Course Title: Nutrition and Wellness WVEIS Code 0739

Course Title: Nutrition and Wellness WVEIS Code 0739

21st Century Standards Profile

Health Science Technology Education

Course Title: Nutrition and Wellness WVEIS Code 0739

Student’s Name______


Course Description: Within this course, students will examine nutrition in relationship to the maintenance and/or restoration of wellness. Components of this course include food composition, nutritonal guidelines, therapeutic diets, eating disorders, menu planning, and patient teaching. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities to develop an understanding of course concepts. Teachers will provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to healthcare. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives. Students are encouraged to become active members of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), the Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for Health Science Technology Education students.

Level of Competence:

  • Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
  • Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
  • Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.

Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Digestive System
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.1.1 / examine the structure and functions
of the digestive system.
HSTE.O.NW.1.2 / distinguish the digestive and
absorption processes.
HSTE.O.NW.1.3 / relate the function of enzymes in
HSTE.O.NW.1.4 / examine the roles of accessory
organs in digestion.
Standard 2: Cells
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.2.1 / determine the process of metabolism
and its role in the production of
HSTE.O.NW.2.2 / compare anabolism and catabolism.
HSTE.O.NW.2.3 / interpret basal metabolic rate (BMR).
HSTE.O.NW.2.4 / calculate BMR given the formula and
client scenarios.
HSTE.O.NW.2.5 / relate the factors that influence
metabolic rate.
Standard 3: Basic Nutrition and Food Composition
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.3.1 / examine nutrition including its relationship to physical well-being.
HSTE.O.NW.3.2 / determinethe essential nutrients including function and source.
HSTE.O.NW.3.3 / examine the basic chemical composition of fat, carbohydrates, and protein.
HSTE.O.NW.3.4 / examine the function and storage of carbohydrates.
HSTE.O.NW.3.5 / determine how glucose is made available to the body.
HSTE.O.NW.3.6 / compare simple and complex carbohydrates.
HSTE.O.NW.3.7 / examinethe three categories of lipids, including use and storage in the body.
HSTE.O.NW.3.8 / compare saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.
HSTE.O.NW.3.9 / examine cholesterol, differentiating between cholesterol made by the body and dietary cholesterol.
HSTE.O.NW.3.10 / evaluate the relationship between cholesterol and heart disease.
HSTE.O.NW.3.11 / compare LDL and HDL, explaining their relationship to the risk of heart disease.
HSTE.O.NW.3.12 / define amino acids.
HSTE.O.NW.3.13 / examine the function and storage of protein.
HSTE.O.NW.3.14 / correlate the significance between essential amino acids and complete protein.
HSTE.O.NW.3.15 / define calorie and compare the caloric values of carbohydrates, fat, and protein.
HSTE.O.NW.3.16 / calculate individual minimum caloric requirement, given the formula.
HSTE.O.NW.3.17 / determine the function and source of vitamins and minerals in the body.
HSTE.O.NW.3.18 / distinguish between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.
HSTE.O.NW.3.19 / evaluate the vitamin and mineral content of various foods.
HSTE.O.NW.3.20 / relate vitamin and mineral deficiencies to the diseases that result.
Standard 4: Nutriction Guidelines
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.4.1 / examine the USDA’s Food Guide and DASH Eating Plan.
HSTE.O.NW.4.2 / interpret food intake recommendation tables and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) tables.
HSTE.O.NW.4.3 / use food intake recommendation tables to create a balanced eating plan for selected client scenarios.
HSTE.O.NW.4.4 / determine nutritional requirements throughout various stages of life.
HSTE.O.NW.4.6 / relate the effects of culture and religion on nutrition.
Standard 5: Regular Diet
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.5.1 / create a sample menu for a regular diet based on nutritional guidelines and caloric requirements.
HSTE.O.NW.5.2 / calculate the caloric value of the sample menu.
HSTE.O.NW.5.3 / calculate the nutritional value of the sample menu.
HSTE.O.NW.5.4 / analyze the information on food labels.
HSTE.O.NW.5.5 / use information on food labels to analyze meal plans.
Standard 6: Therapeutic Diets
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.6.1 / examine diet therapy.
HSTE.O.NW.6.2 / demonstrate the similarities and differences in a therapeutic diet and a balanced eating plan.
HSTE.O.NW.6.3 / determine common therapeutic diets and the rationale for use.
HSTE.O.NW.6.4 / differentiate between food allergies and food sensitivities
Standard 7: Eating Disorders
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.7.1 / examine types of eating disorders
and compare their symptoms.
HSTE.O.NW.7.2 / assess the factors that contribute to
eating disorders.
HSTE.O.NW.7.3 / compare the methods of treatment
for eating disorders.
HSTE.O.NW.7.4 / create a dietary plan for a patient
with an eating disorder.
Standard 8: Patient Teaching
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.8.1 / examine the healthcare professional’s role in patient teaching regarding nutrition.
HSTE.O.NW.8.2 / develop the communication skills necessary for effective patient teaching.
HSTE.O.NW.8.3 / determine a nutritional teaching plan based on USDA’s dietary guidelines.
HSTE.O.NW.8.4 / analyze the factors that influence patient compliance.
HSTE.O.NW.8.5 / create a patient teaching plan for selected therapeutic diets.
Standard 9: Technology
Objectives / The student will
HSTE.O.NW.9.1 / implement the use of software and hardware.
HSTE.O.NW.9.2 / utilize the Internet as a resource/
research tool.

Profile Summary


Student’s Signature______Date______


Instructor’s Signature______Date______