Montour School District
Board of School Directors
Agenda Planning/Regular Monthly Meeting
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Place: High School Auditorium
Time: 6:30 p.m.
ORDER The Regular Board Meeting of the Montour Board of School Directors was called toorder by Mr. Suess at 8:15 p.m.
PLEDGE The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
ROLL CALL: The following members were present:
ROLLMr. BarclayMr. DudashMr. Suess
Mr. CaliguireMr. MillerMr. Young
Mr. DiClementeMrs. Snell (phone)Mr. Faith (phone)
Also present at the Board Meeting:
Donald Palmer, SolicitorJason Burik, Substitute Superintendent
Teresa DiCenzo, Board Secretary/Recording Secretary
The request received from Tommy Sylvester to address the Board has been canceled and no
further requests were received.
President Mr. Suess requested a motion for the following items under the President’s Report:
1.Approve the Montour Board of School Directors minutes from the Regular Monthly Meeting of September 25, 2014, Special Meeting of October 9, 2014 and the Regular Monthly Meeting of October 28, 2014.
2.Accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Parkway West Career and Technology Center Joint Committee held on October 7, 2014.
Mr. Young made the motion to approve the President’s Report seconded by Mr. Dudash.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
Supt. Rept.Mr. Suess called on Mr. Burik to present the Superintendent’s Report. Mr. Burik Reported on
the information in packet for proposals to Left Turning Lane and Traffic Signal at Clever
Road. Mr. Burik announced that he will be meeting with the AIU Technology rep to go over the analysis of the district’s Technology. Mr. Burik passed out a Residency affidavit to the
Board for their review and spoke to training and where the district is with SunGard. Mr. Burik called on Dr. Stone to report.
Dr. Stone reported on the School Performance Profiles for the 13/14 School Year and the Chevron Conference/Project Lead the Way. V
Treas. Rpt.
Budget &Mr. Suesscalled on Ms. Borsos to present the Treasurers Report and the Budget & Finance Agenda.
Mrs. Borsos presented the Treasurers Report and Budget & Finance as follows:
Revenues Year to Date$41,086,559.54
Expenditures Year to Date$15,576,616.88
Project H.S. #3349:
Total Value of Contracts$45,216,682.00
Audio Visual Construction$ 1,866,500.00
Approved Change Orders to date$ 5,743,337.05
Total Contract Value$52,826,519.05
Change Orders Pending$ 0.00
Construction Dollars Spent to date$52,753,005.14
Project Athletic Ctr. #3350:
Total Value of Contracts$14,578,520.25
Change Orders Approved$ 841,157.70
Change Orders Pending$ 0.00
Construction Dollars Spent to date$16,865,944.12
US Bank 2011 Bond Balance$ 95,768.03
October 2014 bills for payment
Elementary$ 267,488.37
Driveway$ 187,920.03
Revenues Year to Date$ 257,954.29
Expenditures Year to Date$ 346,456.43
# of Breakfast served in October 4,152
# of Lunches served in October 24,562
October’s Ala Carte dollar sales $ 44,309.05
1.Approve the payment of bills from the Capital Project fund in the amount of $7,435.04 the Capital Reserve Fund in the amount of $455,408.40 the General Fund in the amount of $3,976,495.60 and ratify the payment of bills from the General Fund in the amount of $90,494.25.
2.Approve the 2015 Resolution from Allegheny Intermediate Unit authorizing the MSD to participate in the Joint Purchasing Board and designating the Business Manager and Assistant Business Manger as member and alternate respectively.
3.Approve a two-year Print Management Agreement with WPS and the MSD effective January 1, 2015, pending review of agreement by Solicitor.
Mr. Dudash made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and items 1-3 under the Budget
& Finance Agenda seconded by Mr. Young.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
Education Mr. Suess called on Dr. Stone to present the items under the Education Agenda as follows:
1.Approve Mrs. Christina Frank and Ms. Nicole Gutt as homebound instructors (5 hours per week) beginning the week of 10/27/14, cost as per CBA.
2.Accept the Chevron Grant in the amount of $12,000 awarded to DEW Middle School to expand STEM/PLTW offerings at the middle school.
3.Approve the placement of a DEW student in the Holy Family Institute at a cost of $130.00 per day.
Mr. Dudash made the motion to approve items 1-3 seconded by Mr. Young.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
FacilitiesMr. Suess called on Mr. Capo to present the Facilities and Operation Agenda as follows:
1.It is recommended that the Board approve the following change orders:
#003Custom ContractingIncrease $31,989.62
#004Custom ContractingIncrease$31,208.13
#005Custom ContractingIncrease $59,100.39
#EC-001Frankl Electric IncIncrease $ 3,814.77
#EE-002Frankl Electric IncIncrease $ 1,930.00
Mr. Dudash made the motion to approve the change orders seconded by Mr. Miller.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
PersonnelMr. Suesscalled on Ms. Crump to present the Personnel Agenda and requested a motion as follows:
1.Approve the request of Patrice Lucas, MHS SpanishTeacher for an Educational Sabbatical for the 2nd Semester of the 14/15 school year, pending approved course of study in accordance with Public School Code of 1949.
2.Approve the request of Kristen DeLuca, MHS MathTeacher for a Paid/Unpaid FMLA effective November 6, 2014 through the end of the 14/15 school year.
3.Approve the request of Courtney Fleming, 1st gradeteacher Forest Grove, for a paid FMLA for the second semester of the 14/15 school year.
4.Approve Kelly Rerko as a long term substitute for Patrice Lucas, MHS Spanish Teacher for the second semester of the 14/15 school year at Bachelors Step I of the CBA.
5.Approve Anna Hipfel as a long term substitute for Kristen DeLuca, HS Math effective November 6, 2014 through the end of the 14/15 school year at Bachelors Step 8 of the CBA.
6.Approve Ross Polk as a long term substitute for Courtney Fleming, 1st grade Forest Grove, for the second semester of the 14/15 school year at Bachelors Step I of the CBA.
7.Approve the assigned student teacher placements for Spring 2015.
8.Deny the request from MSD Teacher to delete her Special Education Certification.
9.Approve the employment of Terri Testa as Director of Human Resources for a period
of three years at a salary of $92,500.
Mr. Miller made the motion to approve the items under Professional Personnel seconded by Mr. Young.
ROLL CALL:Mr. Caliguire, Yes; Mr. Young, Yes; Mr. Dudash, Yes; Mr. DiClemente,
Yes; Mr. Barclay, Yes; Mrs. Snell, Yes; Mr. Miller, Yes; Mr. Suess,
Yes to 1-8 Under Professional Personnel NOto 9; Mr. Faith, Yes to 1-8 Under Professional Personnel NO to 9.
Cerro &Mr. Caliguire made a motion to reinstate Mr. Lou Cerro and Mr. Anthony Rippole to their
Rippolepositions pending completion of the investigation by the District. Mr. Young wanted the public
to understand that the investigation is still on-going.
ROLL CALL:Mr. Caliguire, Yes; Mr. Young, Yes; Mr. Dudash, Yes; Mr. DiClemente,
Yes; Mr. Barclay, Yes; Mrs. Snell, Yes; Mr. Miller, NO; Mr. Suess,
NO ; Mr. Faith, NO.
1.Approve the following job description: Lead Custodian
2.Approve the attached ACT 93 Conference Request Matrix.
Mr. Dudash made the motion to approve items 1 & 2 seconded by Mr. Young.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
Mr. Suess made a motion to rescind the approval of Kellington Protection Services as the district’s security provider seconded by Mr. Dudash.
ROLL CALL:Mr. Caliguire, NO; Mr. Young, NO; Mr. Dudash, NO; Mr. DiClemente,
NO; Mr. Barclay, NO; Mrs. Snell, NO; Mr. Miller, NO; Mr. Suess,
YES; Mr. Faith, YES.
1.Approve the addition of Nick Weaver to the Auxiliary Worker List.
Mr. Dudash made the motion to approve the addition seconded by Mr. Young.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
ATHLETICMr. Caliguire made a motion seconded by Mr. Dudash that the Board approve the payment of
$4,000 to the Kennedy Township Softball Organization for the use of fields for practice and
games for the 2014/2015 Softball Season.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
There was a request for a donation from the district towards the girl’s soccer rings. After a
short discussion Mr. Miller made a motion seconded by Mr. Caliguire that the district would donate towards rings pending policy guidance.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
Mr. Caliguire answered the audience’s questions about rehiring the Girls Soccer Coach and stated that the district will begin hiring coaches as soon as their seasons are over.
Mr. Suess called on Mr. Weiss to present the Solicitor’s Report/Agenda.
ReportMr. Weiss requested a motion to approve the settlement with Mr. Karlik and Mr. Dattilo as
Mr. Dudash made the motion to approve the settlement agreement seconded by Mr. Miller.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
MOUMr. Weiss requested a motion to disallow the MOU retirement offer due to the MOU not
being Board authorized.
Mr. Caliguire made the motion to disallow the MOU seconded by Mr. Young.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
CommentMr. Suess asked if there was any public comment. The following addressed the Board:
Mr. Ernie Ricci of Robinson Township had comments and questions regarding Mr. Cerro
and Mr. Rippole and questions who had let them keep coaching the children.
Mr. Jeff Jablonski of Robinson Township commented that he is disappointed this issue with
Mr. Cerro and Mr. Rippole is not resolved yet. The people are here for the kids and we are
taking our community back. Suggested buying Dr. Boyer out and severing the ties.
Mr. Ken Barth of Robinson Township commented on the district administrator double dipping.
Dave Haseleu of Robinson Township commented on the fact that it has been four months since
this investigation began and we still don’t even know why the two employees are out. He hopes
that this happens openly and quickly.
Mr. Suess asked if there were any more comments from those in attendance, hearing none he
requested a motion to adjourn at 9:06 p.m.
Mr. Caliguire made the motion to adjourn seconded by Mr. Dudash.
ROLL CALL:All Present Voted “YES”
Scott Suess, Vice PresidentTeresa DiCenzo, Secretary