To: The Mayor
Deputy Mayor
All Members of Sandy Town Council
There will be a Meeting of Sandy Town Council on Monday 22nd October 2007 in the Council Chamber at 10 Cambridge Road, Sandy, Beds at 7.00pm.
15th October 2007 S M Foster
Town Clerk
1. Apologies
2. To receive statutory declarations of interests from members
(a) Prejudicial Interests
(b) Personal Interests
3. Presentation on the Code of Conduct
Mrs Barbara Morris, Director of Corporate and Democratic Services at Mid Beds District Council will give a presentation on the newly adopted Code of Conduct.
4. Sandy Beat Manager to give update on policing in Sandy
5. Oral questions from electors
(Please would Members raise any questions initially with the office)
6. Planning applications received for comment by Sandy Town Council
(Any plans received for comment will be on display in the committee room from 6.45 pm onwards and members are requested to view these prior to this item) (see list attached)
7. Mayoral communications (see list attached)
8. Minutes and Reports
To approve/adopt the Minutes of:-
+ *(a) Meeting of Town Council held on Monday 10th September 2007.
+ *(b) Special Meeting of Staffing Committee held on Monday 24th September 2007.
+ *(c) Meeting of Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Monday 24th September 2007.
+ (d) Meeting of Planning Parks & Open Spaces Committee held on Monday 8th October 2007.
+ = Previously circulated
* = Exempt or Confidential Information – Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.
9. Reports from representatives
To receive any verbal reports from Council representatives on outside bodies.
10. Clerk’s Report
To receive the Clerk’s Report. (Copy attached)
11. Local Development Framework Consultation
To consider Council’s response to the consultation document supplied by Mid Beds District Council (previously circulated) (deferred from P.P.O.S. on 8th October 2007).
12. Licensing Policy Review
To receive the Clerk’s Report. (Copy attached)
13. Oral questions from Electors
On matters raised during this meeting.
*14. Land North of Sunderland Road
To receive the Clerk’s Report. (Copy attached)
15. Press Release
*Exempt information – Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and Section (6) of the Local Government (Access to Information Act) 1985. The Press and Public are given notice that they may be requested to retire during consideration of this item.
98/07 / 07/01669/FULL
Mrs & Miss B Carter
40 & 42 West Road
SG19 1HB / Full application for the erection of 2 no: 2 bed detached bungalows on land to the rear of 40 to 42 West Road, Sandy, Beds
Near neighbours 38 and 44 West Road and 43, 45 All Saints Way, Sandy notified / Town Council
6. Mayoral Communications
10.9.07 Supported by the Mayoress and Cllrs Aldis, Sharman and
Sutton unveiled the “Best Kept Road 2007” plaque at
Banks Drive.
12.9.07 Attended the “Open Day” at Keech Cottage Children’s
Hospice at Streatley. (Members have been invited to consider a visit).
14.9.07 Met, with the Clerk, two Directors of Potton Ltd who
Subsequently made a presentation to Finance & General
& General Purposes Committee.
16.9.07 Supported by the Mayoress attended Godmanchester’s
Annual Civic Service.
18.9.07 Attended the 1st Sandy Scout Group’s Annual General
Meeting at the Scout Headquarters.
21.9.07 Attended, with the Mayoress, the Houghton Regis Town
Mayor’s Civic Reception at the St Vincent’s Social Club.
23.9.07 With the Mayoress attended the Town Mayor of
Dunstable’s Civic Service at the Priory Church of St
24.9.07 Attended the High Sheriff’s Service for Her Majesty’s
Judges at St Paul’s Church, Bedford preceded by coffee
With the Deputy Mayor of Bedford in the Mayor’s
26.9.07 Supported by other Councillors, performed the Turf
Cutting Ceremony for the new Pavilion Building at
Sunderland Road Recreation Ground.
6. Mayoral Communications (Cont)
28.9.07 Attended a Breakfast Event in aid of Macmillan World’s
Biggest Coffee Morning at the home of the former High
Sheriff, Clifton Ibbett. (Clifton thanks those members who supported him on his sponsored walk in the summer
which raised £8,000.)
2.10.07 Supported by the Mayoress, attended the Traditional
Civic Opening of Bridge Fair and Sausage Supper at
3.10.07 Attended with the Mayoress, a Musical Celebration
Concert organised by St Swithun’s School and dedicated
to a young mum who had died from leukaemia. The
Concert was in St Swithun’s Church. Cllr Blaine was also
5.10.07 Attended the NALC Conference a Bournemouth including
To 7.10.07 the formal dinner, with the Mayoress, on 6th October.
8.10.07 Chaired the third meeting of the Council’s Car Parking
Working Group which was attended by representatives of
Beds County Council, Mid Beds District Council, Network Rails and Budgens.
10.10.07 Attended, at The Barns Hotel, Bedford the Annual
General Meeting of the Road Victims Trust.
12.10.07 Supported by the Mayoress, attended the Town Mayor of
Dunstable’s Charity French Evening at Priory House.
13.10.07 With the Mayoress attended the Mayor of St Neots’
Charity Ball at The Priory Centre. Cllr & Mrs Gale also
14.10.07 Attended, with the Mayoress, the Mayor of Flitwick’s
Civic Service at St Peter & St Paul’s Parish Church. Supported by the Mayoress attended the Mayor of
Ampthill’s Charity Italian Night at the Donatello’s Italian
21.10.07 Attended with the Mayoress, the Mayor of Stotfold’s Civic
Service in St Mary’s Church.
6. Mayoral Communications (Cont)
22.10.07 With other Councillors visited Potton Ltd at Great
6.10.07 Attended the opening of the Skarszewy friendship
Photographic exhibition at Sandy Library.
6.10.07 Attended the Mayor of Luton’s Charity Affro-Caribbean
Evening in Luton in aid of Sickle Cell Amaemia and Thalassaemia Care Forum and the NSPCC.
7.10.07 Attended the Chairman of Mid Beds District Council’s
Civic Service at Everton Parish Church.
8. Minutes and Reports
(c) Meeting of Finance & General Purposes Committee held on Monday 24th September 2007.
Resolved to Recommend: That under the terms of its lease with Sandy Football Club the Town Council should increase the rent for the pitch and pavilion at Bedford Road to £363.30 for 2007/2008.
9. Supplementary item – The Limes Open Space - Beeston (F45/07)
Resolved to Recommend: (a) That the Town Council adopt the open space at the Limes in return for a commuted sum of £85,000 (to cover ten years maintenance).
(b) That the Clerk be requested to write to Fairview Homes to ask that a safety certificate be provided for the play equipment and to try to ascertain the likely transfer period and legal costs associated with the transfer.
NB: The Clerk has ascertained that Fairview homes will provide a safety certificate for the play equipment and replace the gate to the play area. They will also install four telescopic bollards at the two vehicle entrances for a cost of £1778.00 to be taken from the commuted sum if Council so wish.
(c) Planning Parks & Open Spaces Committee Monday 8th October 2007
3. Presentation by Nick Shaw and Patrick Lingwood from Bedfordshire County Council and Nick Chapman from Amey.
Resolved to Recommend: That the Committee recommend to Full Council a budget of £1000 (from the contingency fund) towards sponsoring of the walk to school initiative.
10. Town Clerk’s Report
1. Accounts 01.04.07 to 30.09.07
To receive and approve Lists of Receipts and Payments for September 2007.
(Copies will be on display prior to the meeting)
2. Quarterly Accounts 01.04.07 to 30.09.07
To receive the quarterly accounts (Income and Expenditure lists) for quarter ended 30th September 2007.
3. ATC Sunday Parade 3rd February 2008
Flight Lieutenant Margaret Bell, the Commanding Officer of the Sandy ATC has written to ask permission for seven squadrons of the Western Sector of Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire Wing Air Training Corps led by the RAF Wyton Voluntary Band to parade through Sandy on Sunday 3rd February 2008 to commemorate the formation of the Air Training Corps in 1941.
The parade will form up in Swan Lane and march to St Swithun’s Church for a service in the early afternoon. Police presence has been sought.
(Members are requested to consider the request)
4. County Accreditation Panel
The County Accreditation Panel meets to consider applications from Parishes and Towns for Quality Council status. It consists of 1 lay member, 2 persons with understanding or experience of parish and town councils, 1 person from the county branch of the SLCC and 1 person with an understanding and experience of principal authorities.
The Clerk of this Council has recently been appointed to the Accreditation Panel for Bedfordshire.
(Information only)
5. Sandy Village Hall – Request for support for Grant Application
The Village Hall Committee has applied for grant funding from WREN in order to improve the facilities at the hall.
10. Town Clerk’s Report (Cont)
It is planning to install new boilers and two doors and a window. They have submitted a request for funding of £8,530 and have asked Mid Beds District Council to support the application with a grant of £880.
The Committee has now approached the Town Council and requested that it support the application to Mid Beds District Council. It has also requested that the Town Council also provide a grant of £500 towards the cost of refurbishment.
(Members are requested to consider the application for funding and, if granted, indicate the source of the funds. They are also requested to indicate if they wish to support the funding application to Mid Beds District Council).
6. Howard Cottage Housing Association
An invitation has been received from Mr C Johnson, Housing Officer for the Howard Cottage Housing Association, for a Member to accompany him on his forthcoming estate walkabout at Bedford Road and Wynnefield Walk. He will be visiting on Tuesday 30th October between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm.
(Members are requested to consider whether they wish to appoint a representative to accompany Mr Johnson).
11. Local Development Framework Consultation
The LDF will replace the Local Plan (First Review) which was adopted in December 2005. The document sets out Mid Beds District Council’s preferred approach to its Core Strategy and Development Control Policies – they are not draft policies but options that the District Council is considering.
The Core Strategy sets out the long term vision and strategic policies which identify broad locations for delivering housing and other development requirements. Development Control Policies are used to assess planning applications for the use of land or buildings.
Papers were circulated with P.P.O.S. agenda containing the options preferred by the District Council for consideration by Council. The background details are available via the planning section of the Mid Beds website or in hard copy at the Town Council offices. A number of the options contain reference to Sandy specifically and many of them will impact on the community of Sandy in the years to come.
The matter was considered by Planning, Parks and Open Spaces Committee on 8th October 2007. In particular it was felt that the following options were of importance to the future of Sandy: CS3 – Settlement Hierarchy, CS5 – Location of Development, CS9 – Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions, CS10 – Protection and Enhancement of Community, Social, Educational and Health Facilities, CS15 – Affordable Housing, CS17 – Employment Land Provision, CS18 – Location of Employment Sites, DC6 – Flood Risk, DC8 – Important Open Space within Settlement Envelopes and DC9 – Development in Town Centres, and that responses on these options should be sent to Mid Beds District Council.
The closing date for the consultation is Monday 5th November 2007.
Supporting or Supplementary - None
Information Attached
Action Required - Council is requested to
consider the preferred options and the comments it wishes to make.
S M Foster
Town Clerk
10th October 2007
12. Licensing Policy Review
In January 2005 Mid Beds District Council published its Statement of Licensing Policy under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003. The statement detailed the policy considerations to be applied in response to licence applications for the sale and supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated entertainment and the provision of late night refreshments.
The 2003 Act requires a Licensing authority to prepare and publish a Statement of Licensing Policy every three years. The policy must be kept under review and the licensing authority must make revisions as it considers appropriate. The District Council think that there have been no major issues and the policy has worked well.
However, they would now welcome the comments of the Town Council and the residents of the District.
The response form needs to be returned by 5th November 2007.
Supporting or Supplementary The Statement of Licensing
Information Attached Policy and the response
form. Letter from Town
Council to MBDC re:
Licensing application and
Action Required - Council is requested to
consider the policy
and any comments it wishes to make.
S M Foster
Town Clerk
10th October 2007