1.1The Service Redesign Committee is a Standing Committee of Fife NHS Board and reports directly to the Board on its work.
1.2Its purpose is to provide the Board with the assurance that service redesign arrangements are operating effectively and efficiently and that NHS Fife’s major service strategies are implemented in accordance with Board policies, priorities and overall financial framework.
ChairDr L Bisset, Non-Executive Member of the Board (from August 2014)
Mrs Wilma Brown (April 2014)
Ms R Abbot, Public Partner
Dr K Cheshire, Area Partnership Forum
Ms A Rooney, Non-Executive Member of the Board
As from the 31st of December, the pilot scheme of elected Board Members came to an end. Mrs McGovern, Mrs Archibald and Mr Winton’s terms of office came to an end and Mrs Wilma Brown took on the role of interim-Chair, and Dr Katherine Cheshire joined the Committee, pending more permanent arrangements being confirmed. In August 2014 Dr Bisset took on the role of the Chair.
During the year 2014/15 the Committee met four times;
17 April 2014
21 August 2014
16 October 2014
15 January 2015
The attendance record of Committee Members can be seen at Appendix 1.
At its meetings in 2014-15, the Committee considered the following items of business:
- Research & Development
- Clinical Waste Project
- Acute Flow
- Redesign of the Fracture Pathway
- Early Supported Discharge for the Colorectal Pathway
- Maternity Services
- QMH Update
- Psychological Therapies
- Early Years Collaborative
- Eye Care Integration Project
- Redesign Committee Work Plan
- Balanced Scorecard
- Healthcare Improvement Plan 2012-17
- Quality Improvement Hub
The Quality Improvement Hub which has continued to evolve during 2014/15 alongside the development of the Getting Better in Fife initiative and the updates provided within the Healthcare Improvement Plan have all provided a point of reference for the Committee in 2014/15. Appendix 2 shows the schedule of business considered at each meeting.
For 2014/15 and future years the Board is required to provide overt assurance on Best Value. A framework was approved by SMT and thereafter the Audit Committee in September 2012. There have been no changes this year. Appendix 3 provides evidence of where and when the Committee considered the relevant characteristics of the approved framework during 2014/15.
In line with the new Risk Management arrangements, the Service Redesign Committee, as a governance committee of the Board, has considered all relevant risks identified against the Committee, at two meetings throughout the year. Corporate level risks are managed by SMT Redesign.
Progress and appropriate action were noted.
As Chair of the Service Redesign Committee during financial year 2014/15, I am satisfied that the integrated approach, the frequency of meetings, the breadth of the business undertaken and the range of attendees at meetings of the Committee have allowed us to fulfil our remit as detailed in the Code of Corporate Governance. As a result of the work undertaken during this year, I can confirm that adequate redesign planning and monitoring arrangements were in place throughout NHS Fife during the year.
I would pay tribute to the dedication and commitment of fellow members of the Committee and to all attendees. I would thank all those members of staff who have prepared reports and attended meetings of the Committee.
Dr L Bisset
Chair, Redesign Committee
Appendix 1 Redesign Committee Attendance Record 2014/15
Redesign Committee Attendance Record 2014/15
Members / DatesName / 16 April 2014 / 21 August 2014 / 16 October 2014 / 15 January 2015
Ms R Abbot / √ / √ / √
Dr L Bisset / √ / √ / √
Mrs W Brown* / √
Dr K Cheshire / √ / √ / √
Ms L Parsons / √ / √
Ms A Rooney / √ / √ / √ / √
*Wilma Brown appointed to the Committee until new Non-Executives were appointed to the Board
Attendees / DatesName / 16 April 2014 / 21 August 2014 / 16 October 2014 / 15 January 2015
Dr L Anderson
Mrs C Bowring / √ / Allan Briggs on behalf of Chris Bowring / √ / √
Dr E Coyle / √ / √ / √
Ms I Hale / √ / √ / √ / √
Mrs V Irons
Ms R King / √ / √ / √
Mrs H Knox
Mrs S Manion / √
Dr S McLean
Mrs I McGonnigle / √ / √ / √
Dr B Montgomery / √ / √ / √ / √
Ms A Swift / √ / √ / √
Mrs M Porter / √
Mr J Wilson / √
Minutes / Fiona McLeary / Fiona McLeary / Fiona McLeary / Fiona McLeary
Appendix 2
17 April 2014
Minutes of Meeting of SMT (Redesign)
Research & Development (Presentation)
Clinical Waste Project (Presentation)
Acute Flow (Presentation)
Getting Better in Fife/Healthcare Improvement Plan 2012-2017
Redesign Risk Register
Redesign Committee Work Plan
Balance Scorecard
Annual Assurance Statement/Best Value
21 August 2014
Minutes of Meetings of SMT (Redesign)
Virtual Orthopaedic Clinics (Redesign of the fracture pathway) (Presentation)
ICASS (Presentation)
Getting Better in Fife/Health Care Improvement Plan 2012-17
Quality Improvement Hub
Redesign Risk Register
Redesign Committee Work Plan
Balance Scorecard
16 October 2014
Early Supported discharge for the Colorectal Pathway (Presentation)
Maternity Services (Presentation)
QMH Update (Presentation)
Getting Better in Fife/Health Care Improvement Plan
Quality Improvement Hub
Redesign Committee Work Plan
Redesign Risk Register
15th January 2015
Minutes of Meeting of SMT (Redesign)
Eye Care Integration Project (Presentation)
Psychological Therapies (Presentation)
Early Years Collaborative (Presentation)
Strategic Framework (Presentation)
Getting Better in Fife/Health Care Improvement Plan 2012-2017
Quality Improvement Hub
Learning from Alaska
Redesign Committee Work Plan
Redesign Risk Register
Annual Assurance Statement/Best Value