Notes of Parish Council Meeting – 8th August2016
Present: Councillors Sampson (Chairperson), Buck, Fane, Greenhalgh, Hughes, Morison and Ward. Parish Clerk, Carol Tointon. There were two members of the public present.1. Apologies for absence – None
2. Chairperson’s remarks: The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. Declaration of interest: Cllr Morison declared an interest in agenda item 7b as the Litter Picker is his wife.
4. Approval of the notes of the last meeting of the Parish Council. The notes of the last meeting had been circulated to all Councillors. It was proposed by Cllr Ward and seconded by Cllr Buck that these notes be accepted as a true record of the Parish Council meeting held on the 20th June 2016.
5. Adjournment of business for public questions.
6. Reports on matters outstanding:
a) S15/1763/EIAFO/PC1 – Energie Kontor – erection and 25 year operation and subsequent de-commissioning of a wind farm consisting of 10 wind turbines (each up to 110 mm to the blade tip) and associated infrastructure, including cable connection and Fulbeck Airfield. It was noted that there was a level of dissatisfaction throughout the other parishes that they all have to adhere to a timetable for planning applications and this application is immune because of the costs involved in implementation. No further developments.
b) Lime Tree Close – The Chairperson reported that DC Sampson had spoken with Mr. Cucksey, Executive Manager for Property at SKDC, who had intimated that the Council would not be averse to the Parish Council organising their own contractors to do the necessary work as long as it was done to the District Council’s specification. The Chairperson circulated the specification together with a drawing done by DC Sampson showing how three parking spaces could be accommodated in the Close. The pros and cons of undertaking the work were discussed in detail and it was decided not to proceed any further as it could lead to difficulties and cause precedence.
It was agreed a letter should be sent to Mr Cucksey thanking him for the specification and stating that the Parish Council would leave the work to the District Council. In the meantime it would be useful to know where Lime Tree Close appeared on the list of projects.
The Chairperson agreed to inform the spokesperson for Lime Tree Close residents of the decision.
c) Re-surfacing of Car Park at the front of the Playing Field – The Chairperson confirmed that the request for a grant had been refused on the grounds that it did not satisfy all the criteria. She thanked everyone involved with the mammoth task of completing the form. Cllr Hughes wished to record his thanks for all the hard work the Chairman had done. Discussion followed on how the Parish Council should proceed and if it would be necessary to have fund raising events. In the meantime the Chairperson agreed to contact the Council again and ascertain if the application could be re-considered at a future date.
It was noted that Cllr Hughes monitored the car park and if there was an apparent risk he filled in any potholes.
d) Tree Strategy – The Clerk reported on the correspondence from Branch Nurseries and it was noted that it is now only people with an Arboriculture Association accreditation who are able to undertake a level two formal tree inspection. To this end a name was put forward for the Clerk to contact to obtain a quotation.
e) Grass Cutting – As both the County Council and District Council were curtailing their grass cutting activities from April 2017 the Councillors discussed future strategy. There was general agreement that the Parish Council could not afford to take over all functions that the LCC and SKDC stopped doing. It was proposed by Cllr Ward and seconded by Cllr Morison that the matter be reviewed in one year’s time.
f) Overhanging branches over footpath – It was noted that Cllr Morison had cut down the offending branches.
g) Old Lane – The Clerk explained the present position and that she would be e-mailing the new contact she had been given by the County Council.
7. Financial Matters
a) Financial Report. The Clerk reported that the balance was £20,088.38, including £13,632.49 in the General Account, £5790.84 in the Playing Field Account, £465.05 in the Defibrillator account and £200 in the Election Fund. It was noted that cheque number 419 to HMRC dated 4th April 2016 had not been cashed.
b) Accounts for Payment
Iris Morison / Litter Picking June & July / £124.84
Peter Barnett / Grass Cutting x 3 / £259.29
It was proposed by Cllr Greenhalgh and seconded by Cllr Ward that the invoices be paid.
Unanimously agreed.
c) Payments Made
Clerk’s Salary / Standing Order / £73.03
8. Planning Matters
a) Planning Applications Received
S16/1774 – Alterations to Listed Building to form a two storey dwelling, The Old Farm House, Washdyke Lane. There were no objections to the proposed development.
b) Planning Applications Determined
S16/1044 – Change of Use of land for 14 x touring caravans and 5 hole golf course, siting of 4 x log cabins, associated reception and amenity blocks, play area, services and car park at land adjacent to Richmond House, Brant Road. It was noted that this application had been withdrawn by the applicant.
S16/1138 – Mid UK Recycling Ltd – to use land for the processing and storage of construction, demolition and excavation wastes to produce recycled/secondary aggregate at Mid UK Recycling Ltd, Caythorpe Heath Lane, Caythorpe – to note permission had been granted. A letter had been received from a resident expressing concern about the additional development and bringing to the Parish Council’s attention an article which had been in the Grantham Journal a few weeks ago namely that Mid UK Recycling have been charged with keeping controlled waste in a manner likely to cause pollution to the environment or harm to human health. The Councillors were surprised to see in the Grantham Journal that no objections had been made to the development as the Parish Council had sent a letter. In the circumstances it was agreed to communicate with CC Paul Wood to ask for clarification.
c) Planning Applications to Parish & Town Councils – the e-mail from SKDC regarding tools to assist with the locating and commenting upon planning applications was noted.
9. Highway Matters
a) 30 mph Speed Limit through Fulbeck
The Parish Council congratulated Cllr Morison and his wife of achieving a 30 mph speed limit through the village after 9 years of trying. Cllr Morison was going to contact the appropriate department regarding enforcement of the limit.
b) Proposed development at Fernwood South
It was understood that this development had been refused. The correspondence sent from the Parish Council to Mr P Moore at SKDC had been noted.
10. Correspondence – The Clerk notified members that the following had been received:
· Flyer from Hags
· Network South Travel & Transport Briefing
· LALC AGM & Conference Tuesday 18th October 2016
· Correspondence between DC Sampson and Lisa Gilbert regarding highway matters
· E-mail from LALC regarding Community Engagement & Emergency Planning Stage 2 and 3
· Clerks and Councils Direct – July 2016
· PrinceClean – day to day cleaning services
· Bulb brochure
11. District Councillor’s Report
In the absence of DC Sampson the Chairperson reported on the following:
The need for all the electorate to have their say on the SKDC Local Plan and the ‘Greater Lincolnshire’ Devolution Consultation document.
Below is listed the Authorities and their areas of responsibility for grass cutting -
· Parish Greens – responsibility of the Parish Council and its private contractor
· A607 and Brant Road village verges and banks are the responsibility of LCC Highways and its contractor ‘Kilworth’.
· Lime Tree Close and Ash Close – lawns and verges come under SKDC and its contractor ‘Glendale’
DC Sampson had been reliably informed that a section of the A607 from the centre of Fulbeck in a southerly direction round the corners and down the hill on up to Caythorpe is due for resurfacing and white-lining this year.
12. Village Organisations Reports - Village Hall and Playing Field Committee
Cllr Hughes reported that unfortunately the July car boot sale had been a washout but Bob’s bucket collected £8.49 and £25.73 from the Village Fete bringing the total to date from the various events of £113.06.
It was noted that the ROSPA inspection of the children’s playground was imminent. In anticipation Cllr Hughes had raked over the play area. He also confirmed that the whole play area is checked on a weekly basis. He reported on possible issues and it was agreed to await the report from ROSPA before any further action is taken.
13. Matters for Urgent Discussion
Cllr Ward expressed his concern that the Parish Council are not getting enough information about the Local Plan and Devolution.
After some deliberation it was agreed to put ‘Devolution’ on the next Agenda and to this end Cllr Ward agreed to give a short talk on the ‘Layman’s guide to Devolution’.
15. Public Comments – the meeting was adjourned to give members of the public an opportunity to make comments.
Date of next meeting: Monday 19th September 2016 at 7.30 p.m. in the Village Hall.
The meeting concluded at 9.25 p.m.
Signed ______Date ______