Related documents: / SPF 02 FUNDING PROTOCOL
Responsible Research Practice

Research Integrity & Ethics

Definition of ‘Research Active’ Staff at UNSW

The main aim of this program is to provide funds to researchers or research groups to bring distinguished international researchers to the Faculty for short periods of time (up to ~1-2 weeks) to facilitate research collaborations, develop a strong research environment including for our HDR student cohort and to promote the research of the Faculty.
The visitor must be currently engaged in academic research that relates to a Faculty research strength or can be demonstrated as an area of emerging strength. It is expected that s/he will add value to the research culture of the Faculty by undertaking activities such as the following:

a) a lecture that is tailored for and advertised to the Faculty research community
b) a public lecture
c) participation in a HDR student and/or ECR workshop/discussion group
d) other activities that enrich the research and intellectual culture of the Faculty

It is not necessary for each proposed visitor to undertake ALL these activities.

In assessing the applications, a sub-committee of the Faculty Research Committee will address the following aspects:

  • The research credentials (CV) of the suggested visitor as represented by the CV provided;
  • The relationship of the visitor’s research area to the Faculty research strengths and/or emerging strengths;
  • The extent of cross school/centre support for the visitor;
  • The extent and feasibility of the planned programs in which the visitor will participate and their ability to add value to the research culture of the Faculty and the reach of the target audiences (academics, HDR, public);
  • Evidence of existing collaborations or the likelihood of new collaborations arising from the visit;
  • Appropriateness of budget sought and its justification, including any contribution to costs which will be provided by Schools and Centres;
  • Space available to house the visiting scholar;
  • Support from the Head(s) of School(s) / Centre Director(s).


Applications may seek funding for the following allowable items: Travel costs, including economy flights, travel insurance, accommodation and appropriate/reasonable short term living expenses and costs incurred for workshops/seminars can be requested.

Requests for reimbursement of the cost of visas and airline cancellation fees will not be considered.

The FRO guideline is for maximum requests of up to $10,000 (with school/centre cost sharing encouraged). Funding for this round and scheme is limited so demonstrating cost effectiveness is essential.


Applications should use the appropriate application form provided and adhere to page limits stated therein. Applications must be submitted by close of business28th of November 2016.
Applications should be submitted electronicallyto Sofia Haidar at the Faculty Research Office ications must have a Head of School supporting signature or they will not be considered.


Funds will be allocated by the Faculty to Schools and Centres, which will be responsible for administering the payment of funds. When a Distinguished Visitor grant is awarded the FRO will coordinate with the Manager of the relevant School, who will then oversee the administration of funding awarded. Funds will be available in early 2017 and must be expended and reconciled to project before the end of year 2017 finance close off deadlines– no carry forwards are available. No replacement funds will be available for those who do not adhere to the financial deadlines. Any questions regarding financial deadlines should be directed to your School/Centre Manager.

Please note that success of this application does not automatically qualify you for support from the Faculty External Relations team with the hosting and promotion of any mentioned events. This is a separate process to the award of these funds and you are encouraged to liaise with the External Relations team prior to submitting your application.

1. Applicant Details

Have you applied for Faculty Research Funding in the last 3 years? Yes No
Are all named applicants Research Active? Yes No
Are any of the applicants early career researchers Yes No
If yes, please indicate which by an * beside the relevant name in ‘Applicant(s)’ above

2. Proposed Visitor

Name of Proposed Visitor
Current Organisation of Proposed Visitor
As an attachment provide a short Curriculum Vitae of the proposed visitor (Max 5 pages)

3. Budget Details

Budget Item / Amount Requested AUD
Total Costs Requested

4. Budget Justification

For each budget item sought, include a short explanation of amount and need. Specifically, each item must be justified in terms of why it is required and how you came about the dollar value listed in your budget table. Use the same headings as items listed in Budget Items, question 3 (max 1/2 page)

5. Visitor and Program Details

Include a short description of the planned visit program including (2 pages maximum)
  • Proposed talks/presentations from the visitor while at the Faculty & intended target audiences (HDR, academic, public)
  • Details of workshops/discussion groups etc. in which the visitor will participate
  • Information demonstrating the value add of the visit to the Faculty research collaborations and Faculty research culture generally
  • Support from across the Faculty for the visitor


Certification by Investigators

The following certification must be signed by all Investigators

I/we certify to the best of my knowledge that the details provided in this application form and any supporting documentation are true and complete.

I/we consent to application being sent out for external peer review by persons unknown to me

I/we have undertaken training in Research Integrity or I have read and understand my responsibilities under the Australian Code of Research Conduct

Signature of Investigators
/ Name (please print) / Date

Certification by the Head of School/Centre Director

I certify that—

I am prepared to have the proposed carried out in my School/Centre under the circumstances set out by the applicant(s).
To the best of my knowledge, all details on this application form are true and complete.
This School/Centre supports this application and if successful will provide basic infrastructure.
The project can be accommodated within the general facilities in this School/Department, and appropriate working and office space is available.

Signature of Head of School
orCentre Director / Name (please print) / Date