Meeting time and place: Thursday at 12:15
Dominic’s, 453 Avenel St., Avenel NJ

Rotary Club of Woodbridge and Perth Amboy

New Jersey, USA

The Spoke-n Word

Club 1561, Chartered November 30, 1923

Officers 2006-2007

President R. Scott Schoner District Governor

D. Michael Hart

Secretary Hee-Moon Lee

Treasurer Rich Fernandez Assistant Governor

Past President Brian Freeman Jean Whithers

Sergeant-at-Arms Tom Andersen

President of Rotary International William B. Boyd


Community Service

International Service

Club Service Craig Goldman

Vocational Service

Programs Eddie Farcon

Rotary Foundation

Interact Clubs

Spoke-N Word John Hurley

The Rotary Four Way Test of the Things We Think, Say or Do: 1) Is it the Truth? 2) Is it Fair to all concerned?

3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

The Rotary Four Way Test of the Things We Think, Say or Do: 1) Is it the Truth? 2) Is it Fair to all concerned?

3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

February 1, 2007

RI Announces Theme

for 2007-08

RI President-elect Wilfrid J. Wilkinson announced that “Rotary Shares” will be the theme of his presidency. "What makes Rotary great is our expressing the love in our hearts through the work of our hands and our minds," said Wilkinson. "As Rotarians, we don't just sit back and talk about loving other human beings. As Rotarians, we demonstrate that love, and we share that love, through helping each other."

Almost everything Rotary does involves sharing, Wilkinson told more than 500 district governors-elect gathered at the International Assembly in San Diego. "We share our time, we share our talents, and we share our money with others who need our help."

District Updates Website

District 7510 has launched a new website. Check it out at Congratulations to District Webmaster Lewis Edge, and the Web Designer Dana Hutchinson who designed and launched the website. Both are Rotarians in the Princeton club. However, this is still a work in progress. Each Director has their own page, and each of the 65 committees has their own page. We are asking them to provide content to Dana, to make this an outstanding and useful website.



February 4 Rich Fernandez

February 15 Eddie Farcon

February 23 Rotary International Founded 1905


Upcoming Programs

February 1 - Presidential Trivia and Tidbits, Sid Frank.

February 8 - Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless, Ray Kostyack

Eddie Farcon agreed to do the programs for the entire year, starting in July. Please keep your eye out for potential programs. Eddie can use your help finding interesting presenters.

Upcoming Rotary Activities

February 3 - District Fundraising, Quality Inn Somerset. Canceled

February 24 - Team Training- Quality Inn

March 16 - 18 - RYLA

March 31 - Presidents Elect Training II

April 2 - GSE Team Arrives from Greece

April 4 - Intercity Meeting with GSE at Snuffy’s

April 22-28 - Council on Legislation; Chicago.

April 27 – 29 - District Conference, Baltimore

April 30 - GSE Team Goes back to Greece

May 16 - District Assembly

June 17-20 - Rotary International Convention; Salt Lake City

June 21 - Team travels to San Pablo, Ecuador for the “Homes of Hope”, returningJuly 3. June 27 - Changing of the Guard Ceremony, 6:30 pm, Quality Inn

The Rotary Four Way Test of the Things We Think, Say or Do: 1) Is it the Truth? 2) Is it Fair to all concerned?

3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?