

Dionysus is the god of wine which he also invented. In ancient Greece, he was honored with spring festivals that centered on theater. He is often shown with ivy and grapes.


Demeter is the goddess of the harvest and she is often portrayed with a sheaf of wheat . She is Zeus’s sister and the mother of Persephone, Goddess of the Spring.


Iris is the goddess of the rainbow. In Greek mythology she is called the messenger of the gods when they intended discord, and the rainbow is the bridge or road let down from heaven. When the gods meant peace they sent Mercury.


Poseidon is the god of the sea and the brother of Zeus. He is the second-most powerful god after Zeus. He is often shown with his trident, the three tined spear. Poseidon invented the horse as a gift to man.


Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She arose out of the sea and was adopted by Zeus who later gave her to his son Hephaestus in marriage. She is often shown with a dove, sparrow, or other bird.


Hephaestus is the god of the forge. He made armor, weapons, and jewelry for the other gods and goddesses. He is often shown with his blacksmith’s hammer.


Zeus is the most powerful of all the Greek gods, the ruler of the skies. He is often shown with a thunderbolt or an eagle. He was married to Hera, though he fell in love with others often.


Nike is the goddess of victory. She is often shown with a laurel wreath.


Athena was Zeus’s favorite daughter .She spring fully grown from his head. She is the goddess of prudent warfare, domestic arts, and wisdom. She is also the patron goddess of Athens. She many symbols, including the snake and the owl.


Ares is the god of war who thrived on violence and battles. He was the son of Zeus and Hera and is often seen with a vulture.


Artemis is the goddess of the hunt. She was the twin sister of Apollo. Armed with a bow and arrow, she hunted stags and other wild animals. Yet she was also the protector of young animals and children.

Hera –

Hera is the wife of Zeus and the goddess of marriage, though she spent most of her own marriage unhappy and jealous of Zeus’s many romantic entanglements. One of her symbols is the peacock, whose many eyes were created to spy on Zeus’s exploits.


Hermes is the messenger god and also the god of dreams. He wore a winged helmet and sandals which gave him speed. He also made the lyre as a gift for Apollo.


Apollo is the god of music. He is talented, charming, and filled with goodwill. He is often shown with his lyre, a stringed instrument.


Hestia is the goddess of the hearth. She is the quietest and most gentle of the gods. Though she never married, she protected home and family.