Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Hall Lane, Cronton, Cheshire WA8 5DW
Tel: 0151 424 3926 Fax : 0151 420 3177
Headteacher Mrs J Cook-Hannah
13th July 2016
Dear Parents
We are delighted to inform you that the Governors of Holy Family have recently made some staffing appointments.
Firstly, we would like to offer our congratulations to Mrs Evans, who has now been appointed as Deputy Headteacher of Holy Family School. I am sure you will agree this is an excellent appointment and Mrs Evans will continue to develop her role from Acting Deputy Headteacher to her permanent and substantive role.
We have recently appointed Mr Ellison who will be teaching Year 3 next year. Mr Ellison is a keen sportsman and I believe he will be an excellent addition to the staff at Holy Family School. He will be coming in to meet the children on Friday to spend the day with his class.
The governors have also appointed Miss Cook as a Schools Direct Trainee Teacher. Miss Cook will be supported by Mrs Evans in her role as she takes responsibility for teaching Year 1 children. Miss Cook has worked alongside two outstanding teachers for over five years and we feel certain she will take all she has learnt into her new role.
As a school we are also delighted to inform you that, after a rigorous selection process, we were designated as a Teaching School, alongside Cronton C of E School, with whom we work extremely closely. The Teaching School Alliance between both our schools is called Knowsley First Teaching School Alliance. As part of this new and exciting role, we take responsibility for supporting and developing staff into the profession across the LA, and supporting all staff through continuing professional development by providing courses and training events. We also have a responsibility for offering school to school support. This may involve some of our staff, including myself, visiting other schools to offer support, or staff visiting Holy Family to observe best practice. I have attached a letter from Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP offering her congratulations regarding our designation.
Next year, the classes will be as follows:
Reception Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Connolly, (Ms Hindley will support both Rec and Y1)
Year 1 Miss Cook, Miss Langton
Year 2 Miss Sharratt, Mrs Davison
Year 3 Mr Ellison, Mrs Donohue
Year 4 Miss Edge, Mrs Riley
Year 5 Mrs Quigley, Mrs Gray (am), Mrs Featherstone(pm)
Year 6 Mrs Guest, Mrs Wright
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank some staff members who are moving on to pastures new at the end of this term.
Miss Rooney and Miss Smith have spent a year at Holy Family School. They have contributed much during their time with us and we wish them every success and happiness in their new positions starting in September.
We are also really sad to be losing Miss Ashdown who has been a fantastic Year 6 teacher since starting with us in September 2013 and we wish her, and her partner Ryan, every happiness as they embark on their ‘round the world’ travels in September. Miss Ashdown’s passion, enthusiasm and dedication will be sorely missed by staff, children and, I am certain, parents alike. I would like to pay tribute to Miss Ashdown for her outstanding work in preparing our children so well for the SATs tests. This year, the children worked so hard to adapt to the new curriculum and Miss Ashdown and Mrs Riley made a fantastic team helping our children to achieve so well. I am certain you heard recently about the increase in challenge for the new curriculum and the much higher standards to be met by our children. Nationally, the figure for children attaining at the expected level in reading, writing and maths combined was 53%. I am delighted to inform you that this year, Holy Family achieved 82%. A fantastic achievement for all concerned.
On that note, I would also like to pay tribute to our wonderful Year 6 children as they move on to High School. They, too, have played a fantastic part in the life of Holy Family and we will miss each and every one of them immensely. We wish them every success and happiness as they embark on their next stage of life. For some families, this is the end of an era as their youngest child moves on to secondary school. I would like to thank them for the support they have given to the school over many years at Holy Family.
As we come to the end of another school year, I would also like to thank you for all the support you give to the school throughout the year. We would not be able to participate in some of the wonderful events we want our children to experience without the support of our fantastic parents.
I hope you all have a wonderful, restful and enjoyable summer break.
With sincerest thanks and best wishes
Mrs Hannah