Name ______

Spelling Homework


Study your words and the weekly rule daily.

Monday – List your words in ABC order.

Tuesday – Write the word that fits each definition below.

The answers for # 1- 6 will come form the word box below not your spelling words.

midway / outline / overexposed / declare / outdo
outcome / prefix / biathlon / Midwest / decode
debone / outfield / biceps / overgrown / prehistoric
midnight / recover / prediction / derail / depend

1.  to count on =

2.  to look at before =

3.  a foretelling =

4.  consequence =

5.  affirm or reveal =

6.  to change from code into ordinary language =

Now choose 6 of your spelling words and write sentences for each. Make sure you underline the spelling word used in each sentence.

Wednesday – Write each word once. Circle the prefix in each word you write.

Thursday – Categorize your words according to their prefix.


pre / mid / over / out / bi/de
prefix / midnight / overdue / outcome / biceps

Friday – Have a great weekend!