SePA Chapter Board Meeting
March 8, 2016
New Number for dialing in
Meeting ID
- Call to order and welcome. Barbara has asked Laurie Dougherty if she is still chairing the informatics group. She has agreed to continue in her role. Outdated information will be removed and updated from the Nursing Network SEPA page.
- President’s Report
- Calendar with dates
- SePanotes–publication of the first issuefor Spring will be posted by April 1st on the Nursing Network site. Spring and fall issues will continue to be presented and published on the Nursing Network website
- Policies and Procedures. Currently the goal is to update current policies by June. Barbara will send a list of outstanding policies.Jennifer Marcellus received her refund from TRENDS. Check and service recovery achieved.
- Vouchers- Voucher value is a $69 discount membership to AACN. Rose contacted AACN for details. Minimum of 5 vouchers are for sale. Barbara Pope has one voucher. This voucher number will be provided to a current member that has requested it to update her AACN membership. Robyn Strauss will send information to the member. The member will call AACN to renew her membership and provide the voucher number to receive the discount. We need to determine is or how member will pay SEPA for voucher
- Samantha Delaneyrecommended restarting more evening programs to stimulate membership and maintain current membership.
- Group discussion regarding stopping the first-year free membership benefit. The treasurer will keep a listof voucher numbers, so when new members request a voucher the treasurer will send the number to the secretary and the secretary will emailthe voucher number to member. Motion to approve the process by Deb Paschal and seconded by Sue Politsky.
- Barbara reported that she had heard that members are having difficulty finding the dates of the meetings and the list of officers. These are imbedded in the “About Us” section on Nursing Network. Board members agreed that we should make this a little to locate. Robyn created a new tab for this purpose.
Board members and minutes
2.2Report from national AACN
2.2.1Election-info is posted on the AACN website and is usually emailed to AACN members.
If members are interested in attending NTIthey can check dates on the AACN website
2.3 Report from Region – Inspiration, Innovation, and Rejuvenation
3.3.1 Various Region 3 activities discussed that are taking place in central and western Pennsylvania. Barb Chamberlain welcomed opportunities for members to attend together. See Region 3 news on the NN page of the SEPA website
4.Officers’ Reports
4.1.1 Treasurerreport. See Attached file for information regarding TREND 2015 final figures
February Income $550
February expenses- $4984.28
Monthly Net $4434.28
Cumulative Net $55887.58
PNC Balance $76, 291.56
ML Balance $201,909.33
Net Worth $278,200.89
The Sage representative will be sending an additional $500 for corporate sponsorship for this year’s TRENDS conference.
4.1.2 President-elect–Deb Paschal thanked the group forthe president-elect nomination.Deb reminded the group to submit budget requests to the treasurer by the May meeting to coordinate the new FY budget.
4.1.3 Secretary-Request for the secretary to develop one policy for May meeting so that the recording and corresponding secretary roles are defined.
- Committee Reports
5.1.2 Communication-no report at this time
5.1.3 Education- KarenCertalic suggested changes to agreement letter for Eileen Morris. These are highlighted in yellow (see attachment). Eileen would also collate the information and program evaluations for the conference. Sam Delaney reported that members have requested the CCRN exam be offered at the TRENDS conference, after the review sessions. The board members have suggested that rather than having a test at TRENDS, members register for the test immediately after the conference. Additional language related to payment and cancellation was discussed for the test onsite. Board members agreed this was a huge responsibility that we did not want to take on. Sue Politsky made the motion to approve Eileen Morris as program manager and Deb Paschal seconded. The board voted unanimously to approve. TRENDS update-see education minutes Awards–Clare Tack is working with Holly Rodgers and Rose Shaffer on the upcoming excellence awards. Claire urged the board members to nominate ( see Nursing Network) for each award. Clair urged the BOD to make suggestions and send in the points system to use for attendance at NTI. Reimbursement money will be provided when members provide their expense receipts (money will not be awarded ahead of time). Four hundred and fifty dollars areavailable to the president-elect to attend the Leadership Development preconference at NTI. This yearHolly Rodgers will receive the benefit.
5.1.5 Nominations – Anne MariePalatnik reported that the neweducation chair elect is Vicki Broza. Kathy Durning has agreed to be the treasurer-elect and Trisha Nichols has agreed to be president-elect. The next secretary is still undetermined.
5.1.6 Research/Facebook -Grant award winners will be awarded at the research dinner. John Harper officially resigned from his role at Crozer Keystone Medical Center as well as from his role as poster reviewer for the SEPA chapter, research committee. Penn student's posters will be presented at the Research dinner meeting. Meet the candidates and a survey monkey ballot will be available before June 30th
- Announcements
Barb Pope shared that she has the chapter computer and would give it toamember. The BOD felt that historical information should be saved and archived, but the hard drive could go to a member or needy charity or donated to a school.
- Next meeting April 12, 2016 at 7:15 at Virtua Center for Learning
- Adjournmentat 2115.