APPROVED 10/28/2014
Board of Education
Orland School District 135
Regular Meeting
Monday, September 22, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
Jerling Jr. High, Commons
8851 W. 151st St., Orland Park, Illinois
The regular meeting of the Board of Education, Orland School District 135, was held on Monday, September 22, 2014, at 7:00p.m. at Jerling Jr. High School, 8851 W. 151st St., Orland Park, Illinois. Notice of the meeting, along with copies of the complete agenda, was delivered to members of the Board and emailed to news media on Friday, September 19, 2014.
The meeting was called to order at7:06 p.m. by PresidentJoseph LaMargo.
ROLL CALL, followed by recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present:Michael Carroll, Joseph LaMargo, MichaelMaratea, Greg Okon, Tina Zekich
Absent:Dr. Laura Berry, Sandra Kulak
Also present were the following:
Joanie Arrigoni, parent
Ellen Belotti, Dir., Special Education
Tricia Bibbiano, Liberty School
Chris Bohula, District Office
Sue Borak, Liberty School
Kevin Brown, Asst. Principal, Jerling Jr. High
Eve Bukowski, President, Orland Council of Educators
Cheryl Foertsch, Principal, High Point School
Brian Fogarty, Asst. Dir. of Curriculum
Carl Forn., Dir. of Finance
Colleen Gavin, Orland Council of Educators
Tara Gutknecht, Liberty School
Heather Hartung, Liberty School
Jerry Hughes, Dir., Risk Management & Safety
Linda Kane, Principal, Orland Jr. High
Joanne Kapsaskis, High Point School
David Kennedy, Principal, Jerling Jr. High
Amy Kenny, High Point School
Tracy Marc, Coord., Community Relations
Robin Michon, parent
Julie Oberwise, Dir., Human Resources
Jan Prieto-McCarthy, Board Treasurer
Daniel Prorok, Principal, Liberty School
Nicolai Rutkowski, student
Zachary Scarpelli, student
David Snyder, Dir. of Curriculum
Janet Stutz, Superintendent
Dennis Walsh, Klein Thorpe & Jenkins, ltd.
Benjamin Walter, student
Lynn Zeder, Asst. Supt., Teaching & Learning
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
Jerling Jr. High Principal David Kennedy introduced District 135 Music Director JackKinsella, who in turn introduced three Jerling students to demonstrate the integration of technology into their classroom curriculum. While music students NicolaiRutkowski, ZacharyScarpelli, and Benjamin Walter demonstrated a recent lesson plan on their newly received MacBook Airs, Mr.Kinsella visually identified key technology features utilized to promote essential communication in the following venues: student-to-student, student-to-teacher, teacher-to-teacher, and teacher-to-parent. It was noted that the new technology capabilities provide proficient feedback opportunities for lesson plans and gauging student growth, while offeringmore effective communication channels for teachers with students and parents beyond the classroom as well.
STUDENT & STAFF RECOGNITIONS – Board of Education and Administration
The Board of Education reported on the following recent student and staff accomplishments:
Jerling Jr. High 8th grade students Kate Drunec and Camille Jones took part in VanderCook College of Music’s Middle School Honor Fest choir on Saturday, September 13. Kate and Camille spent the day in rehearsal and performed in a concert later that afternoon.
This year, Orland School District 135 submitted nomination to the Illinois State Board of Education’s (ISBE) 2014-15 Those Who Excel program. The following were recipients received recognition in the following categories:
- Team Category: Orland Junior High School – Award of Recognition
- Teacher Category: Chris Bohula – Award of Merit
- Community Volunteer Category: Tracy Pelini – Award of Recognition
Congratulations to each winner, who have also been invited to partake in an annual ISBE Those Who Excel awards banquet at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott on October 25.
Jerling Jr. High 7th Grade Social Studies/6th Grade Spanish teacher Connie Palomo-Koehler presented “Teaching for the Long Haul” at the Golden Apple Foundation CORE Conference, which is the largest pre-service teacher support program in the nation. It provides professional development through Golden Apple.
The Jerling Jr. High Band, led by District 135 Music Team Leader Jack Kinsella, performed at Carl Sandburg High School’s football game on September 12.
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
Jerling Jr. High Night Helper Erik Ohrn hosted an art exhibit on September 20th, showcasing his collection of large format figurative paintings at the Black Couch Studio in Chicago. Mr. Ohrn was an art major at SIR and has been featured in art shows across the State of Illinois.
The following staff members have been nominated as ABCDE Recipients for performing duties and services Above and Beyond the Call of Duty Everyday:
In the Category of Compassion:
Mark Garrity, SC Resource, Liberty
Tricia Bibbiano, SC Paraprofessional, Liberty
Sue Borak, SC Paraprofessional, Liberty
Tara Gutknecht, SC Paraprofessional, Liberty
Heather Hartung, SC Paraprofessional, Liberty
Kelly Goier, Orchestra, Orland Jr. High
In the Category of Communication:
Pat Gacek, 3rd Grade, Centennial
Eli Heitmanek, Band, Orland Jr. High
In the Category of Inspiration:
Leah Coleman, Language Arts, Century Jr. High
Amalia Berchos, 1st Grade, Centennial
Kyle Hayworth, Orland Jr. High
In the Category of Outstanding Achievement:
Rick Hansen, Maintenance, District Office
Joanne Kapsaskis, 5th Grade, High Point
Amy Kenny, 4th Grade, High point
Bill Pluta, Day Lead, Liberty
PUBLIC HEARING—2014-15 Budget
Mr. Maratea moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education conduct a public hearing regarding the proposed budget for 2014-15 which has been on file in accordance with the requirements of the School Code of Illinois. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr.Carroll, Mr.LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
Mr. LaMargo invited the public to step forth for any public comments regarding the proposed budget at this time.
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
There being no questions or comments from the public, Mr. Carroll moved(Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education close the public hearing and return to regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr.Carroll, Mr.LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Zekich. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
Concerns were brought before the Board regarding the Accelerated Reader (AR) program, which was discontinued prior to the start of the 2014-15 school year. Parents Robin Michon and Joanie Arrigoni expressed discontent with the District’s decision to withdraw the program without an equivalent incentive program in place, and requested reconsideration to have the AR program reinstated. The Board thanked Ms.Michon and Ms. Arrigoni for attending this evening to bring their concerns before the Board, and noted that the AR program will be discussed at a future Committee of the Whole meeting. The Board invited the parents and public to attend and hear the discussions first-hand, as it is an open meeting.
AYP Status: Dr. Stutzexplained that the State of Illinois currently holds a two-year waiver that allows school districts to discontinue the annual filing of the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) reports to the Illinois State Board of Education. This waiver is in place as the State prepares to transition to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), the new state assessment and accountability measure for Illinois students enrolled in a public school district. PARCC assesses the New Illinois Learning Standards incorporating the Common Core and will be administered to students in English,language arts and mathematics.
Compensation Report in Accordance with 105 ILCS 5/10-20.47: In Accordance with Illinois School Code, all school districts are required to post on their websites an itemized salary compensation report for the district superintendent, all administrators and all teachers employed by the school district. As of October1, this report must be posted and is updated annually to include base salary, bonuses, pension contributions, retirement increases, cost for both health and life insurance, paid sick/vacation day payouts, annuities, and any other form of compensation or income paid on behalf of the employee. In addition, districts must provide online the terms of any contract it has with an exclusive bargaining representative. The report has been submitted to the State and posted online, in accordance to the aforementioned guidelines.
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
Jan Prieto-McCarthy provided a brief overview of the current fund balances as of September 22, 2014. In addition, Ms. Prieto-McCarthy explained a proposal to approve four (4) additional financial institutions in order to diversify the District’s investment portfolio, thereby providing the District with increased investment options and possibly higher rates of return. The four additional financial institutions include: UBS Bank, Standard Bank, PNC Bank and US Bank. Highlights of each institution’s stability and creditability were presented to the Board for review. No further questions were posed by the Board at this time.
Consent Agenda: Mr. LaMargo read the items on the proposed consent agenda. There being no requests for further discussion, Mr. LaMargo moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Education approve the following consent agenda items:
1.Minutes:September 11, 2014, Regular Board of Education Meeting
September 11, 2014, Closed Session
2.Resignations—Classified Staff, effective as indicated:
Brian Angel, Desktop Support Specialist, effective 9/26/14
Irene Joisepait, Paraprofessional, effective immediately
Joel Joloy, Night Helper, Century Jr. High, effective 8/25/14
Susan Nelligan, Lunchroom/Playground, Prairie, effective 8/15/14
3.Substitute Call List, effective 9/22/14:
Cindy Grabowski, Substitute Nurse
Judy Seebruch, Substitute Nurse
Mary Vanderbilt, Substitute Teacher
Becky Walker, Substitute Teacher
4.2014-15 Applications for Recognition of Schools
Roll call on the consent agenda: Ayes: Mr.LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms.Zekich, Mr.Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
Employment – Certified Staff: Mr. Okon moved (Ms. Zekich seconded) that the Board of Education employ MichaelKonrad, P.E., High Point School, effective September 22, 2014. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr.LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms.Zekich, Mr.Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
Employment – Classified Staff: Ms. Zekich moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education employ thefollowing, effective the 2014-15 school year:
Melissa Mott, Lunchroom/Playground (Sub.), Park
Janet Sarno, Lunchroom/Playground (Sub.), Park
Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms.Zekich, Mr.Carroll, Mr.LaMargo. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
Modification of Date of Retirement: Mr. Maratea moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Educationapprove a modification to the date of retirement for Marilyn Sinclair, Instructional Services Secretary, District Office, effective June 30, 2015. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Okon, Ms.Zekich, Mr.Carroll, Mr.LaMargo, Mr. Maratea. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
Approval of 2014-15 Budget: Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education approve the 201415budget as presented, according to the resolution (page 1 of ISBE Form50-36) for Orland School District 135. Roll Call: Ayes: Ms. Zekich, Mr.Carroll, Mr. LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms.Kulak. Motion carried.
Resolution – Financial Depositories: Mr. Okon moved (Ms. Zekich seconded) that the Board of Education approve a Resolution Designating Authorized School District Depositories, effective September 22, 2014, presented as attached. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Mr. LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon. Ms. Zekich. Nays: None. Absent: Dr.Berry, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried.
Purchase of Financial Planning Program: Ms. Zekich moved (Mr. Maratea seconded) that the Board of Education accept the terms of the engagement letter with PMA Financial Network, Inc., as presented, at a cost not to exceed $11,000, effective September 22, 2014. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Carroll, Mr. LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Zekich. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried.
Agreement – Health Cost Service: Mr. Maratea moved (Mr. Carroll seconded) that the Board of Education accept the terms of the engagement letter with HealthEngine, LLC, to provide health cost services for District 135 employees, effective September 22, 2014, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Zekich, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried.
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
Approval – Resolution for Bank Account Signers: Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education approve a Resolution for Bank Account Signers, presented as attached. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. LaMargo, Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms.Zekich, Mr. Carroll. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried.
Classroom Technology: Mr. LaMargo commended Mr. Kinsella upon this evening’s demonstration of technology integrated into the classroom curriculum and communication strategies.
10/4/14 Bullying Prevention Walk: The public was encouraged to participate in an upcoming Bullying Prevention Walk on October 4, hosted by the Bridge Teen Center in Orland Park.
Mr. Okon moved (Ms. Zekich seconded) that the Board of Education adjourn to closed session to review closed session minutes, and to discuss the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body, and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel. Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Maratea, Mr. Okon, Ms. Zekich, Mr. Carroll, Mr. LaMargo. Nays: None. Absent: Dr. Berry, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried (8:01 p.m.).
Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the Board of Education, upon completion of its discussions in closed session, reconvene in public session. Voice vote: four ayes, no nays. Absent: Dr. Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak. Motion carried (9:08 p.m.).
Mr. La Margo appointed Ms. Zekich as Secretary Pro Tem in the absence of Board Secretary Sandra Kulak.
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Board of EducationSeptember 22, 2014
There being no further business at this time, Mr. Carroll moved (Mr. Okon seconded) that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was called—four ayes, no nays. Absent: Dr.Berry, Mr. Carroll, Ms. Kulak. The President declared the motion carried and the meeting adjourned (9:10 p.m.).
Tina M. Zekich, Secretary Pro Tem
Joseph S. LaMargo, President
Jill A. Olson, Recording Secretary