Crash Course #9: Where U.S. Politics Came From

Crash Course #9: Where U.S. Politics Came From


United States History

Crash Course #9: Where U.S. Politics Came From

  1. Vocabulary and Key People:
  2. Alexander Hamilton:
  1. Thomas Jefferson-
  1. Whiskey Rebellion of 1794:
  1. Jay Treaty-
  1. Tariff-
  1. Alien and Sedition Acts:
  1. What were the two opposing viewpoint of what American should look like?
  1. What were the two early political parties and which key figure was involved with which party?
  1. What was notable about George Washington’s presidency? What precedents did he set?
  1. What was Hamilton’s five-point plan?
  1. What alliance system did each political party support?

United States History

Crash Course#10: Thomas Jefferson & His Democracy

  1. Vocabulary and Key Figures:
  2. 12th Amendment:
  1. Gabriel’s Rebellion:
  1. Marbury V. Madison:
  1. Embargo of Britain:
  1. What was notable about the election of 1800?
  1. What was the government of Virginia’s response to the desire of slaves to be free?
  1. What were four of the main principles of Jefferson’s government?
  1. How does Thomas Jefferson think the constitution should be interpreted? In what way was his presidency hypocritical in this regard?
  1. Why did Jefferson go through with the Louisiana Purchase despite?

United States History

Crash Course#11: The War of 1812

  1. Vocabulary and Key Figures:
  2. Impressment:
  1. War Hawks:
  1. Henry Clay:
  1. Tecumseh:.
  1. What was the main cause of the War of 1812? Why does John Green say it’s more complicated than it sounds?
  1. List some of the other reasons American stated for wanting war with Britain.
  1. What states supported the war and why?
  1. What was the status of the American military compared to the British’s military? Describe American successes and failures in the war
  1. What were some of the outcomes of the war? What did the war confirm for the Americans?
  1. What did the War of 1812 mean in terms of American national identity?

United States History

Crash Course#12: The Market Revolution

  1. Vocabulary and Key Figures:
  2. Limited Liability Corporation (LLC):
  1. Manifest Destiny:
  1. Transcendentalism:
  1. How was the Market Revolution a move away from the Jeffersonian ideal?
  1. How did new technology spur the Market Revolution?
  1. In what ways did the government encourage economic growth?
  1. How did the Market Revolution fundamentally change the way in which production was organized and the way in which people think about work?
  1. How did the Market Revolution change women’s role in society? How were women treated in their work?
  1. Why are wage workers inherently un-free?
  1. What role did immigration play in the development of the American economy?

United States History

Crash Course #13: Slavery

  1. Key Figures and vocabulary
  2. King Cotton:
  1. Yeoman Farmer:
  1. Chattel Slavery:
  1. Harriet Tubman:
  1. Nat Turner:
  1. Why would the north not have been able to industrialize as quickly if it weren’t for slavery?
  1. How did slave owners in the South justify slavery?
  1. What were some ways slaves would overcome their bondage and rebel?
  1. What was the most powerful form of resistance according to John Green?

US History

Crash Course #14: 19th Century Reforms

  1. How did voter qualifications change in the earl 19th Century?
  2. What policies were part of the Era of Good Feelings?
  1. What was the Monroe Doctrine?
  1. Describe the Missouri Compromise?
  1. Describe the career of Andrew Jackson before becoming President.
  1. Describe Jackson’s Democratic party and its principles.
  1. Where did the Whigs get their name and what did they believe in?
  1. Describe Jackson’s policies concerning: a. nullification

b. Native Americans

c. Bank of the US.

d. Spoils System

  1. What is ironic about Jackson’s Presidency