
R / P /


/ A / T / Y / P / U / S
L /


L / W / O
N / A / O
E / M / U / E / K / L / K
C / R / O / C / O / D / I / L / E / A
K / H / A / A / B
E / I / L / B / U
D / D / A / Y / R
L / N / R
I / A / A
A / D / I / N / G / O
D / W / O / M / B / A / T

frill-necked lizard, emu, wombat, crocodile, koala, echidna, platypus, dingo, wallaby, kookaburra


F / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I
R / J / P /


/ A / T / Y / P / U / S
I / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / U / R
L / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z / K
L / A / B / C / D / E / F / W / G / O
N / H / I / J / K / L / M / A / N / O
E / M / U / E / K / O / P / L / Q / K
C / R / O / C / O / D / I / L / E / A
K / R / S / H / A / T / U / A / V / B
E / W / X / I / L / Y / Z / B / A / U
D / B / C / D / A / D / E / Y / F / R
L / G / H / N / I / J / K / L / M / R
I / N / O / A / P / Q / U / R / S / A
Z / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z / A / B
A / C / D / I / N / G / O / D / E / F
R / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O
D / P / Q / W / O / M / B / A / T / R

frill-necked lizard, emu, wombat, crocodile, koala, echidna, platypus, dingo, wallaby, kookaburra



The koala
The koala is a marsupial (Beuteltier). It has got a pouch (Beutel) which opens downwards. It eats only special eucalyptus leaves and doesn't drink water. The name "koala" means "no water" and comes from the Aboriginal language. / The kookaburra
The kookaburra is a very special bird in Australia. It is called Laughing Jackass or Bushman's Clock because every morning the kookaburra family start the day with long, loud laughter. The kookaburra eats poisonous snakes.
The wallaby
Wallabies are relatives to the kangaroo. They are smaller and their face looks like the face of a rabbit. There are also giant red kangaroos and the little Kangaroo rat. / The dingo
The dingo is the native wild dog of
Australia. It lives in the hot, dry parts. Dingoes are a big problem for the farmers. A 10.000 km long fence shall protect the sheep from the dingo.
The emu
The emu is the largest bird in the world. It can run up to 50 km/h. The female emu lays up to 20 big green eggs in her nest and then she leaves. The male emu has to look after the eggs. / The platypus (Schnabeltier)
The platypus has got a beak and webbed feet like a duck, brown fur and a long, flat tail that looks like a paddle. It lives in tunnels in the back of the rivers and eats crabs and other small animals in the river.
The wombat
The wombat is related to the koala. It is active at night and loves digging holes. It has got no tail and eats roots, leaves and bark (Rinde). Therefore it has very big strong front teeth. / The frill-necked lizard (Kragenechse)
The frill-necked lizard grows to a length of about 70 cm. It is unusual because it loves to run on its hindlegs. When it is frightened it extends its frill to scare its opponent away.
The echidna
(also known as the Spiny Anteater) is a primitive oviparous, (egg-laying) mammal that lives in Australia and New Guinea. This solitary, burrowing animal has tough spines covering the top of its body. The echidna lives for over 50 years in captivity. When attacked, the echidna will quickly burrow in the ground or curl up in a ball.

The crocodile

Large, meat-eating reptiles that spend a lot of their lives in the water. They mostly live in fresh to brackish water, in swamps, marshes, canals, and lakes. Alligators swim very well, mainly using their tails to propel themselves through the water, and also using their webbed feet.



The koala / The kookaburra
The wallaby / The dingo
The emu / The platypus
The wombat / The frill-necked lizard
The crocodile / The echidna




A koala has got a pouch.

It eats special eucalyptus leaves.

It drinks lots of water.

The Kookabura only lives in Africa.

It is also called Crying Jackass.

The wallaby and the wombat are related to the kangaroo.

The platypus is a mammal.

It lays eggs.

It lives in the deserts of Australia.

The dingo is a wild dog in America.

It lives in the cool, moisty parts.

It often is a problem for the farmers.

The echidna is also called Spiny Anteater.

It is an egg-laying mammal.

When it is attacked it bites.

The crocodiles and alligators only live in Australia.

They only eat plant.

They don’t swim well.

The frill-necked lizard is only 40 cm long.

When it is happy it extends its frill.

The emu is one of the largest birds in the world.

The female lays about 10 eggs and looks after them.

The male bird leaves the nest.

credit to Angelika Brozek