University of Florida
Location: LIT203
MTWRF 11:00am-12:15pm
Course Syllabus (Subject to change)
Instructor: Ronald Floridia
Office: Turlington Hall 3347
Office Hours:
By appointment
Course Description- This course is designed to give students an in-depth look at investigations types, practices, and procedures in both the public and private sector. Specific attention will be placed onthe investigation process. Students will also be introduced to the rapidly expanding field of casino gaming investigations and casino security investigations. Students can also expect guest presentations from various speakers in criminal justice.
Topics Covered (not in chronological order and is subject to change):
1)Overview of investigations
3)Investigative report writing
4)Interview and interrogation
5)Casino gaming investigations and casino security investigations
Students can also expect to learn various other topics including (not in chronological order and is subject to change):
6)Death investigations
7)Polygraph examinations
8)Various crime prevention topics
9)Data security investigations
10)Other special topics (TBA)
Course Rationale:
This course will benefit students who wish to enter into private and public sector investigations. It is essential that students understand why and how investigations are conducted to gain a full understanding of the investigation process.
Learning Approach
1)Class Lecture
2)Class Discussion
3)Visual Learning Resources
4)Guest Lecturers
Course Text
No Text Required
Throughout this semester I will be using the CANVAS e-learning resource. Please familiarize yourself with this e-learning resource as we will be using this tool for announcements, assignments, and grade postings. If you have any questions about the e-learning resource please feel free to contact me via email. Utilize the CANVAS e-learning resource as our main form of electronic communication. Using the CANVAS e-learning resource will allow me to better access your questions as well as eliminate the chance that your questions will be sent to the recycle bin in normal email format.
How to Contact Me
Periodically throughout the semester you may need to contact me for an issue. Please contact me via Sakai. If you need to contact me, put the subject of the issue in the subject bar. For example if you need to contact me about missing examination 1 put “Examination 1” in the subject bar. This allows me to better organize and find your message.
Class Participation
I welcome an environment where students share ideas and ask questions. I feel that students learn significantly more this way. I will do everything in my power to elicit class discussion and answer your questions, but it is up to you to take the initiative and participate.
Be Respectful
Class participation means that I expect you to share your ideas during class as well as ask questions. This also means that you respect the ideas of others, even if you do not agree with those ideas. Give other students and myself the same level of respect that you would want to receive.
Attendance Policy
I will not take attendance during this course; however, all of the exam questions will be derived from notes and other learning resources that you will see in class. In fairness to everyone I do not distribute my Powerpoint slides, videos, or links to videos outside of the class. Therefore, it is imperative that you attend class so you can do well. If you do miss class and need notes please make arrangements with other students to obtain the notes from the missed class.
If you did not get a chance to copy down all the notes during a lecture, and it was not caused by an absence or a tardy, please come and see me after class to copy the notes. I will not revisit the slides after the conclusion of the period.
I expect you to be on time for all classes. Tardiness is disrespectful to me and a distraction to other students in the classroom. I will begin class promptly. I will not give notes to students who are late to class.If you are late do not disrupt class by making noise or talking to other students. Students who are late to class will not have an opportunity to get the notes they missed while they were not in class.
University of Florida Policies and Procedures
Buckley Amendment/FERPA
The 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law (20 U.S.C. 1232g) that protects the privacy of a student’s educational record. FERPA applies to all educational institutions receiving funds from the United States Department of Education, from kindergarten through university level.
At the University of Florida, the privacy of academic records is also protected by Florida Statute Section 1002.22 (2007).The U.S. Department of Education summarizes the rights afforded to students by FERPA as follows:
The right to inspect and review their educational records within a reasonable period of time and no more than 45 days after the institution has received the request.
The right to request to amend inaccuracies in their educational records
The right to limit disclosure of some personally identifiable information
The right to file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office if they feel their FERPA rights have been violated.
What is an Education Record?
An education record is any record directly related to a student that is maintained by an educational agency or institution, or by a party acting for the agency or institution.
Examples of an academic record include, but are not limited to
Biographical information including date and place of birth, gender, nationality, information about race and ethnicity, and identification photographs
Grades, test scores, evaluations, courses taken, academic specialization and activities, and official communications regarding your status
Coursework including papers and exams, class schedules, as well as written email or recorded communications that are part of the academic process
Disciplinary records
Financial aid and financial aid records
Internship program records
Please direct further questions to:
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
155 Tigert Hall
University Policy on Accommodating Students with Disabilities
Students requesting accommodation for disabilities must first register with the Dean of Students Office ( The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when requesting accommodation. You must submit this documentation prior to submitting assignments or taking the quizzes or exams. Accommodations are not retroactive, therefore, students should contact the Disabilities Resource Center (DRC)office as soon as possible in the term for which they are seeking accommodations.
At the beginning of the semester the instructor will ask for a volunteer note taker. If you would like to volunteer as a note taker please contact the instructor. There is typically only one slot available and it will be on a first come first serve basis. The note taker should be aware that they must attend class in order to get the notes. It is the note takers responsibility to attend class and take accurate notes. It is the note-takers responsibility to communicate with the DRC for any questions or concerns related to the note-taking process.
If you are a student who receives notes from a note-taker and there is an issue with the notes please contact the DRC, not the class instructor.
If students have any questions surrounding the note taking process please contact:
Disability Resource Center
001 Building 0020
(Reid Hall)
P.O. Box 114085
Gainesville, FL 3261
Student Athletes
If you are a student athlete please have the athletic administration notify the instructor regarding your status and any days which you may miss by the end of the first week in the course. Please have the athletic administration send copies via email format,no hardcopies please.Unless otherwise arranged by the University Athletic Association, student athletes are not allowed to leave class early or receive other special privileges.
Electronic Devices/Cell Phones
This class will cover very important issues. If you text on your phone or browse Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter while in class, you are not paying full attention to the material. Put away all cell phones or other electronic devices (computers, IPOD’s, IPADS, etc.) at the start of every class. If there is an emergency and you need to keep your phone out, discuss the issue with me before class. If for some reason you cannot take notes by hand, please make arrangements with the Disability Resource Center to provide a note taker. The instructor reserves the right to administer sanctions for violation of the electronics/cell phones policies on a case by case basis.
Disruptive Behavior
Disrupting class is strictly prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes chatting with other students, talking on cell phones, texting, sleeping, engaging in note passing, reading the newspaper, talking inappropriately to the instructor or another student, or any other behavior that I deem disruptive to the learning environment. The instructor reserves the right to issue sanctions for disruptive behavior on a case by case basis. There will be heavy sanctions placed on students who are disruptive to class up to and including failing the semester.
Food and Drink
Food and drink will be permitted in class as long as they do not disrupt any of the five senses of the students or the instructor.The instructor reserves the right to issue sanctions for violation of food and drink policy on a case by case basis.
Exams/Makeup Exams (300 points)
There will be several exams throughout the semester. The instructor will set the date of the exam in class. The instructor reserves the right to set and change the date of the exam, time of exam, value of the exam, number of questions, and location of the exam throughout the semester. It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated on the exam dates. The student must show up to take the exam. No exams will be issued online, via email, or in any other format other than hard copy. The exams will be proctored. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up exams.In the event of an absence excuse notes must be presented to me before the makeup exam. In the event of an emergency, students must contact the instructor via email or in person. If there is no contact by the student the absences will be considered unexcused and the student will not be allowed to makeup the exam. The instructor reserves the right to determine if the absence is excused, handle situations on a case by case basis, and amend the policy throughout the semester.Students will have 5 days from the point the exam is administered to make up the exam. If the student fails to makeup the exam within 5 days, a grade of “0” will be issued.
Late to exam policy
Students who are late on the day of the exam will be administered the exam until the first exam is completed by a student in the class and that student leaves the classroom. No exams will be administered after that time. If a student is going to be late they must contact the instructor before the exam to be allowed to take the test.The instructor reserves the right to determine if the tardiness will be accepted, handle situations on a case by case basis, and amend the policy throughout the semester.
Exams are comprised of what you will learn in lecture, what you watch in the visual learning resources and from guest lecturers. Pay close attention and take notes during class lectures and with visual learning resources. I will not test you on information you did not learn in my class. Under no circumstances will the instructor release notes from guest speakers.It is the students’ responsibility to obtain notes from classmates.
Before each exam the instructor will give exam instructions. Please bring your student ID with you for every exam. I will not grade your exam without an ID. If you do not have your ID and do not present it to me 5 days after the exam you will receive a zero for the exam. In additionAny behavior such as talking, looking a peer’s exam, or any other behaviors indicative of cheating during the exam or copying notes will be viewed as cheating (See Cheating/Honor Code Violations)
Cheating/Honor Code Violations/ Conduct and Conflict Resolution
The Honor Pledge:
We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."
Receiving unauthorized aid with or cheating in any component in this class is strictly prohibited. Any student found in violation of this policy will be issued sanctions on a case by case basis. Information surrounding the UF Honor Code, policies, and regulations can be found below.
Dean of Students office
Dean of Students Office
202 Peabody Hall
PO Box 114075
Gainesville, FL 32611
Student Conduct and Resolution at 352-392-1261 ext. 207.
University Honor Code Definitions:
By remaining in this class you assume the honor pledge.
Sexual Harassment
The University of Florida is committed to maintaining an environment free of sexual harassment. Any kind of sexual harassment inside or outside the classroom will not be tolerated and I must report all sexual harassment cases to the Human Resources Department. If you have any questions about sexual harassment you can contact:
Human Resource Services
Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity
Vice President for Human Resource Services
Student Conduct and Resolution
352-392-1261 x207
University Police Department
Grades are determined by combining examinations, assignments, miscellaneous assignments, dividing by 350 points to find your average. Once you have your average compare it to the grading criteria for a letter grade (listed below). I do not grade on a curve or round grades up.
Grading Criteria / Your Grade / Out of PossibleExamination 1 / 100
Examination 2 / 100
Examination 3 / 100
Total / 300
Average / Letter Grade
93-100 / A
90-92 / A-
87-89 / B+
83-86 / B
80-82 / B-
77-79 / C+
73-76 / C
70-72 / C-
67-69 / D+
63-66 / D
60-62 / D-
Below 60 / F
Class Calendar
Due to the frequent schedule changes with guest speakers and time spent on lectures there is no set class calendar and no set exam dates. The instructor will notify you in advance in class or SAKAI inabout material to be covered as well as upcoming examinations to allow you time to prepare. By remaining in the class it is assumed you understand this policy and accept the terms and conditions. Please check the SAKAI E-learning resource for examination dates and times.
Additional Information
Like other fields in criminal justice, private and public sector investigations is a rapidly evolving area with new rules and regulations being set every day. Companies may differ in their policies and training according to their size, bureaucracy, operations, or other elements.There are a multitude of investigations that can be conducted and each investigation will have its own specific requirements and legalities. In addition, companies have to comply with different federal, state, and local governments’ laws and ordinances which not only affect the investigation procedure, but also the outcome. Therefore, this class should be used as a guide rather than a reference.
By attending this class it is assumed that you have read, clearly understood, and accept all terms and conditions of this syllabus.