Final Review Worksheet

Description: All multiple choice test. You will be allowed 1 side of 1 sheet of paper with anything you want handwritten on it as a resource. (Hand in with your final.)

Unit 4 Nomenclature

Determine if the following compounds are ionic, covalent or acidic.

  1. HF
  2. LiNO3
  3. PH3
  4. HC2H3O2
  5. NaOH

Predict the compound that will form from the pair of elements.

  1. Strontium and bromine
  2. Sodium and oxide
  3. cadmium and sulfur

Determine the chemical formula for the ionic compound containing each pair of ions.

  1. Cu+ and SO42-
  2. Na+ and NO3-
  3. Al3+ and O2-
  4. Mg2+ and OH-

Complete the table to determine the atomic and ionic Lewis diagrams.

Element / # Valence electrons / Atomic Lewis Diagram / # electrons gain/loss / Ionic charge / Ionic Lewis Diagram
13 / Cl
14 / Mg

Draw the ionic Lewis structure for the compound that forms between the following elements.

15. Liand I

16. Ca andCl

17. Al and O

Determine a bond between the two element indicated will be polar, nonpolar or ionic

18. C – O

19. S – S

20. K – Br

Complete the table below. If a formula is given, provide the name. If the name of the compound is given, provide the formula.

Name / Formula
nitrous acid
hydrochloric acid
nitrogen trichloride
sodium oxide
bromic acid
copper (I) sulfide
titanium (III) chromate

Unit 5 Reactions

  1. Balance the following reactions.
  2. On the line at the left, indicate the type of reaction on the line to the left as a synthesis (S), decomposition (D), single replacement (SR), double replacement (DR), or combustion (C). If it can’t be classified as one of these, write “other”.
  3. On the line at the right indicate the driving force for the reaction (solid forms, gas forms, water forms, electron transfer). If there is no reaction, write “no reaction”

______MnO2 + _____HCl ---> _____MnCl2 + _____H2O + _____Cl2______

______Pb + _____Na + _____C2H5Cl ---> _____Pb(C2H5)4 + _____NaCl______

______Ca(OH)2 + _____H3PO4 ---> _____CaHPO4 + _____H2O ______

______Zn + _____NaOH + _____H2O ---> _____Na2Zn(OH)4 + _____H2______

______SrBr2 + _____ (NH4)2CO3 ---> _____SrCO3 + _____ NH4Br ______

______Hg(OH)2 + _____H3PO4 ---> _____Hg3(PO4)2 + _____H2O ______

______Ca3(PO4)2 + _____SiO2 + _____C ---> _____CaSiO3 + _____P4 + _____CO ______

______C2H3Cl + _____O2 ---> _____CO2 + _____H2O + _____HCl______

______(NH4)2Cr2O7 ---> _____NH3 + _____H2O + _____Cr2O3 + _____O2______

______Al + _____NaOH + _____H2O --->_____NaAl(OH)4 + _____H2______

______NH4Cl + _____Ca(OH)2 ---> _____CaCl2 + _____NH3 + _____H2O ______

______Al + _____NH4ClO4 ---> _____Al2O3 + _____AlCl3 + _____NO + _____H2O ______

______H2SO4 + _____NaHCO3 ---> _____Na2SO4 + _____CO2 + _____H2O ______

______Ca10F2(PO4)6 + _____H2SO4 ---> _____Ca(H2PO4)2 + _____CaSO4 + _____HF ______

______C2H5OH + _____O2 ---> _____CO +_____ H2O ______

For the following statements, write the complete balanced molecular equation for the reaction described including state descriptors (s, l, g, aq).

  1. Aqueous barium chloride reacts with aqueous aluminum sulfate to form aqueous aluminum chloride and solid barium sulfate.
  1. Solid potassium peroxide reacts with carbon dioxide gas to yield solid potassium carbonate and oxygen.
  1. Solid iron (III) hydroxide decomposes to form solid iron (III) oxide and water gas.
  1. Solid iron (III) oxide reacts with carbon monoxide gas to produce elemental iron and carbon dioxide gas.
  1. Liquid decane (C10H16) reacts with chlorine gas to form carbon and hydrochloric acid.

For the following reactions, determine the complete ionic equation and the net ionic equation. If all reactants and products are soluble then indicate that “no reaction” takes place. NOTE: Make sure the original equation is balanced before proceeding. Use the solubility chart to determine the state of each reactant and product.

  1. _____Pb(NO3)2_____ + _____ NaCl _____  _____PbCl2 _____ + _____NaNO3 _____
  1. _____Cr(NO3)2 _____ + _____ K2CO3 _____  _____CrCO3 _____ + _____KNO3 _____
  1. _____SrI2 _____ + _____ K2O _____  _____SrO _____ + _____KI _____
  1. _____MgCl2 _____ + _____ (NH4)2SO4 _____  _____MgSO4 _____ + _____NH4Cl _____
  1. _____Fe(NO3)3 _____ + _____ Na2CrO4_____  _____Fe2 (CrO4)3 _____ + _____NaNO3 _____

Use the activity series of metals and/or halogens to predict if the following reactions will occur. If YES, write the products and balance. If NO, then write “no reaction”.

  1. _____Cu + _____AlCl3 
  1. _____Li + _____ZnSO4 
  1. _____Ni + _____HNO3
  1. _____K + _____Na2SO4 
  1. _____Ag + _____H2SO4 
  1. _____Al + _____KCl 
  1. _____Ca + _____KCl 
  1. _____Al + _____AgC2H3O2 
  1. (III)_____Au + _____FeI2 
  1. (II)_____Ni + _____Ag2CO3 

Predict the products for each of the following reactions. Use the decomposition patterns as needed. The type of reaction is indicated in parentheses before each reaction. If the charge of a transition metal is needed there will also be a roman numeral.

  1. (S)____K + ____Cl2
  2. (S)____NO2 + ____H2O 
  3. (S)____Cd+ ____I2
  4. (D)____CaO
  5. (D)____NaOH
  6. (D)____ZnClO3
  7. (SR, II)____Mn + ____MgClO3
  8. (SR, II) ____Ni + ____Al(ClO2)3
  9. (SR, III)____Cr + ____HCl
  10. (DR)____Ca(NO3)2 + ____BaCO3
  11. (DR)____Mg(OH)2 + ____FeCl3
  12. (DR)____AlI3 + ____Na3PO4
  13. (C)____Zn + ____O2
  14. (C)____C7H12 + ____O2
  15. (C)____C4H8O2 + ____O2 

Unit 6 Stoichiometry

Find the molar mass of the following substances.

  1. Ni
  2. I2
  3. ZnO
  4. CuNO3
  5. Au(ClO3)3

Determine the number of particles or items contained in.

  1. 1.0 mol of cars
  2. 6.0 mol of water molecules
  3. 5.5 mol of Fe atoms
  4. 3.2 mol of CO2molecules

Perform the following conversions. (3 x 3 pts)

  1. Convert 32.0 g of ZnO to moles
  2. Convert 2.87molCO2 to grams
  3. Convert 45.8 g of Na2O to moles
  4. Convert 2.50x1024 O2 molecules to grams
  5. Convert 0.158 g of I2 to number of molecules

Determine the percent composition of each of the elements present in the following compounds.

  1. Zr(NO2)2
  2. Cr(OH)3
  3. Al(BrO3)3

Determine the molecular formula for the following substances given their percent composition and molar mass.

  1. M=126.05 g/mol Na: 36.48% S: 25.44% O: 38.08%
  2. M= 148.18 g/mol C: 48.63% H: 8.18% O: 43.19%
  3. M= 405.59 g/mol Ni: 28.94% S:23.72% O: 47.34%

Answer the following questions about compounds.

  1. Determine the number of hydrogen atoms in 16.0 g of ammonia.
  2. Determine the mass of nitrogen in 0.750 g of silver nitrate.
  3. Determine the mass of zinc sulfide that will contain 24.9 g of sulfur.
  4. Determine the number of oxygen atoms in a 8.00 g of calcium carbonate
  5. Determine the mass of cadmium sulfate that can be made from a 15.3 g sample of sulfur

Molarity Problems.

  1. What is the molarity of a solution that is prepared by dissolving 24.9 g of FeCl3in water to make 500. mL of FeCl3 solution?
  2. How many moles of barium chloride are present if you use 15.87 mL of 1.003 M BaCl2?
  3. What volume of 4.80 M HNO3 should you use if you want to have 1.35 moles present?

Answer the following stoichiometry questions. Balance each chemical equation.

Given _____Na2CO3 + _____HCl _____NaCl + _____H2O + _____CO2

  1. How many grams of sodium carbonate are needed to generate 5.0 L of carbon dioxide gas?
  2. How many moles of hydrochloric acid are needed to completely reaction with 1.30 g of sodium carbonate?
  3. How many grams of sodium chloride will be produced when 65.0 mL of a 0.0540 M hydrochloric acid solution react with excess sodium carbonate?
  4. What mass of water is produced from the reaction of 6.50 g of sodium carbonate with excess hydrochloric acid?
  5. What mass of carbon dioxide is created from 16.00 g of sodium carbonate when mixed with excess hydrochloric acid?

Solve the following limiting reactant problems.

  1. 15.0 mL of a 0.250 M sodium hydroxide solution are added to 0.568 g copper (II) sulfate.
  2. Write the balanced equation for this reaction.
  3. Determine the number of grams of copper (II) hydroxide that will form.
  4. Identify the limiting reactant and which reactant is in excess.
  5. Determine the moles of the excess reactant that remain behind.
  6. If 0.113 g of copper (II) hydroxide is actually obtained what is the percent yield for this reaction?
  7. Consider the reaction of 5.0 L of nitrogen gaswith 12.0 L of hydrogen gas at STP to form ammonia?
  8. Write the balanced equation for this reaction.
  9. How many grams of ammoniacan be produced (theoretically)?
  10. Identify the limiting reagent and the reactant in excess.
  11. Determine the grams of excess reactant that remains behind.
  12. If 5.82 g of ammonia are actually formed, what is the percent yield of the reaction?


Write equilibrium constant expression.

Balance. Then write the equilibrium constant expression Keq for the following reactions.

  1. ____H2 (g) + _____I2 (g) _____ HI (g)
  2. ____CO (g) + _____H2 O(g) _____ CO2 (g) + _____ H2 (g)
  3. ____ClNO2 (g) + _____NO(g) _____ NO2 (g) + ______ClNO (g)
  4. ____NaClO3 (s) _____NaCl(s) _____ O2 (g)

Calculate a Keq value or Concentration [M]

Given 2CO(g) + O2(g)  2 CO2(g)

5. Determine Keqat25ºC, if [O2] = 0.600 M, [CO] = 0.0596 M and [CO2] = 0.420 M

6. At 25ºC, what will be the concentration of carbon monoxide when 3.50 moles of oxygen and 5.00 moles of carbon dioxide are preset in a 3.00 L reaction vessel.

7. At 25ºC, what will be the concentration of oxygenwhen [CO] = 4.00 M and [CO2] = 0.665 M

Given 2 HF (g) H2(g) + F2(g)

8. Determine Keq at 80ºC, if a 3.5 L flask contains 6.20 moles of H2, 1.35 mole of F2 and 4.15 moles of HF.

9. At 80ºC, what will be the concentration of hydrogen when [F2] = 4.10 M and [HF] = 0.0580 M

10. At 80ºC, what will be the concentration of HF when [F2] = 0.300 M and [H2] = 1.10 M

Predict direction of equilibrium shift

Predict the direction equilibrium will shift (“left” or “right” ) when the following stresses occur. Explain your prediction. Assumeeach reaction occurs in a sealed container and has reached equilibrium. Write “no effect” if the equilibrium does not change.

PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)  PCl5(g)H = – 87.9 kJ/mol (exothermic)

11. The concentration of PCl3 is increased.

12. The pressure is decreased.

13. The temperature is increased.

14. The concentration of Cl2 is decreased.

15. The temperature is decreased.

16. The concentration of PCl5 is increased.

17. The pressure is increased.