ACT Parent Checklist

Step 1: If you believe your student may qualify for Accommodations on the ACT, view the Policy Documentation for Qualifications of Individuals asking for Accommodations on the ACT Website. Click on the link below to ensure that all ACT requirements have been satisfied for your student.

In the absence of a history of IEP/504/Accommodation Plan, ACT requires evidence of a substantial limitation to a major life activity as demonstrated by poor academic performance or a “paper trail” documenting this.

Step 2: Register your student for the ACT Test online. A student enters their location information to find the closest testing center. Before finishing online ACT exam registration, you will pay the testing fees as well as print out a copy of the admission ticket. This is also the time that you will request accommodations if your student qualifies.

Step 3: You must then work with the officials at your school to secure accommodations for the ACT. You will have to submit proof of a disability along with other documentation. Your school must submit the actual request for accommodations to ACT testing officials. You will be sent an official email from ACT after you register your student outlining the process that you need to follow.

Step 4: If your student meets the Qualification Guidelines as set forth by ACT, give the TAA Coordinator (Laura Ryan, Academic Support Specialist at Kansas City Christian) your student’s registration number as well as the ACT ID number with the ACT date of testing. This should be completed at least 8 weeks prior to the testing date to ensure that the documentation can be uploaded to the ACT computer system and a decision formally made by ACT prior to the testing date.

Step 5: Have a signed ACT Consent for Release of Information signed and in your students file with the TAA Coordinator if you are asking for Accommodations on the ACT test.

Step 6: Ensure that the TAA Coordinator has all of the necessary documentation as stated on the ACT Website to be uploaded to the TAA computer system. This does not ensure that your student will meet the qualifications for accommodations as the school does not make this determination.

The following websites are ACT Documentation Policies and Procedures for qualifications for Accommodations on the ACT. They are included here to aid you in the process of requesting accommodations and explain what is required prior to enrolling your student for ACT testing.