Delano Tiger Athletic Booster Club

Meeting Minutes

August 12, 2012

1.  Introductions/Attendee’s: Vicki Noetzelman, Jan Lemke, Julie Giese, Janeen Peterson, Carolyn Gallagher, Pete Dubay, Mindy Vieau, Kevin Noetzelman, Jill Arens, Patti Lemmerman, Nancy Cordes, Tammy Pulis, Heidi O’Donnell, Taunia Hart, Lynn Eidahl, Kari Jo Kantrovich, Mitch Rue, Ann Wittinger, Boak Wiesner, Chad Skartvedt

2.  Secretary report – July 15, 2012 Minutes, Approve at the end of the meeting

Motion by: Motion by Mitch Rue 2nd: Kevin Noetzelman. Approved

3.  Financial Report – July 15, 2012, Approve at the end of the meeting

Motion by: Pete Dubay 2nd: Tammy Pulis Approved

4.  Old Business:

a.  Pavers: Waiting on logo approval from school. Vicki sent the logo to Mike Lindquist and may need to meet with Mr. Schoen for final approval.

b.  Program Jacket Ads – 2012-2013-August 17th Deadline

i.  How are phone calls going? Follow-up with your businesses, especially the ones that had an add in last year’s program.

ii. Fall pictures-Tennis, Boys/Girls Soccer, Cross Country, Volleyball, Cheerleading and Girls Swimming. Need the Varsity photo and the senior’s photo. The photo’s can be submitted to the Booster website at . Pictures should be submitted by the 23rd.

c.  Gold Cards – August 19, Meet in the Cafeteria at 5:30

Each team will need two adult drivers and four kids per car. Work with your Coaches on communicating/organizing this.

i.  Rezoning team update: Packets have been updated.

ii. Number of cards to order? Pete ordered 600. The cards should be here by the 16th.

iii.  Notice in the paper – Mitch indicated an add will be in Monday’s paper.

iv.  Drop off extra cards at: TAC, Flippin Bills, Doreen’s and Jaunich Tire

d.  Spirit Stickers – HS, MS, Elementary Open House

i.  Coordinator at each location on August 29th. Stickers are $5 each with a profit of $3.25

ii. Elementary 4-6-Mindy Vieau. Middle School 5-7-Jan Lemke. High School 6-8-Vicki Noetzelman

e.  4th of July Opportunity – Alex Roeser

i.  Vicki thought Alex was going to attend the meeting to give an overview of what the request is about. She will follow up with him.

f.  Pizza Hut Monday Night Special

i.  Need an update on where this one is at.

5.  New Business:

a.  Meat Raffle –the first night is Friday, September 7th. Tammy will get the schedule together in the next two weeks. The process is new this year and the packet/pouches will be reviewed at the meeting on the 9th.

6. Meeting Adjourn: Motion by Mindy Vieau, 2nd by Lynn Eidahl. Approved

Good Luck to all of the Fall Sports!!

Next Meetings: September 9th, 2012 @ Delano High School Cafeteria

Future Meeting Dates: 2012–September 9, October 14, November 11,

December 9, 2013 - January 13, February 10, March 10, April 14