Revised by: Sherry Swanson
April 2005
1.0Course Title:Fashion History
2.0Catalog Number:AP-121U
3.0Semester Credit Hours:3
3.1 Lecture3
3.2 Lab0
4.0Course Description:Coversthe development of costumes and accessories as a part of a socioeconomic and cultural force from ancient times to the present and its relationship to contemporary fashion trends.
6.0General Course Goals:
6.1Develop a working vocabulary of historical fashion terminology.
6.2Identify line drawings of male and female apparel/accessory items by name and historical period.
6.3Relate historical costume development to present day fashion trends.
6.4Describe how social, religious, economic, technological, and political influences effected costume development.
6.5Prepare board presentation to summarize male and female apparel, accessories, fabrics, and colors of specified historical periods.
6.6Research, prepare visual materials, and present, in class, a selected decade; clothing styles, fads, music, and events will be highlighted.
6.7Demonstrate understanding of costume development from ancient times to present day.
6.8Describe importance of fashion leaders and provide an example of their fashion contribution.
6.9Identify basic garment silhouettes and evaluate the evolution of each through the Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Renaissance, 18th Century, and Modern Ages.
6.10Trace the evolution of male apparel from early Middle Ages through Baroque.
6.11Prepare all assignments in a professional manner to demonstrate good visual imagery and communication.
6.12Describe development of haute couture, the designers, and their noted contributions to apparel.
7.0Course Objectives:
7.1Unit I: Ancient Times
7.1.1Describe the basic female and male attire associated with the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.
7.1.2Identify, using specific styling terminology, the apparel, accessory, and cosmetics used by each ancient time civilization.
7.1.3Define and differentiate the apparel, accessory, and cosmetics used by each ancient time civilization.
7.1.4Develop appreciation for Ancient Times civilizations and their impact upon fashion development.
7.1.5Describe the political and social changes occurring and provide an example of male and female apparel items for each.
7.1.6Describe the effect religion had upon what people wore during the Ancient Times.
7.1.7Illustrate the influence of Ancient Times apparel in today’s fashion.
7.2Unit II: Middle Ages
7.2.1Compare the social conditions of Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Baroque periods and discuss the influence upon costumedevelopment.
7.2.2Describe the general fashion silhouette and how it changed.
7.2.3Identify, using specific styling terminology, the apparel and accessory items worn from 1000 A.D.–1700.
7.2.4Describe at least three significant historical events that occurred during this period and its influence on the dress of the people.
7.2.5Trace the evolution of male apparel from the early Middle Ages through Baroque.
7.2.6Describe and identify types of female headgear popular from early Middle Ages through Baroque.
7.2.7Illustrate the influence of Middle Ages apparel in today’s fashions.
7.3Unit III: 18C – 19C
7.3.1Describe 18C French court male and female attire.
7.3.2Identify the fashion leaders of the 18C and 19C and provide an example of the fashion contributions of each.
7.3.3Describe how the political and social changes in France at this time affected apparel and the country’s economy.
7.3.4Trace the changes in the skirt, neck, and sleeve treatments of popular women’s fashions of this time period.
7.3.5Identify, using specific styling terminology, the apparel and accessory items worn by men, women, and children of the 18C and 19C.
7.3.6Discuss the cultural arts and their relation to fashion of the 18C and 19C.
7.3.7Describe the international scope of fashion by providing fashion examples of other country’s influential contributions to the fashion.
7.3.8Describe at least three significant historical events that occurred during this period and its influence on the people.
7.3.9Describe the development of couture, the designers, and their noted contributions to apparel.
7.3.10Illustrate the influence of 18C and 19C apparel in today’s fashions.
7.4Unit IV: Modern Ages
7.4.1Describe the “temper” of each decade and provide apparel examples which were a result of these decade events.
7.4.2List the major designers and describe their lasting contribution to fashion.
7.4.3Describe the basic silhouette and hemline changes in women’s fashion throughout the decades.
7.4.4Identify, using specific styling terminology, the apparel and accessory items worn by men and women during this period.
7.4.5Trace the evolutionary development of male attire during the decades.
7.4.6Describe the importance of fashion leaders and provide an example of their fashion contribution.
7.4.7Describe and give examples of the influence of sports upon fashion.
7.4.8Illustrate the influence of each decade’s apparel in today’s fashions.
8.0Course Bibliography:
Survey of Historic Costume, by Tortora, Fairchild Publishing. ISBN: 1-56367-142-5
9.0Grading Criteria: