Mon 2nd Feria (4th week in Ordinary Time)
We pray for our Bible Study Group
Tue 3rd St Blaise (Bishop & Martyr)
We pray for Stephen, our Bishop
08.30Morning Prayer
12.00Vocations Meeting (Gordon Square)
19.00Bell ringing practise
20.00Bible Study Group (at The Vicarage)
Wed 4th Feria
We pray for our Churchwardens
08.30Morning Prayer
09.00CTB United Prayers
19.00Pusey Guild (Oxford)
Thur 5th St Agatha (Virgin & Martyr)
We pray for Persecuted Christians
10.30Funeral Kathleen Ferris RIP
12.15 Mass
13.15Funeral Jack Moore RIP
Fri 6th St Paul Miki & Companion Martyrs
We pray for the Church in Japan
07.30Morning Prayer
09.00Collective Worship
(at St Mary’s School)
Sat 7th Feria
We pray for those who mourn
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
We pray for our Parish
18.00First Mass of Sunday
Sun 8th
09.00Morning Prayer
10.00Sung Mass
17.00Service of Remembrance &
Readings for Sunday 8th February:
First Reading: Hosea 2:14-20
Psalm: Psalm 103:1-13. 22
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 3:1b-6
Gospel: Mark 2:13-22
Details for next week’s pew sheet to be sent to FatherMark by Wednesday
Welcome to our Celebration Today
The Sung Mass will begin with a candlelit procession. Please follow the instructions of the Sidespersons and gather in the North aisle with your unlit candles. The Service begins with the Blessing of Candles and their lighting before weprocess round the Church singing our first hymn. The Prayers of Penitence are omitted this week and the Service continues with the Gloria. The Sunday School will meet in the Ringing Chamber after the procession. TheWalsingham room is available as a crèche room for young people who need a break during the service. At the end of Mass please stay and join us for coffee and refreshments. Thegreen books have the Order of Service in them, while the hymns are found in the bigger green book. The numbers are as follows:
Music at the Sung Mass NEH
Process.Of the Father’s heart begotten33
OffertoryHail to the Lord who comes157
Comm. Faithful vigil ended44
Process.Christ, whose glory fills the skies234
Mass Setting F
Christingle Service
Don’t forget the Christingle Service here today at 5pm. After the Service, help will be needed to take down the Christmas tree and pack the crib away.
The weekly prayer cycle is available from the table at the back of Church. Please remember to complete the prayer request slips for all those that you know need a prayer. Prayer can be offered for difficult situations, as well as the needs of individuals.
Bible Study
Will be on Tuesday 3rd February, continuing our study of Judges.
Fr Lionel's Lent Book
Jeremy Cousins has the reservation forms for this year's book and the pancake social. They are to be returned to him today.This year's Charity is the Alzheimer'sSociety. The pancake social will be held on February 17thin aid of the charity at 12Ramblers Way.
Bradwell Area Vocation Day
Will be held this Saturday at Christ Church, Warley.Full details of timings etc., on the notice board.An opportunity to explore your vocation in Christ’s Church.
Parish Contacts
Vicar: Fr Mark North SSC 01621 782071
Churchwarden: Beth Greaves 01621 786296
Tony Young 01621 929309
Parish Website: