 Email: /
Minutes of the Meeting of 14th March 2017
Councillors Present / In attendanceMike Fellows (MF) Chairman / 2 members of the public
Tony Eardley (TE) Vice Chairman / Clerk: Nicky Hill (NH)
Paul Finch (PF) / Grant Elliot (GE) Neighbourhood Watch representative.
Derek Collier (DC) / Councillor Philip Awford (PA)
Caroline Saunders (CS)
572/0317 / Chairman MF welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened the public session.
Member of the public enquired about the status of the residential development boundary plans. MF stated that as from 31st Jan 2017, it was unlikely that there would be any change to the policy.
There were concerns raised regarding the marker posts installed on Broad Street on the corner near to Goss Farm. PA advised that they were put there as a deterrent for vehicles driving onto the verge and that there was not a lot of space for anything else. PA will report the concerns to Highways and suggest a site meeting with the road safety officer.
The concerns over the ditches not being regularly cleared was raised again. PA and NH will ask Highways for an update.
573/0317 / Apologies for absence.
574/0317 / Declaration of Interests:
PF declared an interest in the planning applicationNo 16/01465/FUL – Colchesters Farm.
TE declared an interest on item 581/0317 as he lives on the green.
575/0317 / To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting:
10th January2017.No amendments were necessary and the minutes were agreed and signed.
576/0317 / Matters arising /review of actions from the last meeting not on the agenda.
577/0317 / Reports from invited speakers on relevant items.
PA reported:
- The JCS was discussed and after the refusal of the development of 725 houses at Twigworth, it has now been overturned with development submitted for 995 houses.
- Over Roundabout-County Highways 2018 proposals potential for traffic lights
- Link onto A40 - budget
- Extra 9 million pounds for Highways
- 30 thousand pounds for local highways (which is where the money came from for the road fencing at Stonebow)
- The Lengthmans scheme that was previously unbudgeted, now has a budget for half a million pounds.
- Waste collections may change – ongoing discussions.
- Just the usual scams circulating, but no local crimes have been reported.
578/0317 / Planning matters and applications.
a) Application No 16/01343/FUL – Vehicle Access-Withdrawn
b) Application No 16/01435/FUL – Woodstore - Refuse
c) Application No 16/01465/FUL – Colchesters Farm - Refuse
d) Application No 1700209/FUL – Green Farm - No objections
e) Bloor Homes withdrawal from the Nup End development – MFreported thatthe land is being sold with outline permission for a 35 house development.
f) Bloxhams Outline Application
g) Status of TBC Local Plan and Planning Guidance for Ashleworth
579/0317 / Highways
It was noted that metal fencing had been erected around the ditch on the corner by Stonebow. PA reported that the funding had come from the Highways budget. APC have expressed gratitude to Highways.
MF asked if PA could chase Highways regarding the repair work on the Bricklow sign.
580/0317 / Telephone Box
NH reported that due to the high volume of interest and backlog of registration of interest, BT have no further updates as to when the transaction of sale will take place.
581/0317 / Track on village green
TE reported on behalf of the village green residents that they were pursuing scalping’s. PF said that they were currently on a waiting list to receive scalping’s at a competitive price.
582/0317 / Annual Parish Meeting
The meeting will be on Tuesday 18th April in the main village hall.
NH will advertise the event and circulate invitations.
583/0317 / WSP Solicitor – Title deed request letter
A letter has been received by WSP Solicitors stating that the firm hold some title deeds regarding the Licence to use Ashleworth Green. They are happy to continue holding the deeds, however if APC require them, there is a deeds production fee of £30 + vat. It was agreed that APC request the deeds and will pay the fee.
584/0317 / Finance:
a)To approve accounts for payment:
1) Clerk wages - Jan/Feb £137.76 x 2 - Agreed
2) Memorial Hall hire £41.50 - Agreed
3) GAPTC membership renewal £138.47 - Agreed
4) WSP Solicitor - deeds fee £36.00 - Agreed (minute 583/0317)
b) To agree the bank reconciliation - Agreed
c) Expenditure to date against budget - Agreed
d) To agree budget 2017/2018 - Agreed
e) GAPTC appointed audit cost -discussed and based upon the letter of scales from GAPTC- Agreed
585/0317 / Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 18th April in the main village hall - Confirmed
To confirm date of next meeting (AGM) as Tuesday9TH May 2017 – Confirmed
Meeting closed at 8.42pm