April 3, 2008
Charleston, WV
Attendees: Susie Poindexter, RESA I; Melinda Gibson, RESA II; Nancy Doss, RESA III; , RESA IV; Alisa Shepler, RESA V; Diana Baker, RESA VI; Nancy Bradshaw RESA VII; Sharon Clark, RESA VIII; and Rebecca King, WVDE.
1. The meeting was called to order at 10 am by Sharon Clark, Chair.
2. The minutes of the January 10, 2008 meeting were read. There was a correction to be
made; Beth Jordan was not present for the meeting. Nancy Bradshaw made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections as noted. Diana Baker seconded. Motion carried.
3. Letter read from the WVCOSN to Teresa Bayer, Lead Nurse Wood County Schools in response to her questions / concerns regarding specific guidelines for special health needs lists. Letter accepted by council, signed by President Sharon Clark and mailed.
Motion made by Diana Baker and seconded by Susie Poindexter. Motion carried.
1. Intervention Guides:
- Asthma accept as corrected. Motion made by Nancy Doss. Seconded by Melinda Gibson. Motion carried.
- Severe Allergic Reaction; accept as corrected. Motion made by Alisha Shepler. Seconded by Susie Poindexter. Motion carried.
- Seizure; accept as corrected. Motion made by Nancy Doss. Seconded by Susie Poindexter. Motion carried.
- Diabetic; accept as corrected. Motion made by Nancy Bradshaw. Seconded by Diana Baker. Motion carried.
- Add CONFIDENTIAL as a watermark across the page.
2. Performance Evaluation Guide will be tabled until after lunch. Motion made by Nancy Doss seconded by Alisha Shepler. Motion carried.
Denise Koster NASN representative wanted to discuss unification between the WVASN and the NASN.
- Currently there are 35-36 states that are unified.
- She was asking each RESA representative for some time at their next meeting to talk with their members regarding the benefits of unification.
Performance Evaluation Guide;
- Present to counties for voluntary use.
- May also add goals to this tool.
- WV State School Law page 418 discusses personal and professional evaluations.
- 1 every 3 years unless there is a problem.
Position Statement; Conjunctivitivis
- Accept with changes. Motion made by Nancy Doss and seconded by Melinda Gibson. Motion carried.
Position Statement; Immunizations
- Accept with changes. Motion made by Nancy Bradshaw and seconded by Susie Poindexter. Motion carried.
Future Business
- Revisit: hearing and vision screening.
- Supplement guidelines for the manual.
- 2008-2009 Manual will be up to be reviewed.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 5, 2008 from 9:00 am- 1:00pm at the Ramada Inn in South Charleston, WV.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy L. Doss, RN, BSN
Secretary, WVCOSN