January 12th, 2014

Baptism of the Lord

Here is my chosen servant in whom my soul delights. Readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014

Isaiah 49.3, 5-6; 1 Corinthians 1.1-3; John 1.29-34

WELL DONE!!! To all parishioners who helped make our Christmas Season so beautiful: those who decorated the Church, those who served as Ushers and Ministers of Communion, those who provided music to lift our hearts in praise, those who provided much hidden support (Secretary & Custodian), those who reminded us of our ministry to the poor and especially to all who came together to worship and praise God who loves us so much in giving us Jesus – our Brother, Lord and Saviour.

I am very honoured and proud to be part of such a loving and generous community.

TO COOL OR NOT TO COOL?...THAT IS THE QUESTION. The Parish Finance Committee has approved a fund raising campaign towards cooling the Church during the hot and humid days of summer. To obtain a sense of support of the parish for this project, they have authorized a monthly special envelope to be in the pews on the last Sunday of

each month. If you are in support, please contribute. If you think you are cold now at Sunday Mass, just wait until May – October for the heat!!!

DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE: The “Voice for Justice” action cards signed this weekend will be delivered to the federal government by the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. An independent ombudsman would have a greater capacity to verify the compliance of Canadian extractive companies operating overseas and rectify wrongs being committed. Additional copies of the action cards are available at the parish office.

Priest Recent Moves of Interest…

English Sector: ► Fr. Brendan Doherty from Our Lady of Hope to Copper Cliff, Lively and Whitefish (Jan. 10th – Feb. 13th)

►Fr. Patrick Okenyi from Holy Redeemer to Copper Cliff, Lively and Whitefish (Feb. 14th…)

French Sector: ►Fr. Pierre Cholette from Alban, Dokis and Noelville (on leave) (Jan. 2nd)

►Fr. René Perron (on leave) to Alban, Dokis and Noelville (Jan. 3rd)


On this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Acts of the Apostles (second reading) reminds us that “in every nation anyone who fears him (God) and does what is right is acceptable to him.” (Acts 10:35). As we reflect upon the reality of so many divided Christian Communities in our world, to PRAY and WORK for a healing of what divides us from each other? Becoming friends with other Christians and by listening, talking and praying respectfully with one another, we come to appreciate how (in spite of our differences in understanding and living out the gospel of Jesus) we can work together on many

issues of poverty in society that keep people apart. This coming January 19 – 26, 2014 is the 106th anniversary of the international WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY. Will we as a parish respond to the challenge? The focus this year is “HAS CHRIST BEEN DIVIDED?” (See I CORINTHIANS 1: 1-17) For information on coming observances see www.sudburychristianmessenger – Events Calendar. Mark down:

a) Sun. Jan. 19th at 2 p.m. at Glad Tidings Tabernacle – City Wide Christian Choir Festival. Three Choirs: Catholic – Evangelical – Protestant will share music of their worship styles. Collection for Elgin Street Mission.

b) Fri. Jan. 24th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Marguerite Lougheed Centre, Presentation on the Canadian Catholic – Evangelical Dialogue. Fr. Hutton (Catholic Member) and the Rev. David Freeman (Evangelical Member)

Parish Liturgy Committee meets Wed. Jan. 15th at 7 p.m. ~ Lent starts March 5th. They will begin Lent preparations! ►Building & Grounds Committee meets Wed. Jan. 15th at 6:30 p.m. ~ Issues relating to the upkeep of our place of worship are addressed regularly. ►Parish Pastoral Advisory Council meets on Tues., Jan. 14th at 7:00 p.m. Interested observers are welcome. They meet in the office boardroom.

The series, The History of the Catholic Church, will resume on Monday, January 13th at 1:30 p.m. and again at 7:00 p.m. The 7 p.m. session may be cancelled after January 13th unless more participants are there. We will begin with Lecture 26, Catholicism in Asia and the New World. This video presents the evangelization of new worlds by Franciscans, Dominicans and Jesuits. It will be interesting to see how this ties with the new Evangelization being promoted in the Church today.

Rosary Devotion: Please join a group of parishioners who gather every third Saturday of the month to recite the rosary. They will reflecting on the Sorrowful Mysteries followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Sat., Jan. 19th at 11:30 a.m.

2014 Membership: The membership drive is now on. Please use the pink envelope found in the box of Sunday Offering Envelopes, or use a plain one marked CWL and drop it in the collection baskets or at the parish office.

Sharing Our Warmth With the Poor Please drop off warm clothing, socks, mitts, hats, pillows, sheets, toiletries, toothbrushes, etc. which are being accepted for the homeless. Critical for making bed rolls are donations of clean sleeping bags and blankets. These items can be dropped off in the breezeway entrance (at the back by the garage doors). Only appropriate items please! Our parish youth will team up with the CWL to make “bedrolls for street kids” on Thursday, January 30th after evening prayer to mark the Feast of John Bosco, the patron saint for youth. The deadline for any donations is Wed. Jan. 29th.

Please Pick-Up Your 2014 Offering Envelope Box located in the main entrance of the church. A new set has been issued for everyone who used them in 2013. Please carefully look for a box with your name on it. Using these envelopes enable us to issue you an income tax receipt at year end. Blank sets are available for those who wish to

start using them in the New Year. For those who would prefer to set up their donations to be directly withdrawn from their bank account, forms are also available in the office to participate in the Pre-Authorized Donation Program.

Weekend Retreat at Villa Loyola themed “Imagination and Spirituality: Praying Through the Visual Arts” will be held from Feb. 28 to March 2, 2014 at The Villa Loyola Retreat Centre, 4951 Long Lake Rd. The director of this event is Fr. Teo Ugaban, SJ, a Jesuit Priest. He is an artist and has exhibited in Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver, St. Louis, MO and New York City. He has a background in painting and drawing. He currently works at the Anishinabe Spiritual Centre in Espanola, and he is the parish

priest for Sagamok, Cutler and Birch Island. He has recently done work in North Sri Lanka with displaced persons. Cost is $240 (all inclusive – art supplies provided). A $30 non-refundable deposit is required at registration. Call 705-522-3502 or email loyola@isysc.a for more info.

► St. Charles College, Grade 8 Open House, on Tues. January 14th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For more info contact St. Charles College at 705-566-9605 or email ► Taize Prayer Night with Meditative Songs, at the University of Sudbury Chapel, Saint Ignatius Loyola every second Sunday at 7 p.m. (January 12, 26 and February 9th) ► The Bereavement Foundation of Sudbury is having their monthly information meeting on Tues. Jan. 14, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Marguerite & Gerry Lougheed Community Centre, 328 Albert St.. The topic will be Healing from Sudden Loss and bereaved persons and interested members of the public are welcome. ► La Porte des Eaux / The Water Gate, 1534 Pioneer Rd., is offering a dinner on Sun. Jan. 19th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Includes Meatballs & gravy, mashed potatoes, bun, salade, cake, tea, coffee or juice. Tickets: adults - $12; children - $5. Tickets sold at the door or in advance. Call 705-523-1437 for more info. ► Knights of Columbus are having a Breakfast/Brunch at Ste. Anne des Pins (downtown), in the parish hall on Sun. Jan. 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m. There will be eggs, ham, sausage, home fries, pancakes, homemade beans, toast, fruit cocktail, tea, coffee and juice. Cost is: adults - $7; children - $3 and max. for family is $17. Parking -is in Beach St. parking lot. Call Roger to confirm attendance at 705-673-5703 or email ► Alzheimer Society is having a dinner and silent auction on Tues. Jan. 21st at 6:00 p.m.at the Radisson Hotel – Palladium Ballroom, 85 Ste. Anne Rd.. Guest speaker: William J Thomas. Tickets are $50 per person or $375 for a table of 8 persons. Call 705-524-2024 ext. 232 for more info.

Intention Schedule Jan. 13 – Jan.19: Tues. 10 a.m. [ intentions of Joe & Belle Meagher / ┼ Margaret Beaulne/ ┼ Marilyn & JJ Markle ] Wed. 6:30 p.m.(Amberwood) [┼ Liliana Orselli / ┼ Donata Riley ] Fri. 2 p.m. (Walford) [┼ Charles Burgess / ┼ Catherine Della Ve dova] Sat. 5:15 p.m. [for the parishioners of St. Patrick’s]

Sun. 10 a.m. [┼ Tim & Fan Houle / ┼ Gino Filipetto / ┼ Julie Stinson]

The STAND UP Program will be offered at the South End Library starting Monday, January 27th, 2014. The goal of this program is to prevent falls and fall-related injuries for seniors who are concerned about falling or about their balance. The program lasts 12 weeks and consists of three components: group exercises, exercises at home and discussion sessions on fall prevention. Sessions will be offered on Mondays from 2:00-3:00 pm and Wednesdays from 2:00 – 3:30 pm at NO COST. The program will help to improve balance, leg strength, ankle flexibility, lower limb sensation and the capacity to get up from the ground. To register please call the Parkside Older Adult Centre at (705) 673-6227.

Things actually posted in Church bulletins…► Potluck supper Sunday at 5p.m.. Prayer and medication to follow . ► For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs. ► The fasting and prayer conference includes meals. ► The sermon this morning: “Jesus Walks on the Water.”, the sermon tonight: “Searching for Jesus” ► Ladies don’t forget the rummage sale… It’s a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands!