April 25, 2016 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Crocker at 7:00pm.
Mayor Sarah Crocker
Robert Bailey
Kinney Bridges
Jason Dittrich
Gail Good
John Pate
Cyndi Timbs
Others Attending: Tammy McKinney, Town Recorder; Rick Stieg, City Planner;
Guests:Mr. Russell Good
Minutes Approval: Regular Meeting March 28, 2016. John Patemade a motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion was seconded by Kinney Bridges. All approved. Motion passed.
Public Hearing 1. Zoning text amendment creating the O-R Neighborhood Office District
This district is intended primarily to provide locations for neighborhood and community serving office
and related services at locations within the City of Brighton which are easily accessible. This district
is normally small and may include older homes undergoing conversion. The district is often situated
business and residential districts and the regulations are designed to protect and compliment nearby
residential districts.
When petitioning rezoning to this district, the petitioner shall submit to the Planning Commission a
preliminary site plan of the proposed development which shall contain details such as the size, shape
and location of the site, and indicating the proposed egress, offstreet parking, and any other
requirements of the City. All required parking shall be provided in rear or side yards, unless conditions
specifically require front yard parking. Any deviation from the final Site Plan, (which is also required
prior to issuance of a building permit) shall constitute a violation of the building permit. If the site is to
be subdivided, it must meet all requirements of the subdivision ordinance.
Mayor Crocker gave Rick Stieg the floor. Mr. Stieg gave the description of the O-R Neighborhood Office District Zoning.
Cyndi Timbs asked “could the zoning have a mixed use”. Mr. Stieg replied “yes it could have residential on top and office on the bottom or any which way you wanted to do it”.
John Pate asked “what about the tax rate?” Stieg replied that it will be based on the primary use of the property. The appraiser for the local accessor’s office will come in and evaluate how much square footage is dedicated for commercial and how much is dedicated for residential.
John Pate made a motion to recommend that the Planning Commission establish an O-R Zoning to be presented to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Jason Dittrich seconded that motion. All approved. Motion carried.
John Patemade a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:11pm. The motion was seconded by Gail Good. All approved. Motion carried.