Reports and Agenda Items for April 27, 2016 Ad Council Meeting

Room 211 - 212 FSC First United Methodist Church Hanover, PA

Opening -

Old Business -

April 27, 2016 Church Treasurer Report

Attached you will find the Financial for March 2016

Our Current fund balance is $43,566.12; available for use $16,550.34

$27,015.78 are funds held in Current for other ministries that do not have their own checking:

$9,328.13 Organ$2,159.40 New Season’s

$800.04 Young at Heart$14,728.21 Memorial

Our Total Revenues YTD according to budget were behind ($44,921.58) *approximately $3,455.51 per week

Most expenses were under budget. Shares of Ministry was paid. All bills are paid current. There were 4 weeks of giving in March

Some large expenses that we had in March paid by Current Expense:

$1,371.86 200 FSC Snow Removal

$613.10 Van Repairs

$837.61 James Craft-200 MSC Flush Valve Tubing

$242.81-Property Tax- 21 & 21 ½ C

$1,987.40-Property Tax-274 S Forney

*The remaining property taxes will be paid in April. The expenses were spread out over the 2 months

Over Budget Items for the Year:

200 FSC Snow Removal-9200025S-Actual $4,674.38 vs. 2016 Budget $4,300.00

March2016:March 2015:

Net Income: ($6,769.65) Net Income: ($568.30)

YTD Net Income: ($31,101.91) YTD Net Income: ($15,631.75)

Revenues: $59,177.07 Revenues: $69,009.56

YTD Revenues: $160,597.53 YTD Revenues: $171,291.41

Invite Ministries Exp $0 Program Exp: $1,962.94

YTD Invite Ministries Exp $0 YTD Program Exp: ($1,673.80)

Connect Ministries Exp ($149.94) Operating Exp: $67,614.92

YTD Connect Ministries Exp $1,100.41 YTD Operating Exp $185,249.36

Disciple Ministries Exp $870.47

YTD Disciple Ministries Exp $936.53

Send Ministries Exp $0

YTD Send Ministries Exp ($134.15)

Support Ministries Exp $65,226.19

YTD Support Ministries Exp $189,796.65

Rental Units: Note Balances:

2016 March Net Income $0 Fogle Note: $44,816.74

2016 YTD Net Income: $2,956.52 M&T Bank GF/CF BLOC balance $0

M&T Bank GFCF BLOC Interest PD YTD $0

M&T Bank B&G BLOC balance $0

M&T Bank B&G BLOC Interest Pd YTD $0

Building & Growth Fund Balance - $34,857.80

FUMC March 2016 Financial

FUMC March 2016 Financial / Current Month
Actual / Current Month
Budget / Year to Date
Actual / Year to Date
Budget / 2016 Budget
GF-Plate / $ 1,434.29 / $ 1,250.00 / $ 2,756.35 / $ 3,750.00 / $ 15,000.00
GF-Contribution / 39,738.50 / 49,928.03 / 103,288.15 / 149,784.09 / 599,136.40
GF-Vanco / 15,751.75 / 15,416.67 / 47,687.50 / 46,250.01 / 185,000.00
GF-Adult Sunday School / 214.00 / 250.00 / 930.00 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
GF-Interest/Dividend/Estate/Tr / 1,589.03 / 416.67 / 1,589.03 / 1,250.01 / 5,000.00
GF-Rental Income 204 / 0.00 / 995.00 / 2,985.00 / 2,985.00 / 11,940.00
GF-Building Usage / 449.50 / 250.00 / 1,361.50 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
GF-Miscellaneous / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL REVENUES / 59,177.07 / 68,506.37 / 160,597.53 / 205,519.11 / 822,076.40
I-Supplies / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL INVITE BUDGET / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
*TOTAL INVITE MINISTRIES* / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TW-Candles / 0.00 / 29.17 / 0.00 / 87.51 / 350.00
TW-Flowers / 367.66 / 29.17 / 290.66 / 87.51 / 350.00
TW-Lenten Fellowship / 0.00 / 16.67 / 0.00 / 50.01 / 200.00
TW-Dry Cleaning / 0.00 / 47.92 / 0.00 / 143.76 / 575.00
TW-Music Encouragement/Apprec / 0.00 / 16.67 / 0.00 / 50.01 / 200.00
TW-Christmas Decoration / 0.00 / 12.50 / 0.00 / 37.50 / 150.00
TW-Organ/Piano Repair / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TW-Communion / 0.00 / 27.08 / 0.00 / 81.24 / 325.00
TW-Banners / 0.00 / 4.17 / 0.00 / 12.51 / 50.00
TW-Special Music / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TW-Artist Series / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TW-Adult Choir/Handbell / (517.60) / 29.17 / (451.12) / 87.51 / 350.00
TW-Children Choir Music / 0.00 / 4.17 / 0.00 / 12.51 / 50.00
TW-Youth Handbell / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TW-Instrumental/Solo Music / 0.00 / 4.17 / 0.00 / 12.51 / 50.00
TW-Acolyte / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TW-AGHR Membership Handbell / 0.00 / 7.08 / 0.00 / 21.24 / 85.00
TOTAL TRADITIONAL WORSHIP FSC BUDGET / (149.94) / 227.94 / (160.46) / 683.82 / 2,735.00
CW-Worship Space Enhancement / 0.00 / 41.67 / 0.00 / 125.01 / 500.00
CW-Music / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
CW-Hospitality / 0.00 / 75.00 / 289.80 / 225.00 / 900.00
CW-Guest Musicians / 0.00 / 50.00 / 150.00 / 150.00 / 600.00
TOTAL CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP MSC BUDGET / 0.00 / 166.67 / 439.80 / 500.01 / 2,000.00
CF-Celebration / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL CONGREGATIONAL FELLOWSHIP BUDGET / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
CC-Stephen Ministries / 0.00 / 125.00 / 821.07 / 375.00 / 1,500.00
CC-Care Phone Line / 0.00 / 20.83 / 0.00 / 62.49 / 250.00
CC-Encouragement/Appreciation / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
CC-Supplies / 0.00 / 20.83 / 0.00 / 62.49 / 250.00
CC-Celebrate Recovery *ROGL / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL CONGREGATIONAL CARE BUDGET / 0.00 / 166.66 / 821.07 / 499.98 / 2,000.00
*TOTAL CONNECT MINISTRIES* / (149.94) / 561.27 / 1,100.41 / 1,683.81 / 6,735.00
SA-Retreats/Training / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
SA-Events/Fellowship / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
SA-Encouragement/Appreciation / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
SA-Supplies / 41.79 / 0.00 / 41.79 / 0.00 / 0.00
SA-Curriculum / 262.52 / 333.33 / 545.55 / 999.99 / 4,000.00
TOTAL SENIOR/ADULT MINISTRIES BUDGET / 304.31 / 333.33 / 587.34 / 999.99 / 4,000.00
YA-Retreats/Training / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
YA-Events/Fellowship / (500.00) / 0.00 / (500.00) / 0.00 / 0.00
YA-Encouragement/Appreciation / (50.00) / 0.00 / (50.00) / 0.00 / 0.00
YA-Supplies / (150.00) / 0.00 / (150.00) / 0.00 / 0.00
YA-Curriculum / (100.00) / 0.00 / (100.00) / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL YOUNG ADULT MINISTRIES BUDGET / (800.00) / 0.00 / (800.00) / 0.00 / 0.00
Y-Retreats/Training / 641.68 / 416.67 / 611.68 / 1,250.01 / 5,000.00
Y-Events/Fellowship / 65.98 / 125.00 / (203.47) / 375.00 / 1,500.00
Y-Encouragement/Appreciation / 0.00 / 8.33 / 0.00 / 24.99 / 100.00
Y-Supplies / 103.58 / 41.67 / (312.07) / 125.01 / 500.00
Y-Curriculum / 0.00 / 41.67 / 0.00 / 125.01 / 500.00
Y-Confirmation / 0.00 / 41.67 / 0.00 / 125.01 / 500.00
TOTAL YOUTH MINISTRIES BUDGET / 811.24 / 675.01 / 96.14 / 2,025.03 / 8,100.00
C-Retreats/Training / 0.00 / 6.25 / 0.00 / 18.75 / 75.00
C-Events/Fellowship / 0.00 / 8.33 / 0.00 / 24.99 / 100.00
C-Encouragement/Appreciation / 50.00 / 8.33 / 50.00 / 24.99 / 100.00
C-Supplies / 82.49 / 58.33 / 163.55 / 174.99 / 700.00
C-Curriculum / (47.23) / 100.00 / 313.58 / 300.00 / 1,200.00
C-VBS / 0.00 / 125.00 / 0.00 / 375.00 / 1,500.00
C-Blast Sum Fun / (140.00) / 0.00 / (140.00) / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL CHILDREN MINISTRIES BUDGET / (54.74) / 306.24 / 387.13 / 918.72 / 3,675.00
GT-Supplies / 0.00 / 25.00 / 0.00 / 75.00 / 300.00
GT-Offering Envelopes / 609.66 / 70.83 / 665.92 / 212.49 / 850.00
TOTAL GENEROSITY TEAM BUDGET / 609.66 / 95.83 / 665.92 / 287.49 / 1,150.00
*TOTAL DISCIPLE MINISTRIES* / 870.47 / 1,410.41 / 936.53 / 4,231.23 / 16,925.00
C&S-Supplies / 0.00 / 4.17 / (134.15) / 12.51 / 50.00
TOTAL CHURCH & SOCIETY BUDGET / 0.00 / 4.17 / (134.15) / 12.51 / 50.00
*TOTAL SEND MINISTRIES* / 0.00 / 4.17 / (134.15) / 12.51 / 50.00
OA-Office Supplies / 746.40 / 1,083.33 / 4,794.58 / 3,249.99 / 13,000.00
OA-Worship Supplies / 240.05 / 100.00 / 599.61 / 300.00 / 1,200.00
OA-Postage / 419.60 / 333.33 / 879.60 / 999.99 / 4,000.00
OA-Conference Delegation / 0.00 / 25.00 / 0.00 / 75.00 / 300.00
OA-Software / 1,168.39 / 856.67 / 2,815.77 / 2,570.01 / 10,280.00
OA-Network Support / 1,956.25 / 1,958.33 / 4,273.90 / 5,874.99 / 23,500.00
OA-Copier Rentals / 489.95 / 487.50 / 1,194.49 / 1,462.50 / 5,850.00
OA-Shares of Ministries / 6,751.92 / 6,751.92 / 20,255.76 / 20,255.76 / 81,023.00
OA-Office Equipment / 0.00 / 83.33 / 42.39 / 249.99 / 1,000.00
OA-IT/AV Equipment / 0.00 / 323.33 / 0.00 / 969.99 / 3,880.00
OA-Safe Sanctuaries / (119.50) / 83.33 / (35.50) / 249.99 / 1,000.00
OA-Payroll/Audit Processing / 406.79 / 525.00 / 1,545.91 / 1,575.00 / 6,300.00
TOTAL OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION BUDGET / 12,059.85 / 12,611.07 / 36,366.51 / 37,833.21 / 151,333.00
PA-200 FSC Electric / 1,265.92 / 1,791.67 / 3,803.43 / 5,375.01 / 21,500.00
PA-200 FSC Gas / 1,760.25 / 1,166.67 / 4,908.48 / 3,500.01 / 14,000.00
PA-200 FSC Water / 0.00 / 73.75 / 196.60 / 221.25 / 885.00
PA-200 FSC Sewer / 0.00 / 81.25 / 210.45 / 243.75 / 975.00
PA-200 FSC Fire Line/Internet / 215.55 / 183.33 / 710.60 / 549.99 / 2,200.00
PA-200 FSC Snow Removal / 1,371.86 / 358.33 / 4,674.38 / 1,074.99 / 4,300.00
PA-200 FSC Trash Removal / 48.00 / 41.67 / 121.50 / 125.01 / 500.00
PA-200 FSC Exterminating / 59.00 / 59.17 / 177.00 / 177.51 / 710.00
PA-200 FSC Landscaping / 0.00 / 250.00 / 0.00 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
PA-200 FSC Repairs / 658.53 / 1,166.67 / 2,842.66 / 3,500.01 / 14,000.00
PA-200 FSC Renovations / (125.00) / 500.00 / (125.00) / 1,500.00 / 6,000.00
PA-21&21 1/2 C Property Taxes / 242.81 / 60.42 / 242.81 / 181.26 / 725.00
PA-274 S Forney Electric / 306.38 / 204.17 / 698.77 / 612.51 / 2,450.00
PA-274 S Forney Gas / 306.77 / 170.83 / 806.83 / 512.49 / 2,050.00
PA-274 S Forney Water / 0.00 / 20.83 / 67.63 / 62.49 / 250.00
PA-274 S Forney Sewer / 0.00 / 29.17 / 94.50 / 87.51 / 350.00
PA-274 S Forney Phone / 34.57 / 33.33 / 103.71 / 99.99 / 400.00
PA-274 S Forney Trash Removal / 0.00 / 25.00 / 73.50 / 75.00 / 300.00
PA-274 S Forney Exterminating / 0.00 / 63.75 / 0.00 / 191.25 / 765.00
PA-274 S Forney Landscaping / 0.00 / 16.67 / 0.00 / 50.01 / 200.00
PA-274 S Forney Repairs / 91.88 / 100.00 / 81.94 / 300.00 / 1,200.00
PA-274 S Forney Renovations / 0.00 / 100.00 / 0.00 / 300.00 / 1,200.00
PA-274 S Forney Property Taxes / 1,987.40 / 483.33 / 1,987.40 / 1,449.99 / 5,800.00
PA-215 W Electric / 24.92 / 65.83 / 142.01 / 197.49 / 790.00
PA-215 W Gas / 156.75 / 100.00 / 416.81 / 300.00 / 1,200.00
PA-215 W Water / 0.00 / 10.42 / 26.55 / 31.26 / 125.00
PA-215 W Sewer / 0.00 / 18.33 / 54.00 / 54.99 / 220.00
PA-215 W Exterminating / 0.00 / 63.75 / 0.00 / 191.25 / 765.00
PA-215 W Landscaping / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-215 W Repairs / 100.00 / 50.00 / 100.00 / 150.00 / 600.00
PA-215 W Renovations / 0.00 / 41.67 / 0.00 / 125.01 / 500.00
PA-200 MSC Electric / 407.75 / 679.17 / 1,099.64 / 2,037.51 / 8,150.00
PA-200 MSC Gas / 1,325.50 / 1,058.33 / 4,054.82 / 3,174.99 / 12,700.00
PA-200 MSC Water / 0.00 / 24.58 / 42.35 / 73.74 / 295.00
PA-200 MSC Sewer / 0.00 / 56.25 / 75.93 / 168.75 / 675.00
PA-200 MSC Fire Line/Internet / 115.75 / 141.67 / 347.25 / 425.01 / 1,700.00
PA-200 MSC Snow Removal / 0.00 / 166.67 / 656.25 / 500.01 / 2,000.00
PA-200 MSC Trash Removal / 0.00 / 25.00 / 73.50 / 75.00 / 300.00
PA-200 MSC Exterminating / 57.97 / 58.33 / 115.94 / 174.99 / 700.00
PA-200 MSC Landscaping / 0.00 / 58.33 / 0.00 / 174.99 / 700.00
PA-200 MSC Repairs / 837.61 / 750.00 / 1,623.78 / 2,250.00 / 9,000.00
PA-200 MSC Renovations / 0.00 / 500.00 / 0.00 / 1,500.00 / 6,000.00
PA-204 E Middle Electric / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Gas / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Water / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Sewer / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Snow Removal / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Trash Removal / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Exterminating / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Landscaping / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-204 E Middle Repairs / 0.00 / 83.33 / 5.61 / 249.99 / 1,000.00
PA-204 E Middle Renovations / 0.00 / 83.33 / 0.00 / 249.99 / 1,000.00
PA-204 E Middle Property Taxes / 0.00 / 441.67 / 0.00 / 1,325.01 / 5,300.00
PA-206 E Middle Electric / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Gas / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Water / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Sewer / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Snow Removal / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Trash Removal / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Exterminating / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Landscaping / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Repairs / 0.00 / 41.67 / 22.87 / 125.01 / 500.00
PA-206 E Middle Renovations / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PA-206 E Middle Property Taxes / 0.00 / 250.00 / 0.00 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
PA-Property Insurance / 2,159.08 / 2,166.67 / 6,477.24 / 6,500.01 / 26,000.00
PA-Property Security / 0.00 / 36.25 / 0.00 / 108.75 / 435.00
PA-Janitorial Supplies / 14.97 / 250.00 / 202.21 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
PA-Kitchen Supplies / 227.87 / 141.67 / 675.89 / 425.01 / 1,700.00
PA-Auto/Trailer Repairs/Maint / 619.10 / 150.00 / 629.10 / 450.00 / 1,800.00
PA-Custodial Equipment / 0.00 / 83.33 / 0.00 / 249.99 / 1,000.00
TOTAL PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION BUDGET / 14,271.19 / 14,576.26 / 38,518.94 / 43,728.78 / 174,915.00
PE-Pastor Salary / 0.00 / 6,270.83 / 0.00 / 18,812.49 / 75,250.00
PE-Pastor SS Offset / 0.00 / 479.72 / 0.00 / 1,439.16 / 5,756.62
PE-Pastor Contrib Health Insur / 0.00 / (438.96) / 0.00 / (1,316.88) / (5,267.50)
PE-Pastor Prof Reimbursement / 428.47 / 250.00 / 1,081.09 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
PE-Pastor Pension / 732.31 / 732.31 / 1,464.62 / 2,196.93 / 8,787.75
PE-Pastor Personal Pension / 150.00 / 0.00 / 300.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PE-Pastor Health Insurance / 1,532.54 / 1,093.58 / 4,481.75 / 3,280.74 / 13,123.00
PE-Pastor Cum Cont Ed *ROGL / 85.00 / 62.50 / 255.00 / 187.50 / 750.00
PE-A Pas D Salary / 0.00 / 4,108.33 / 0.00 / 12,324.99 / 49,300.00
PE-A Pas D Prof Reimbursement / 114.99 / 250.00 / 123.88 / 750.00 / 3,000.00
PE-A Pas D Cum Cont Ed *ROGL / 0.00 / 62.50 / 0.00 / 187.50 / 750.00
PE-A Pas D Housing Allowance / 0.00 / 1,500.00 / 0.00 / 4,500.00 / 18,000.00
PE-A Pas D Health Insurance / 0.00 / 500.00 / 0.00 / 1,500.00 / 6,000.00
PE-A Pas S Salary / 0.00 / 0.08 / 1.00 / 0.24 / 1.00
PE-A Pas S Prof Reimbursement / 0.00 / 83.33 / 0.00 / 249.99 / 1,000.00
PE-A Pas S Cum Cont Ed *ROGL / 0.00 / 41.67 / 0.00 / 125.01 / 500.00
PE-Director Children / 0.00 / 1,583.33 / 0.00 / 4,749.99 / 19,000.00
PE-Director Congregation Care / 0.00 / 631.25 / 0.00 / 1,893.75 / 7,575.00
PE-Director Music / 0.00 / 2,600.00 / 0.00 / 7,800.00 / 31,200.00
PE-Director Children Choir / 0.00 / 241.67 / 0.00 / 725.01 / 2,900.00
PE-Director Worship / 0.00 / 1,308.33 / 0.00 / 3,924.99 / 15,700.00
PE-Sunday Organist / 0.00 / 1,091.67 / 0.00 / 3,275.01 / 13,100.00
PE-Saturday Pianist / 0.00 / 447.08 / 0.00 / 1,341.24 / 5,365.00
PE-Supply Organist / 0.00 / 208.33 / 0.00 / 624.99 / 2,500.00
PE-Youth Accompanist / 0.00 / 166.67 / 0.00 / 500.01 / 2,000.00
PE-Coordinator Financial Admin / 0.00 / 2,600.00 / 0.00 / 7,800.00 / 31,200.00
PE-Receptionist / 0.00 / 1,204.17 / 0.00 / 3,612.51 / 14,450.00
PE-Administrative Assistant / 0.00 / 1,166.67 / 0.00 / 3,500.01 / 14,000.00
PE-Coordinator Property Admin / 0.00 / 0.08 / 1.00 / 0.24 / 1.00
PE-Director Young Adult/Youth / 0.00 / 3,466.67 / 0.00 / 10,400.01 / 41,600.00
PE-Financial Secretary / 0.00 / 875.00 / 0.00 / 2,625.00 / 10,500.00
PE-Custodian / 0.00 / 2,904.17 / 0.00 / 8,712.51 / 34,850.00
PE-Custodian Health Insurance / 0.00 / 731.00 / 0.00 / 2,193.00 / 8,772.00
PE-Assistant Custodian / 0.00 / 641.67 / 0.00 / 1,925.01 / 7,700.00
PE-Housekeeper / 0.00 / 607.75 / 0.00 / 1,823.25 / 7,293.00
PE-Cont Education Personnel / 0.00 / 154.17 / 0.00 / 462.51 / 1,850.00
PE-Payroll Tax-ER / 1,683.29 / 1,663.46 / 7,465.03 / 4,990.38 / 19,961.53
PE-Payroll Tax-Employee / 6,193.02 / 0.00 / 15,935.82 / 0.00 / 0.00
PE-DD wages / 28,080.53 / 0.00 / 83,907.01 / 0.00 / 0.00
PE-JN DD Wages / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PE-JN Payroll Tax-ER / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
PE-JN Payroll Tax-Employee / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00
TOTAL PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION BUDGET / 39,000.15 / 39,289.03 / 115,016.20 / 117,867.09 / 471,468.40
SP-Supplies / (105.00) / 45.83 / (105.00) / 137.49 / 550.00
TOTAL STAFF PARISH BUDGET / (105.00) / 45.83 / (105.00) / 137.49 / 550.00
H-Supplies / 0.00 / 8.33 / 0.00 / 24.99 / 100.00
TOTAL HISTORY BUDGET / 0.00 / 8.33 / 0.00 / 24.99 / 100.00
*TOTAL SUPPORT MINISTRIES* / 65,226.19 / 66,530.52 / 189,796.65 / 199,591.56 / 798,366.40
NET INCOME / ($ 6,769.65) / $ 0.00 / ($ 31,101.91) / $ 0.00 / $ 0.00

Trustee Report for April 2016 submitted by Steve Strevig, Chair

General Concerns:

-trailer registration paid, sticker in place, if registration paper is needed contact Steve Strevig

-van repaired/tuned $600.00 Tommy drove to Ocean City, MD van worked great

-carpet cleaned at Mission House $100.00 (Magic Carpet Cleaners)

-Mission House basement window egress damage do to settling, investigating insurance /replacement


-roof repaired/paid $2,273.00

-206 East Middle Street windows and doors secured after fire damage

-contract signed for lower MPR flooring, will be installed asap

-BFPE International Fire and Safety will updated expired kitchen hydro test cylinder $720.00

-checking into remote key entry set from FSC to MSC to keep track and set times for FOB use

-Dan Noble purchased 206 East Middle St. church property for $40,000 settlement will be in June


-curbing/sidewalks/ramp estimates are coming in for Centennial Ave.

-roof/gutter and spouting/masonry estimates are coming in for mezzanine side area

-all eight exterior entrance doors will be rekeyed for safe sanctuary concerns

All are welcome to our Trustees meeting held usually every third Wednesday of the month.

No trustee meeting April, the next meeting will be May 18th in the mezzanine


April 27, 2016

1)Financial Update through March 31, 2016

Year-to-date Financial Data Comparison for

Current Expense Budget and Commentary

As of March 31, 2016 / As of March 31, 2015
Total Revenues YTD / $ 160,597.53 / $ 171,291.41
Total Program Expenses YTD / $1,902.79 [1] / $ 1,673.80
Total Operating Expenses YTD / $189,796.65 [2] / $185,249.36
Net Income Year End / ($ 31,101.91) / ($15,631.75)
Total Building & Growth Fund Balance YTD / $ 34,857.80 / $7,571.73
Fogle Note (Private Note for purchase of property on Centennial Avenue several years ago) YTD Outstanding Balance / $ 44,816.74 [3] / $ 49,002.38

[1] For 2016, this line item is a cumulative total of the Invite, Connect, Disciple and Send Ministries Expenses to align the budget to the active Church ministries. This line item may not directly correspond to the 2015 number based on the realignment of the 2016 Church budget.

[2] For 2016, this line item includes Support Ministries Expenses to align the budget to active Church ministries. This line item may not directly correspond to the 2015 number based on realignment of the 2016 Church budget.

[3] This amount reflects balance still owed on this private mortgage

March, 2016 was a four deposit month compared to March, 2015, which was a five deposit month.

2)Available for Use Cash Comparison

End of March,

2014 was $ 33,241.35

2015 was $ 42,840.57

2016 is $ 16,550.34

This is still lower than we would like to see for this early in the year. We need to continue to reiterate to our Church family to make up that difference if they in fact, did not give as a result of the canceled services in January. Giving improved slightly, but the cancelation has impacted cash flow to some extent. We need to continue to be diligent about Stewardship!

3)Newsletter Article on Shares of Ministry

Pastor Greg asked that an article be placed in an upcoming newsletter to continue to educate our parishioners on our Shares of Ministry and exactly that for which the funds are designated at conference. The impetus for this was to also share with the Congregation a certificate from Bishop Parks for our 100% giving in 2015.

4)Finance Committee meeting - April 13, 2016

The Finance Committee met on April 13th.

-We reviewed 1st quarter numbers compared to 2015. Nothing alarming is coming out of that review other than the fact that our cash on hand balance is lower than we would like to see it and we (cumulatively as a Church body) need to work on the Stewardship message now instead of later.

-We discussed the need for having another staff member sign off on credit card vouchers and this will be handled verbally by Stephanie with those whom hold credit cards. This was a recommendation from the recent “agreed upon procedures” report issued by Stambaugh-Ness. We will monitor it for a few months and if the Stambaugh-Ness recommendation is not being followed, we will draft a written procedure.

-We will work towards pulling in the budgeting process by one month so that we can hold an earlier Charge Conference in 2016.

The next Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 13th to review mid-year numbers.

Respectfully submitted,

F. Rusty Elsner and Rob Simmons

UMW Report - Elaine Strevig

We had another successful rummage sale - Our profit - $1,349.60. We tithe 10% of that to the church. Thanks to all who contributed items and helped with the sale!

UMW will be preparing the bag lunches for the UMM golf tournament in May.

Disciple Ministries

Greetings and blessings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

New life is springing up all around. Everywhere you turn there are signs of new life: grass is growing; blossoms are on tress; plants are peeking through the soil; and flowers are in bloom. Spring is truly a wonderful time of the year––a time in which we see the growth that has been taking place beneath the surface burst forth on the scene.

Spiritually speaking, this spring we have tried to create an atmosphere in which God can accomplish His work beneath the surface––transforming our hearts, changing our minds, and reshaping our attitudes. In the Lenten sermon series, The Inner Life, we looked at some practical ways to cultivate a deeper relationship with Christ. The Lenten devotional provided yet another opportunity for us to focus on God each day, thereby preparing the soil so that God might accomplish His work in our lives.

Throughout the spring, FUMCH has continued to offer quality ministries, special events, Sunday School classes, and small groups to aid people in growing and maturing their faith. These ministries, events, classes and groups are an invaluable resource as we seek to grow closer to God and as we strive to become more Christlike in the ways that we relate to one another. Along those lines,I would like to publicly express my thanks and gratitude to the leaders of these ministries, who continue to pour themselves into their labors, spending countless hours studying and preparing, so that they can invest in others.I would encourageyou to pray for these men and women, and express your gratitude for the ways in which they have helped you to grow and mature your faith.

Along thoselines, during the month of May we will be conducting registrations for our Summer small groups, Sunday School classes, Bible studies, UMW circles, etc. If you are not already a participating in a discipleship group, we would encourage you to view this “open registration,” as a wonderful opportunity to join a group and give it a try.

Finally, I would like to challenge you with five questions to begin and close each day. They are as follows: 1) How will I deepen my love relationship with God today? 2) How will I learn to follow Jesus with the support of others today? 3) How will I generously share what I have with God and others today? 4) How will I obediently assist God by meeting the needs of others today? 5) How will I warmly encourage someone to take their next step closer to God today?


Rev. Joshua Rhone

Middle Street Campus Monthly Report – 04/13/2016

MSC VISION: YEAR FOUR -- “Making Disciples”

Worship team met with Pastor Josh focusing on the following items:

Discussed preaching schedule

May sermon series will focus on the Holy Spirit

June/July – missions culminating in a mission fair

Sunday Morning Live (SML)

Spring semester ends April 24

Summer semester starts June 5

The ‘Whatever’ class will meet again during May

Coffee to stay in the fellowship hall. Monitoring increased consumption with the addition of SML

4th Sunday needs more help with nursery / Kidz zone

New Safe Sanctuary requirements to be introduced requiring two adults to be present.

Discussed Mother’s and Father’s Day gifts.

Mother’s Day gift is a small devotional purchased 30 in English and 20 in Spanish. Pastor Amelia was surprised and delighted to receive them.

Father’s Day gift planning was delegated to Christopher and Bill per Pastor Josh

There will be no meeting in May due to the Music Appreciation social.

Please conduct any necessary business via email, addressed to the whole team.

June meeting date conflicts with annual conference.

Do we reschedule or cancel?

Started early discussion of 2017 budget per Stephanie’s request.

New Seasons Women’s Ministry – Just Like Us – April 16, 2016

What a great time we all had. We made hankie babies as a reminder of how each of us impacts children. We visited with Deborah (not the judge), Jochebed (Moses’ mother), and Hannah (Samuel’s mother) with a brief visitation from Mary mother of Jesus. We were able to pack 48 gift bags filled with meal time and bed time supplies for Gabriel’s project. Each bag had a Scripture verse from Psalm 139 attached. They were delivered to the participating house close by on Locust St. right after the event was over.

We thank all who attended, participated, and prayed for the team and the event. Special thanks to the church office for helping with our advertising and a shout out to Hauer for taking care of our set up, and carrying cases of water into the church.

Please continue in prayer with us as we seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in discerning our next great adventure.

Youth Report - Tommy Fitchett

Much of the efforts of this month have focused on bringing our Safe Sanctuary policies up to date with current state laws and new understandings of ministry with vulnerable adults. We will continue to rework our policy over the next month and ensure that our ministries are following our current policies.

Additionally, the youth ministry is planning for the summer semester. This includes laying the framework for the Impact Retreat at the end of July, and recruiting for a service project in northern Maryland for June 16 – 18. If anyone is interested in assisting with either of these, contact Tommy Fitchett at 717-686-0601.

Young Adult Report - Tommy Fitchett

The young adult ministry is hoping to get more input from other young adults who are not yet involved at church. We are launching a Young Adult activity team that will meet once a month throughout the summer to plan that month’s outreach and social activities. We are also partnering with Grace UMC to launch a book study for Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman.

Though the ministry is still in its infancy, we are committed to correcting our course to steer closer to the path God is laying out. Our weakness has been that our current events are either focused purely on fun or social involvement. We need to unapologetically praise Jesus and invite others into a closer walk with Jesus if this ministry is to take off. Sure, the fun and service events will continue, but they will need to be carefully integrated as a piece of a bigger mission. This mission will have to be bringing Hanover’s young adults closer to Jesus Christ.