Information Sheet

For Parishes Or Institutions Preparing For


With an Auxiliary Bishop


Lectors or Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

•Should be individuals who regularly serve in this capacity for the community.

•Ordinary Ministers of Communion (i.e., priests and deacons) who are vested and present in the sanctuary must be utilized at Communion before any Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.

•The newly confirmed should not serve in this capacity at this Mass.

The Auxiliary Bishop encourages concelebration. For the sake of the planners, concelebrating priests should give advance notice of their desire to do so.

The Auxiliary Bishop will need three (3) altar servers, four (4) if incense is to be used.

•Altar servers should be mature and have a good sense about how to carry out their function with proper decorum.

•While they need to be familiar with and adept at their normal duties, altar servers need not be rehearsed in their special responsibilities with regard to the Auxiliary Bishop (assisting with the miter and crosier, etc.) because the Master of Ceremonies (MC) will instruct them and cue them as necessary.

The Auxiliary Bishopwill use his own MC unless another arrangement is made in advance.


Mass is to start on time.

•Any musical rehearsals and preludes are to be finished before Mass time.

•Any proclamations or announcements are also to be finished before Mass begins.

•The procession of Candidates and sponsors is to be completed before Mass time.

Outdoor Masses are discouraged because such things as insects and weather are too unpredictable.

Ritual items

Participation aids

•A draft of the participation aid for the people is to be submitted to the Office for Worship by email to for approval 3 weeksprior to printing.

•Please include all copyright permission and reprint license information.

•Texts that are not needed for the assembly’s participation are not to be printed in the participation aid.

Such texts not to be printed include the celebrant's prayers, the Renewal of Baptismal Promises, etc.

Readings may be included in the participation aid if they are proclaimed in a language other thanEnglish or for the hearing impaired.

Any additional festive items carried forward in the gathering procession should be set down in such a way as to not make the sanctuary appear cluttered.

The Word of God is to be proclaimed from the Lectionary or Gospel Book, not a typed sheet.

If you wish the Auxiliary Bishop to consider a specific Eucharistic Prayer, please note that on the planning sheet.

At least one large host for the Auxiliary Bishop’s use must be available.

Hosts to be consecrated should be brought to the altar in one large metal ciborium. If sufficient Eucharist wasnot consecrated, reserved Eucharist from the tabernacle may be used. Reserved Eucharist may be removed from the tabernacle once the distribution of Holy Communion has begun.

The preparation of the chalice and cups filled with wine in advance of consecration is the norm. The chalice and cups filled with wine should be prepared before Mass. Once consecration takes place, there should be no pouring of consecrated wine (Precious Blood).

The Auxiliary Bishop will bring his own vestments.

•If your parish has special vestments, please specify this in your liturgy plan.If there is a question about the proper color, consult with the Office for Worship.

Ritual practices

Candidates may ritually process to their places for the liturgy prior to the Opening Procession of the ministers. This procession is to be concluded prior to the starting time of Mass. This takes place before the Opening Hymn.

A common order of procession is as follows:

•Thurifer (incense)


•Servers (candles optional)

•Lector(s) (with Book of the Gospels if there is no deacon)

•Deacon (with Book of the Gospels)

•Concelebrating Clergy

•Master of Ceremonies

A brief penitential actor a Sprinkling Rite may be used.

When the Gloria is used, it is to be sung; the Auxiliary Bishop will not intone it.

In the Roman Missal, Third Edition, the rubrics call for the Gloria more frequently than before. Nine out of the ten Ritual Masses prescribe the Gloria. These Masses are all treated as if they were Feasts and the Gloria is used for them even when celebrated during Advent or Lent. Masses for Confirmation would include the Gloria, even when they occur during Advent or Lent. NOTE: Ritual Masses are prohibited on Sundays of Advent and Lent. Therefore, if a celebration of Confirmation is scheduled on a Sunday in Advent or Lent, we would NOT include the Gloria. If further clarification is needed, contact the Office for Worship.

The Responsorial Psalm is to be a psalm, not another hymn or reading, and verses should be moderated.

If a deacon is present, he is to proclaim the Gospel.

If no deacon is present, a concelebrant should proclaim the Gospel.

The deacon or priest who is proclaiming the Gospel is to receive a blessing from the Auxiliary Bishop before approaching the ambo.

The Gospel book is presented to the Auxiliary Bishop after the proclamation for him to reverence with a kiss. The deacon does not venerate the Gospel book with a kiss.

If no deacon is present, a concelebrant should perform all the liturgical responsibilities of a deacon.

Avoid extending music beyond the ritual action that it accompanies, e.g. at the preparation of the gifts and at the conclusion of the distribution of Holy Communion.

In accordance with liturgical norms, the only items that are brought forward during the presentation of the gifts are bread, wine, and other gifts to meet the needs of the Church and the poor.

•“Symbolic” gift processions are not appropriate.

Communion under both species is the norm in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

The Auxiliary Bishop’s chalice may be carried forward in the procession of the gifts.

•If at all possible only that which is consecrated at that Mass should be used.

The Auxiliary Bishop does use the lavabo (washing of hands) at Preparation of the Altar.

The Auxiliary Bishopdoes wash his hands after distribution of Communion.

In accordance with liturgical norms, all acclamations are sung.

The Auxiliary Bishop, concelebrants and deacon(s) assisting at Mass are to receive Communion before the Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist.

The Auxiliary Bishop expects to distribute Communion at such celebrations.

The Communion vessels may be purified at the altar after distribution or in the sacristy after Mass.

Additions to rituals (e.g. promises by parish, tributes by Candidates) are not permitted.

Announcements, directions, and comments should be made from a place distinct from the ambo after the prayer after Communion.


A separate vesting room is not neded for the Auxiliary Bishop.

If a wireless microphone is to be used, it should be laid out for the Auxiliary Bishop with a fresh battery.

Additional arrangements

Questions sometimes arise about an offering to the Auxiliary Bishop. While no money is expected, communities that wish to may provide or send an offering to the Auxiliary Bishop. The monies are used to fund certain charities. If a visiting (arch) bishopfrom another diocese comes to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, the stipend is to be $250. A separate stipend may be offered to the MC.

If dinner arrangements are made, any dinner invitations must be cleared with the Auxiliary Bishop’s calendar ahead of time.

Any dinner or reception should be scheduled as close to the celebration as possible, still respecting the Eucharistic fast.

At some time during his visit, the Auxiliary Bishop will want to inspect and sign the sacramental registers of your parish, and alsoof any additional parishes involved in this ceremony. (cf. canon 535, §4).

Guidelines For Confirmation Celebrations


The Auxiliary Bishop encourages the use of cards for identifying and keeping track of Candidates. These may be index cards, each with the following information on them:

•The given name of the Candidate at the top of the card, and below the given name;the confirmation name should appear in a much larger and bolder print so that the confirmation name can be easily distinguished from the given name.

•As the Candidate approaches, the name card is displayed to the Auxiliary Bishop by a person standing to his left. Cards are collected by this person.

The Auxiliary Bishop will need notification of the number of Candidates he will confirm.

Recording the Confirmation in the Confirmation Register:

•To simplify the recording in the Confirmation Register, the Auxiliary Bishop has authorized recording all those confirmed at these celebrations under the name of the Auxiliary Bishop who is the celebrant.

•The parish is reminded to send notifications of Confirmation to the church of baptism.

Letters of Intent:

•Letters of intent should be written to the Auxiliary Bishopand mailed directly in one packet to the Auxiliary Bishop at least 30 days prior to the date of Confirmation. Mail it to: The Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 3501 S. Lake Drive, PO Box 070912, Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912. Please do not fold the letters nor place them in individual envelopes. Letters of intent might include:

The Candidate’s desire to be confirmed.

The name of the saint the Candidate has chosen should be mentioned along with a reason for the selection of that particular saint.

A statement or two about their growth of faith: past, present, future.

A description of their service endeavors and the effect of these on their life.

How they see themselves participating in the Mission of the Church as adults.

Respecting the possibility of a confidential communication, the candidate letters should be read by someone on the parish staff to see if the letter requests the sacrament and the person is acting freely.

It is preferred that the letters be computer generated on standard paper, and are limited to two pages.

According to the Confirmation Ritual, the readings may be taken completely or in part from the Mass of the day or from the texts for confirmation in the Lectionary for Mass and listed in the Rite itself.

•On Easter weekdays, except the Octave of Easter, the readings may be taken from the Rite. On Sundays and solemnities, the readings of the day must be used.

•In case of doubt, please contact the Office for Worship.

The Auxiliary Bishop prefers to stand while administering the sacrament.

Candidates and sponsors are to be sufficiently prepared so that they know where to stand, when to move, and how to respond to the Auxiliary Bishop.

Provision should be made for the washing of the Auxiliary Bishop’s hands after the anointing of those confirmed: pitcher of warm water, basin, dishwashingsoap,a lemon (if available) and towels.

Those responsible for confirmation preparation should be familiar with the confirmation section of the Archdiocesan Sacramental Guidelines.


Entrance Procession:

Candidates may take part in a processionwith or without their sponsors.

•The procession of Candidates and sponsors is to be completed before the beginning of the procession with the ministers of the Mass.

•Once the candidates and sponsors are in place they will be expected to participate in the gathering song.

•They should know how to reverence the Reserved Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle if present in the worship space, or altar before turning and moving toward their seats.

•The procession with the ministers of the Massshould start on time accompanied by the Opening Hymn.

•It is preferred that the newly confirmed not take part in the closing procession.

Introductory Rites:

A brief Penitential Act or a Sprinkling Rite may be used.

Liturgy of the Word:

It is best to choose parish lectors who are trained and experienced in proclaiming the Word.

Candidates are not to proclaim the readings.

The number of verses used during the Responsorial Psalm should be moderated and not protracted.

A deacon proclaims the Gospel. If there is no deacon, a concelebrant proclaims the Gospel.

Rite of Confirmation

All individual names may be called. It is requested that theCandidates stand as their name is called and be seated as the next name is called so that there is only one Candidate standing at a time. The Candidates do not make any response other than standing up.

Baptismal Vows:

Candidates should be familiar with this ritual text and prepared to answer ‘I do’ in a strong, audible voice at the appropriate time.

The Laying on of Hands:

Concelebrating priests join in making this ritual gesture. Deacons do not participate in this ritual gesture.

If there are lessthan 20 Candidates, they may come forward for the Auxiliary Bishopand concelebrants to lay hands on them individually. If there are 20 or more Candidates, laying on hands will be done as a group with the Candidates remaining in their pews.


The anointing with Chrism most often takes place at the edge of the sanctuary.

•The Auxiliary Bishopwill bring his own Chrism.

•The Auxiliary Bishop prefers to stand for the anointing. Candidates are to approach in a single line, with their sponsor standing to their left.

Candidates are to line up, rather than waiting in the pew for their turn. Candidates and sponsors are to stand close to those ahead of them in line so that there is no delay.

Candidates are to have nothing in their hands or in their mouths. (No gum.)

An assisting minister stands on the right of the Auxiliary Bishop, holding the Chrism.

Another assisting minister stands on his left displaying and collecting the name cards.

Upon approaching the Auxiliary Bishop, the sponsor presents the Candidate.

The sponsor stands behind the Candidate, placing the right hand on the Candidate’s right shoulder, and saying strongly and audibly to the Auxiliary Bishop, “Bishop, this is N.” The only name presented is the saint’s name selected as the patron for this Sacrament.

When the confirming minister says, “N., be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”, the newly confirmed responds strongly and audibly, “Amen.”

When the confirming minister says, “Peace be with you,” the newly confirmed responds strongly and audibly, “And with your spirit.”

Any photography taken during the Rite of Confirmation is to be done at a distance and in an inconspicuous manner. This includes any professional photographer. A flash is not to be used.

Instrumental music or a song may be sung during the anointing, but it is recommended that it not begin until after several Candidates have been confirmed. Music or songs should not be so loud as to make it difficult for the Auxiliary Bishop to hear and speak during the Rite of Confirmation.

Universal Prayer

These are to be offered by the deacon orby one person, who has experience and training.

These are to be taken directly from the Order of Confirmation and are available below. If any additions are added they must be presented to the Office for Worship for approval.

The Universal Prayer

The Universal Prayer follows in this form determined by the competent authority.


My dear brothers and sisters,

let us humbly pray to God the almighty Father

and be of one mind in our prayer,

just as faith, hope and charity,

which proceed from his Holy Spirit, are one.

Deacon or minister:

For these his servants,

whom the gift of the Holy Spirit has confirmed:

that, planted in faith and grounded in love,

they may bear witness to Christ the Lord

by their way of life,

let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

Deacon or minister:

For their parents and sponsors:

that by word and example

they may continue to encourage

those whom they have sponsored in the faith

to follow in the footsteps of Christ,

let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

Deacon or minister:

For the holy Church of God

together with N. our Pope, N. our Bishop,

and all the Bishops:

that gathered by the Holy Spirit,

the Church may grow and increase in the unity of

faith and love

until the coming of the Lord,

let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

Deacon or minister:

For the whole world:

that all people, who have oneMaker and Father,

may acknowledge one another as brothers and sisters,

without discrimination of race or nation,

and with sincere hearts seek the Kingdom of God,

which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,

let us pray to the Lord.

R. Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

Liturgy of the Eucharist:

The usual norms for the celebration of Mass with an Auxiliary Bishop follow for the remainder of the liturgy.

  • If music is used during the Preparation of the Altar and Gifts, it is to end when the Auxiliary Bishop is washing his hands. It might be better to use instrumental music rather than music with a text since it is more easily adjusted to accompany these rites.
  • Immediately after the distribution of Holy Communion is completed there is a brief silent pause. The Prayer after Communion is then prayed. No thanksgiving hymn or musical meditation is to take place after the distribution of Holy Communion.

Liturgy Planning Guide For Confirmation With anAuxiliary Bishop