Bonita Pines Club

Member Special Meeting

February 1, 2018

Meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Vice-President Rick Thoman, Board members present were Tom Hapka, Sonny Lorentzen and Sharon McGarry. Tellers were Charlie Adams, (A building) Dave Meyer (B building) Jill Houghey (C building) Ruth Becker (D building) and Bill Whittaker (E building.) Head teller, Ruth Becker announced that we had a quorum.

The minutes of the April 24, 2017 meeting were read and approved.

Old Business:

Ron reported on the pickleball/tennis courts. The dedicated pickleball courts have been well used and the numbers are picking up. The regular players have volunteered to chip in for the movable nets for the north court. The leftover paint that remained is being stored for the future as it was included in the bid. Total cost of the job was $11,400.

Tom reported that we have a bid from Erik Brown for $175,000 to complete all stairs and stair railings. This bid does not include balcony railings. The current plan is to hold off on the stairs until the roofs are done so the workers aren’t impeded. We could get started on A building. The contractor will honor the bid amount for a while.

Due to costs, there is no pool fence painting planned at this time. Volunteers will be sought to do a good cleaning.

Members were reminded to use remodeling and renter forms. The architectural form has been updated. This is vital to insure quality of work for the safety of all and includes everything that you are changing that involves floors, plumbing, electrical, cabinets, walls or ceilings. If you aren’t sure…ASK.

Renter forms must be completed and it is the responsibility of the owners to be sure they are done. It isn’t being nosy, we need to know who is on the property and what cars go to what unit.

Both forms are on the website for your convenience.

New Business:

Grant and Judy have officially retired. The party held in their honor was well-attended and hugs and tears were shared. They will be missed, but aren’t too far away.

Our new employees, Daniel and Rosanna, have been busy getting acclimated to BPC. It is hoped that we can give them a BPC welcome and help them with the transition. To protect Daniel’s privacy, we are implementing a new system for contacting him. There will be a phone installed in the records/electrical room in C building. Daniel will be able to access the machine remotely, but he is not on 24 hour call. If you have a true emergency, call a plumber/electrician. We also recommend utilizing the message box by the mailboxes in C building to let him know of a problem.

Tom made some suggestions for owners:

  • Have a condo-watch person who can keep an eye on your place!
  • Give a spare key to a trusted neighbor

Other ideas were:

  • Have a volunteer serve as a building liaison
  • Set up an email address for BPC

The proposal for a pool lift was presented. It will be funded by Jack Morrison (C 111) for $6000 with permits and installation of $1455 being paid for by BPC. The unit will be installed on the south side of the pool near the steps. It can be removed in the off-season and stored. Rules will be posted and everyone needs to help monitor usage. Daniel will be able to do the removal and re-installing. Pool inspector will let us know if any maintenance is needed as he does for other parts of the pool. A vote was taken. The proposal passed with 59 voting yes and 9 voting no.

Rick reported on the hurricane damages. The flood insurance company (Hartford) has sent their report and it appears to be adequate. The hazard insurance company (American Coastal) has been less than co-operative but has finally sent a fairly vague report. They have agreed to pay for the replacement of 4 roofs (B, C, D, E) Our deductible will be close to $500,000 and we will need to keep the pressure on to make sure they cover all the other needs. Two companies are preparing bids and we should be able to get started in the near future. Rick will keep posting updates by email. (If you haven’t been receiving the emails, contact Herb Nelson and update your email address.)


The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 27. Requests for candidates to run for the board were made. There are two openings: secretary and treasurer.Sonny Lorentzen offered training for anyone who would run for treasurer.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:25.

Sharon McGarry

Secretary Bonita Pines Club Inc.