Michigan State University

Annual Progress Report: Educational Policy Ph.D. Program

Name: Student PID Number:

Academic Year:

Portion Completed by the Student

Academic Progress

Date of entrance into program: Expected completion date:

Advisor’s Name: Advisor’s E-mail:

Most recent contact with the guidance committee/academic advisor:

Date/expected date of comprehensive exams: Passed?

Date/expected date of dissertation proposal approval:

Date/expected date of dissertation defense:

Current GPA: Number of credits below 3.0:

Scholarly/Professional Performance and Potential

The student should state or cite the following:

1. Goals for the next academic year:

2. Papers submitted or published:

3. Presentations at professional conferences:

4. Statement about assistantship accomplishments:

Comment briefly on your progress in achieving your academic goals during the past year. Note areas in which you are experiencing any difficulty. If you feel you are not making progress, explain why. Include perceived institutional obstacles that hinder your program.

Portion Completed by the Advisor

Academic Performance

1. Has the student made acceptable progress during the evaluation period? Please comment below.

2. Please comment on the overall academic performance and scholarly development of the student.

3. Please verify that your advisee has completed appropriate RCR training (initial, or continuing).

Complete and attached

Student Your signature below indicates that you have discussed the contents of this progress report with your advisor.

Student: Date:

Advisor Your signature below indicates that you have discussed the contents of this progress report with the student.

Advisor: Date:

Program Coordinator: Date:

When both the advisor and student have reviewed and signed this progress report, copies of the report along with a signed copy of the student’s annual RCR training printed from the RTTS system, should be given to the student and the advisor. The original progress and RTTS reports should be placed in the student's file in the program office (205 Erickson Hall). Students who wish to appeal any part of the advisor’s evaluation may do so in writing to the program coordinator.