July 18, 2007

Honorable Deputy Mayor Tom Baker

200 Civic Center

Tulsa, OK73103-3856
(918) 596-7411

Reference: OFMA Fall Conference

Dear Deputy Mayor Baker:

It has been a pleasure to speak with you these past few weeks concerning your participation in our upcoming conference in Tulsa. On behalf of the Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association (OFMA), we are confirming our verbal invitation to you to be our Opening speaker at the OFMA Annual Fall Conference. The conference is to be held at the Doubletree Downtown in Tulsa, Oklahomafrom September 16 (Sunday morning) until Wednesday September 19, 2006. We will have our opening Plenary Session beginning at 9:00 AM on Monday, September 17, 2007.

Our Fall Conference is a two and one-half-day workshop type setting bringing together approximately 150 individual professionals, including local Floodplain Officials and engineering consultants from all over the State, for additional training opportunities.

Our theme will be “It will Rain Again, It will Flood Again”, as a reminder that even during drought periods we need to be aware of floodplain management practices. The recent flooding throughout the State of Oklahomais a reminder that flooding can occur at any time. We welcome you on this date to present a Welcome to our Association members and as an opportunity to expound on the excellent Floodplain and Stormwater Management Program that Tulsa has created over the past 25 years, its unique status as a CRS community, and the plans that may be still to come on the horizon.

OFMA has a web site at if you would like to see more of what our programs include. The Final Agenda will be posted in the next few days. The City of Tulsa and many of its employees are members of OFMA and we appreciate the City’s support of our organization.

We look forward to your attendance at our Fall Conference Plenary Session and your being our guest speaker.

Thank you for your consideration. My contact information is enclosed on my business card.


W. B. Smith, P.E., CFM

Vice Chair