ASCSN Student Government

Funding Proposal Committee Approved Minutes

College of Southern Nevada

Cheyenne Campus Room N-103

3200 E. Cheyenne Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89030

Friday, February19th 2016, 10:00 A.M

Sara Weston, Chair -Present
Michele Johnson, Vice-Chair -Present
Rachel Clark, Senator -Present
Jorge Lopez, Senator -Present
Priscilla Munoz, Treasurer -Present
Zachary Stanczak, Secretary -Present
Katelynn Costa, Senator -Present
Brenda Romero, President -Excused


NOTE: Below is an agenda of all items scheduled to be considered. Notification is hereby provided that items on the agenda may be taken out of the order presented, two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration, and an agenda item may be removed from the agenda or discussion relating to an item on the agenda may be delayed at any time.

In accordance with NRS 241.020(6), supporting materials that are submitted to the Associated Students of the College of Southern Nevada (ASCSN) Office of Student Government will be made available in advance of the meeting as follows: 1) from the (ASCSN) Office of Student Government by calling Shakira Taylor at (702) 651-4051 or emailing her at ; or, 2) by accessing the electronic version of the agenda posted on the ASCSN page of the CSN website:

In addition, a limited number of copies of any such supporting materials will be available at the meeting site.

Reasonable efforts will be made to assist and accommodate physically disabled persons attending the meeting. Please call Shakira Taylor at (702) 651-4051 in advance so that arrangements may be made.

Meeting Called to Order by V.P Weston @10:00am
Roll Call taken by Senator Johnson as seen on the Roster Above
6 Voting Members

1.  Public Comment (3-minute limit each speaker) Information Only

a.  Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The Chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered.

b.  In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the Chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.

c.  No comments

2.  Alternate Processes Photography Club (15 minutes) For Possible Action

a.  The Committee shall deliberate and vote upon allocating $500.00 to the Alternate Processes Photography Club for their workshop seminars.

b.  This item will be presented by members of the club.

c.  Ron President of the club, explains the money will be used to buy supplies for the workshops where members will learn a photo process that is not used commonly today.

d.  Senator Lopez asks how much money we currently have in the budget.

e.  Treasurer Munoz states the current budget is available to see for all.

f.  V.P Weston states they are are asking for $500, and after this the budget will still have over $2000 left.

g.  Senator Lopez asks how will the money benefit the students.

h.  Ron explains the workshops are open to all students, membership to the club is not required, for students who are in the art of photography this process is not done anymore. The money will allow all students to get involved in these workshops and have the opportunity to be involved in this rare process.

i.  V.P Weston states this club is in good standing and has continued to participate in all of our events, including Breast Cancer Awareness.

j.  Senator Clark motions to approve agenda item 2 to approve $500 to the Alternate Process Photography Club for their workshop seminars.

k.  Senator Cota 2nds the motion

l.  Motion Passes 6-0-0

(15 minutes) For Possible Action

3.  A.N.T.S.

a.  The Committee shall deliberate and vote upon allocating $395.00 for the A.N.T.S. club in order for them to join the national association.

b.  This item will be presented by members of the club.

c.  V.P Weston explains there is an issue in regards to the packet information the name of the President Angela needs to be removed and corrected with the name of their advisor, once it is corrected it may be resubmitted.

d.  Angela the president of A.N.T.S, states the money will go to pay for the members join the national association, the membership will allow students to have additional to access to scholarships for continuing education, once they pay for the membership it will allow 250 students to join. It is just another opportunity for students to have access to other scholarships. In 2009 they were a member of this association, which was paid by student government.

e.  Weston advises the committee that Advisor Brown had a concern of what was their seed money being used for. Why is their Spring Seed not going towards this membership.

f.  Angela states they only have $390

g.  V.P. advises that they get $300 in fall and $300 in the spring

h.  Angela was not aware they had an additional $300 coming to them this spring.

i.  V.P Weston advises that they will be getting $300 in spring seed money and do they need to apply for a new membership every year

j.  Angela states they do have to apply every year, however they will pay for their own from this point on with their own fundraising events and in will roll over to the next group.

k.  V.P asks is it a new 250 members per year?

l.  Angela states yes every year they get 250 new memberships.

m.  No once you graduate no longer access CSN money

n.  Senator Lopez wants to clarify that 250 memberships means that 250 students can join?

o.  Angela answers, yes it is 245 student memberships plus the advisors’ membership is included

p.  Senators Lopez wants to know how are they going to 250 members involved if they are only going to get scholarships?

q.  Angela replies they are trying to get students involved

r.  Senator Lopez states that he is involved in some of the clubs at CSN and 250 is a big number to get involved even if you are going the memberships to them.

s.  Angela states they currently have 98 students so far; they are working to get more in order to meet the requirements before the end of year. It will not be hard to attain and they will get them

t.  V.P Weston states that she is a member of Phi Theta Kappa and they have about 800 members at CSN.

u.  Senator Costa states, it is great club, we have the money to start and help fund great clubs and it is something we should all agree

v.  V.P Weston clarifies, she just wanted the conversation she had with Advisor Brown reflected in the minutes and reminds that is up to the committee to decide.

w.  Senator Lopez makes a motion to table the item and have them wait until after they receive their seed money and then come back and ask for the additional funds if they still need it.

x.  Senator Costa states we only have two more meetings in the semester and they need the money.

y.  Senator Lopez interrupts Senator Costa

z.  V.P. calls point of order and Senator Costa has the floor.

aa.  Senator Costa reminds the committee that we have the money to help them and the club will then be paying for their fees after this initial membership application.

bb.  Senator Clark motions to approve item number 3 for the amount of $395.00 for the A.N.T.S. club in order for them to join the national association.

cc.  V.P. acknowledges Secretary Stanczak to have the floor.

dd.  Senator Lopez interrupts

ee.  V.P Weston calls point of order and gives the floor to Secretary Stanczak

ff.  Secretary Stanczak 2nd motion, and adds a comment that depending on the time, maybe they can use the left over money to help bring in the number of members needed into the group.

gg.  Angela replies that will use the extra funds to buy bus passes and books for those students whom need the help, and additionally they will be a big fund raiser to bring in more money to help the club

hh.  V.P Weston informs Angela there will be an event coming up that they can get involved with, Scientific Expo.

ii.  Angela states they will be doing different events to raise more money, and continues to explain that she was informed that she could come to the committee and ask for the money if the club needed it.

jj.  V.P Weston reminds the committee that there is a motion and a second, and asks for any more discussion.

kk.  Senator Lopez questions Senator Costa’s objectivity because she is involved.

ll.  V.P Weston explains that a motion was made by Senator Clark and a second was made by Secretary Stanczak.

mm Senator Lopez gets upset and leaves the room @10:20am.

nn Motion Passes 5-0-0

4.  New Business Information Only

a.  Items for consideration at future meetings may be suggested. Any discussion of an item under “New Business” is limited to description and clarification of the subject matter of the item, which may include the reasons for the request.

b.  None

5.  Public Comment (3-minute limit each speaker) Information Only

a.  Public comment will be taken during this agenda item. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item until the matter is included on an agenda as an item on which action may be taken. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person. Persons making comment will be asked to begin by stating their name for the record and to spell their last name. The Chair may elect to allow additional public comment on a specific agenda item when that agenda item is being considered.

b.  In accordance with Attorney General Opinion No. 00-047, as restated in the Attorney General’s Open Meeting Law Manual, the Chair may prohibit comment if the content of that comment is a topic that is not relevant to, or within the authority of, ASCSN Student Government, or if the content is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.

c.  None

6.  Adjournment: meeting @ 10:22 am Action


CSN Cheyenne Campus, Main Building 1st Floor across from Stu. Gov. Dept. Ste. #E102, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV 89030

CSN Cheyenne Campus, Main Building 1st Floor Room #S101, 3200 E. Cheyenne Ave., N. Las Vegas, NV 89030

CSN Henderson Campus, “B” Building 1st Floor Stu. Service Hall, 700 College Dr., Henderson, NV 89002

CSN Summerlin High Tech Center, Main Building 1st floor student lounge room 106, 333 S. Pavilion Center Dr., Las Vegas NV 89144

CSN West Charleston Campus, “B” Building 1st Floor Room #107, 6375 W. Charleston Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89146

CSN West Charleston Campus, “D” Building 1st Floor near Advising/Success Coaches, 6375 W. Charleston Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89146