Energy Kinesiology Association

Ethics Course

Purchase Agreement

This is a purchase contract between the Energy Kinesiology Association and Kathie Guhl and Deborah Hurt Burchard. EnKA agrees to purchase the following courses:


Ethics 1$1000

Ethics 2$1000

Ethics 3$1000


The total purchase price of $3000 is to be split between Kathie and Deb. Purchase of these courses includes the rights to all materials, a class syllabus and training manuals.

EnKA will retain all rights to the courses including when and how the classes are taught, who teaches them and any changes to the course content and the fee charged to take a course. Furthermore, EnKA can sell the rights to teach these courses at anytime.

EnKA will maintain control of the manuals and certificates. instructors will be responsible for purchasing manuals and certificates from EnKA for the printing and mailing costs.

It is further agreed that EnKA will pay for the courses as classes are taught. Payment installments can be made in three payments per Ethics class. (i.e. $400 (up front), $300 (at 6 months) $300 (at 1 yr).

Qualifications of a future Ethics Instructor:

Level 2 Certified Professional

1000 Hours of Practical Kinesiology Experience

Must have taken each Ethics course twice.

NOTE: Annemarie and Karri from Denmark and Norway want to buy the courses.

NOTE: The paragraph below is from the July 2008 Pre-conference board meeting minutes:

Ethics Classes/Committee: Kathie Guhl and Deborah Hurt, the developers of the Ethics I, II and III classes, met with the board. The purpose of the Ethics classes was to raise the ethical standards of the EnKA profession and to bring monies into the organization. Kathie and Deborah proposed to give all three classes to EnKA (after teaching each class twice) in exchange for $1000 per class (total of $3,000) to be split between Kathie and Deborah.

EnKA would also be responsible for who teaches the classes. After discussion, Ann moved to accept their proposal and for EnKA to pay Kathie and Deborah $3,000 for the Ethics I, II and III classes with the understanding that payments will be made as classes are taught. The motion was seconded by Ron and passed by the board.

2009 Conference

At the 2008 Conference if there was less than $300 per class, Kathie split the money in half and EnKA got half and Kathie and Deb split the other half.

The Ethics Classes that are taught at the 2009 Conference, EnKA will receive 70% of the net profit, Kathie and Deb will receive and split 30%. If the net profit is $300 or less, EnKA and Kathie/Deb will split the profit 50/50.