2015-2016 School Year
To the Students and Parents:
Welcome to 7th grade science! Students look forward to exploring biology, ecology, physics, chemistry, and astronomy. There are many changes planned for this year. With all of us working together this will be the best year of your school career. Parents, as you are aware, your support is an important tool in assuring a student’s success in school. To get information or class updates, please make sure your e-mail is up to date with school messenger. Also, refer to parent portal regularly to view your child’s grades. My conference is during 3rd period and tutorials are Wednesday, 3-3:30, or by an appointment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by internet at or at 281-324-2598.
1. BE ON TIME and ready to learn something new every day!
2. BE PREPARED. Bring your science folder, homework, paper, pen, and other necessary supplies every day.
3. RESPECT YOURSELF AND EACH OTHER. There is no substitute for good manners.
4. WAIT TO BE DISMISSED. The bell tells ME when to dismiss YOU!
1. Stay positive throughout our learning process!
2. All homework is due when called for. Late Work of one day will have 15 points deducted and 30 points for two class days. Work will not be accepted after two days. Be sure to ask for your makeup work BEFORE the class begins.
3. Paper belongs in the trashcan NOT on the floor. Pick up after yourself.
4. ALL work is to be done in blue/black ink or pencil unless otherwise specified.
5. Pre AP—60 % test and 40% Homework Science—50 % test and 50% homework
Blue or black ink pens Glue Sticks (2) Map pencils One subject Spiral Notebook Kleenex – 1 box Pencils
Hand sanitizer
DETACH and RETURN this slip to Mrs. Sample/Room 101
We, ______and ______, the parents/guardians of ______
(Mom’s signature) (Dad’s signature) (Please print)
are aware of the supplies needed for your class and the behavior expected in your classroom.
My son/daughter has permission to access the internet in science class following the guidelines as detailed in the student handbook. YES _____ NO _____
My son/daughter has permission to have his/her picture taken to be included in district or classroom media
publications. YES _____ NO _____
Parents’ email addresses: ______
Parents’ phone numbers – home work