1. Registration total:
2. Transportation total:
a) Air travel:
Please indicate the source of this estimate (i.e., URL of airline or fare checker service). Note that air travel between Manhattan and MCI is seldom the most frugal choice.
b) Travel by personal car:
Please indicate the basis of this estimate, as well as whether shared rides are possible.
c) Airport and other parking:
Please explain this estimate (i.e., number of days and charge per day at terminal, long-term airport, and hotel parking, etc.).
d) Other ground transportation:
Please explain this estimate.
3. Housing total:
a) Housing to be employed, daily rate:
b) Will you be sharing a room?
c) Is this official meeting housing; is less expensive official housing available (i.e., residence halls for students)?
d) Meal total:
Please indicate basis of estimate, and whether meals are indicated in registration.