Exam 3 – Muscle

Part I – Membrane Potential

Learning Objectives: the students should be able to:

1.  Describe the difference in concentration gradients across a cell membrane.

2.  Diagram the tree reasons why a membrane potential exists across a cell membrane.

3.  Distinguish between leakage and the four types of gated channels.

4.  List the two events of an action potential.

5.  Label a graph including sodium channels opening and closing, potassium channels opening and closing, action potential, threshold, relative refractory period, and absolute refractory period.

6.  Describe how ionic flow stimulates the next adjacent area of a membrane to fire an action potential.

7.  Describe threshold and the all-or-none law.

8.  Predict how neurons can carry different kinds of information.

9.  Distinguish between relative and absolute refractory periods.

Important Terms

Resting potential / Action potential / Leakage channels
Voltage gated channels / Chemically gated channels / Mechanically gated channels
Light gated channels / Depolarization / Polarization
Repolarization / Ionic flow / Absolute refractory period
Relative refractory period /


/ All-or-none law

Exam 3 - Quiz 1

1.  Given the shown diagram, if Na+ and K+ could freely diffuse across the membrane, which way would each ion move:

  1. Potassium in; sodium does not change
  2. Potassium in; sodium out

c.  Sodium in; potassium out

  1. Sodium out; potassium does not move

2.  If the Na/K pump as not working, how would the resting potential change:

  1. It would not change

b.  It would become zero

  1. It would become more negative
  2. It would become more positive

3.  If the potassium gates were open but the sodium gates were closed, the resting potential would:

  1. Stay the same
  2. Become zero

c.  Become more negative

  1. Become less negative

4.  If the sodium gates were open, but the potassium gates were closed, the resting potential would:

  1. Stay the same
  2. Become zero
  3. Become more negative

d.  Become less negative

5.  In Event 1 of an action potential, the resting potential:

  1. Stays the same
  2. Becomes zero
  3. Becomes more negative

d.  Becomes less negative

6.  In Event 2 of an action potential, the resting potential:

  1. Stays the same
  2. Becomes zero

c.  Becomes more negative

  1. Becomes less negative

7.  Consider the action potential moving from left to right. The area to the right of the action potential ______while the area to the left of the action potential ______.

  1. Has sodium gates open; has potassium gates open
  2. Has potassium gates open; has sodium gates open
  3. Is in absolute refractory period; has ionic flow

d.  Has ionic flow; is in absolute refractory period

8.  Consider the graph of an action potential. The labeled area represents:

  1. The potassium ions leaking in causing depolarization
  2. The sodium ions leaking in causing depolarization

c.  The potassium ions leaking in causing repolarization

  1. The sodium ions leaking in causing repolarization

Exam 3 – Muscle – Part II- Structure of Skeletal Muscle

Learning Objectives: the students should be able to:

1.  classify muscle according to location

2.  classify muscle according to activity

3.  describe the structure and function of the three connective tissue coverings around muscle fibers.

4.  distinguish between origin and insertion of a muscle.

5.  describe the histology of a muscle cell.

6.  identify the components of and explain what happens to each of the following during a skeletal muscle contraction:

  1. A band
  2. I band
  3. H zone
  4. M line
  5. Sarcomere
  6. Bare zone
  7. Titin

7.  explain how a skeletal muscle shortens during contraction.

8.  describe G actin, F actin, tropomyocin, and troponin and their roles in a muscle contraction.

9.  describe myosin and explain how this myofilament causes skeletal muscle to shorten during a contraction.

10.  diagram the transfer of an action potential traveling down a neuron to an action potential traveling down a muscle.

11.  explain the significance of the following in the sliding filament theory of skeletal muscle contraction:

  1. t tubules
  2. AChE
  3. Sarcoplasmic reticulum
  4. ATP (2 roles)
  5. Tropomyosin
  6. Troponin
  7. Myosin heads (charged and uncharged)

12.  define a power stroke

13.  explain how a muscle stops contracting and returns to its normal elongated position

14.  compare and contrast motor neuron action potentials and skeletal muscle action potentials.

15.  describe the following:

  1. rigor mortis
  2. curare
  3. myasthenia gravis

Important terms

Epimysium / Perimysium / Endomysium
Aponeuroses / Tendon / Origin
Insertion / A band / I band
M line / H zone / Z line
Sarcomere / Sacroplasmic reticulum / T tubule
Terminal cistern / Myofiber / Myofibril
Sarcolemma / Triad / G actin
F actin / Tropomyosin / Active site
Troponin / Myosin / Titin
Bare zone / Motor end plate / AChE
ATP / Calcium / Myosin ATPase

Exam 3 - Quiz 2

1.  In the diagram, the label in on the:

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Sarcolemma
  3. Sacroplasmic reticulum

d.  T tubule

2.  In the diagram, the label in on the:

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Sarcolemma

c.  Sacroplasmic reticulum

  1. T tubule

3.  The A band contains:

  1. Actin only
  2. Myosin only

c.  Actin and myosin

  1. Neither actin nor myosin

4.  The I band contains:

a.  Actin only

  1. Myosin only
  2. Actin and myosin
  3. Neither actin nor myosin

Exam 3 – Quiz 3

1.  Which one of the below stays the same length during a muscle contraction

  1. Sacromere

b.  A band

  1. I band
  2. H zone

2.  In a muscle contraction, calcium combines with ______allowing for the ______to attach to actin.

a.  Troponin; myosin head

  1. Troponin; tropomyosin
  2. Tropomyosin; myosin head
  3. Myosin head; tropomyosin

3.  Once the power stroke is completed, ATP attaches to the ______causing it to release:

  1. Tropomyosin
  2. Active site

c.  Myosin head

  1. Sarcomere

4.  ATP hydrolyzes and causes the myosin head to:

  1. Bind with another active site on actin
  2. Release from the active site
  3. Swivel

d.  Recock and recharge

5.  ACh is destroyed in the synaptic cleft by:

a.  AChE

  1. Myosin ATPase
  2. Tropomyosin
  3. The myosin head

6.  During relaxation, calcium is reabsorbed back into the ______by ______.

  1. Extracellular fluid; diffusion
  2. Extracellular fluid; active transport
  3. Sacroplasmic reticulum; diffusion

d.  Sacroplasmic reticulum; active transport

7.  This chemical binds to the ACh receptors on the motor end plates of skeletal muscle causing flaccid paralysis.

  1. AChE

b.  Curare

  1. ACh
  2. Nicotine

Exam 3 – Part III – Energy and Muscle Contraction

Learning Objectives: the students should be able to:

1.  describe the steps in energy utilization in anaerobic respiration.

2.  describe the steps in energy utilization in aerobic respiration.

3.  list the events that occur during the recovery period to reverse oxygen debt.

4.  predict why one’s breathing rate increases during exercise.

5.  describe the functions of muscle supplements including creatine, androstenedione, and anabolic steroids.

6.  explain what causes fatigue in anaerobic and aerobic respiration.

7.  describe the role of muscle contraction in maintaining body temperature.

8.  distinguish between isometric and isotonic contractions

9.  distinguish between fast, type IIX fibers and slow, type I fibers including:

  1. myosin ATPase
  2. myoglobin
  3. pathway of ATP production
  4. glycogen reserves
  5. mitochondria
  6. size
  7. locations

10.  Label the three parts of a twitch contraction

11.  Identify the following muscle contractions:

  1. Treppe
  2. Wave summation
  3. Tetanization- complete and incomplete
  4. Tonus

12.  Describe a motor unit and predict which types of muscle would have small and large motor units.

13.  distinguish between motor unit summation and synchronous motor unit summation

14.  distinguish between an agonist, antagonist, and synergist muscle.

Important terms

Creatine phosphate / Creatine / Creatine kinase
Lactic acid / Glycolysis / Aerobic respiration
Androstenedione / Anabolic steroids / Myoglobin
Red fibers / White fibers / Isometric contraction
Isotonic contraction / Concentric contraction / Eccentric contraction
Fast, type IIX fibers / Slow, type I fibers / Intermediate, Type IIA fibers
Twitch / Latent period / Contraction period
Relaxation period / Treppe / Wave summation
Incomplete tetany / Complete tetany / Tonus contraction
Motor unit / Motor unit summation / Asynchronous motor unit summation
Agonist / Antagonist / Synergist

Exam 3 – Quiz 4

1.  In anaerobic respiration, you would expect a buildup of:

  1. Creatine phosphate
  2. ATP

c.  Lactic acid

  1. Carbon dioxide and water

2.  In anaerobic respiration, your muscles produces ______ATPs per glucose molecule compared to ______ATPs per glucose molecule in aerobic respiration.

a.  2; 20

  1. 2; 38
  2. 20; 38
  3. 38 ;2

3.  Most of your lactic acid is converted to pyruvic acid in the:

  1. Small intestine

b.  Liver

  1. Kidney
  2. Heart

4.  A prohormone that is converted to testosterone in the liver and testes and has recently been banned in professional baseball is:

  1. Anabolic steroids
  2. Creatine phosphate
  3. Creatine

d.  Androstenedione

5.  You are pushing against a wall with all of your force. You are doing ______contractions

  1. No

b.  Isometric

  1. Concentric
  2. eccentric

6.  You are lifting a free weight doing curls. You slowly lower the weight after the curl. When you are lowering the weight, you are doing ______contractions.

  1. No
  2. Isometric

c.  Concentric

  1. Eccentric

Exam 3 – Quiz 5

1.  Muscle fibers that have fast acting myosin ATPase and small amounts of myoglobin have the enzymes for the ______pathway of ATP production.

  1. Fatty acid
  2. Creatine phosphate
  3. Aerobic

d.  Anaerobic

2.  You are training by running 50 miles a week at a slow pace. You are building ______fibers.

a.  Type I

  1. Type IIX
  2. Type IIA
  3. Type III

3.  You are training by running wind sprints as fast as you can. You are building ______fibers.

  1. Type I
  2. Type IIX

c.  Type IIA

  1. Type III

Exam 3 – Quiz 6

1.  Identify the period of the twitch contraction

a.  Latent

  1. Contraction phase
  2. Relaxation phase
  3. Concentric

2.  During the above twitch contraction, which one of the below is occurring:

  1. power strokes
  2. ATP binds to the myosin head causing it to release from actin
  3. ATP hydrolyzes to form ADP and P and Energy

d.  The action potential is moving down the T system and calcium is being released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum

3.  Identify the contraction

a.  Treppe

  1. Wave summation
  2. Incomplete tetany
  3. Complete tetany

4.  Identify the contraction

  1. Treppe
  2. Tonus contraction

c.  Incomplete tetany

  1. Complete tetany

5.  As you are lifting an object, the contraction is very smooth. This is because of:

  1. Eccentric contractions
  2. Concentric contractions
  3. Motor unit summation

d.  Asynchronous motor unit summation

Exam 3 – Part IV – Smooth Muscle

Learning Objectives: the students will be able to:

1.  distinguish between the structure of smooth muscle and skeletal muscle

2.  distinguish between the stimulation of smooth muscle and skeletal muscle

3.  distinguish between the calcium sources between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle

4.  contract the contractions of smooth and sketelal muscles

5.  distinguish between multiunit and visceral smooth muscle.

Important Terms

Caveolae / Calmodulin
Myosin light-chain kinase / Somatic motor nervous system
Autonomic nervous system / Dense body
Multiunit smooth muscle / Visceral smooth muscle

Exam 3 – Quiz 7

1.  In smooth muscle, calcium comes primarily from the:

  1. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

b.  Extracellular fluid

  1. Rough ER
  2. Mitochondria

2.  Smooth muscle uses ______instead of ______to combine with calcium

a.  Calmodulin; troponin

  1. Troponin; calmodulin
  2. Calmodulin; tropomysin
  3. Tropomyosin; calmodulin

3.  When calcium combines with the protein in the previous question

  1. Tropomyosin is moved off of the active site of actin
  2. Troponin changes shape and triggers the power stroke

c.  Myosin light-chain kinase hydrolyzes ATP

  1. Calcium is actively transported back into the sacroplasmic reticulum

4.  In smooth muscle, actin is anchored to the cytoskeleton by:

a.  Dense bodies

  1. Proteins in the Z line
  2. Proteins in the M line
  3. Calmodulin

5.  The muscle which is slow to contract, may tetanize, and is resistant to fatigue is:

  1. Skeletal
  2. Cardiac

c.  Smooth

6.  Smooth muscle found in the iris of the eye and in the arrector pili have fibers that operate independently. This is called ______smooth muscle.

  1. Concentric
  2. Eccentric

c.  Multiunit

  1. Visceral

7.  Visceral smooth muscle contracts in peristaltic waves due to:

a.  gap junctions

  1. intercalated disks
  2. dense bodies
  3. calmodulin
Homework, Exam 3

p. 341-343

1.  Distinguish between direct and indirect muscle attachment and give one example of each.

2.  Distinguish between origin and insertion.

3.  Distinguish between:

a.  agonist

b.  synergist

c.  antagonist

d.  fixator

p. 427

4.  Describe the effects on muscle by the following:

a.  cholinesterase inhibitors

b.  Clostridium tetani

c.  curare

p. 433

5.  What is the length-tension relationship in muscle?

p. 445-447

6.  Distinguish between multiunit and visceral smooth muscle.

a.  Which one is more common?

7.  List the various stimuli that trigger smooth muscle contraction.

8.  Distinguish between a varicosity in smooth muscle and a motor nerve ending in skeletal muscle.

9.  Where does calcium come from to stimulate smooth muscle contraction? How does this compare to the calcium in skeletal muscle contraction?

10.  What protein binds to calcium in smooth muscle? How does it compare to the calcium binding protein in skeletal muscle?

a.  What is myosin light-chain kinase?

11.  How does smooth muscle physically contract compared to skeletal muscle?

a.  Compare the length of contraction in smooth muscle versus skeletal muscle.

12.  How much more ATP does skeletal muscle require versus smooth muscle?

a.  Why is this important in smooth muscle?

13.  Compare the optimum length of skeletal muscle versus smooth muscle for a contraction.

p. 448-449

14.  Describe the following muscle disorders:

a.  cramps

b.  fibromyalgia

c.  myasthenia gravis

d.  muscular dystrophy

BIO 201, Practice Exam 3

Part 1. Homework. Be able to recognize the term or description from the homework assignments. Questions will either be matching, multiple choice or fill in the blank with a word bank.